We’ve been playing a new game. Where are my shoes? Where are my jeans? Have you seen the box with X in it? Where is it?

This morning I spent a few hours unpacking boxes in the kitchen. A handyman was coming to install a filter under the kitchen sink. He needed room to move. Now we can actually see more of the floor and we can stop eating on paper plates. We might even be able to cook a meal.

Next on the agenda is the bathroom. Of course, we have to find all our clothes too. It’s just a sea of boxes everywhere. But somehow, I’d swear we’re missing boxes. Where is that box with X in it?

I’m still exhausted from all the moving. Maybe tomorrow we can sleep in. I’d be happy with sleeping through the night. Once that’s accomplished, I’m sure Lion can have his fun time back. I know he’s been looking forward to that. I could bring a paddle in from the camper to resume punishment, but it does no good if I’m too tired to be effective.

We’ll get there. I’m sure my energy is packed in one of these boxes around here. Maybe it’s with X.

We are spending the night in the camper at our new house. I’m writing this Friday night because tomorrow is move day and I’ve missed posts the past few days. I’ve been too exhausted to think about writing at night. I’m too exhausted right now but enough is enough.

We are not entirely packed. Our plan is to arrive as early as possible to continue packing before the movers show up. I don’t think we’ll be completely done by the time they’re done moving us. I just hope to have as little left as possible that I’ll have to move after our move.

One of the last things we did before we left the old house was to dismantle the mattresses for the bed. We had to let the air out, pull the foam and air bladder, and pack that up. Now the movers can take the frames apart.

To get ready to dismantle the beds, I had to drag the dog’s toys from under the bed. I also pulled out two bins that hold lube and assorted toys. The clear bins obviously show the contents. Unless I want the movers, all about my oldest son’s age, to see the contents I’ll have to get those bins into the car before the movers hit the house.

With any luck, by the time you read this, the truck will be all loaded and will be on it’s way to the new house. With even more luck, the unload will have started. Dare I dream? Speaking of dreaming, we may even be able to sleep in our own bed. True, the camper bed is our bed too. But I mean our house bed, all snuggly in bed with no reason to get up early on Sunday morning. However, it’s a strange place and who knows how well we’ll sleep. Plus, the dog will make sure we’re up early.

All I know is that by Saturday, with the move done, the rules will be back in effect. Punishments will resume. Although it will take a long time to unpack, things will start getting back to normal tomorrow night.

It was bound to happen. The stress of moving and things changing finally got to us. We were yelling at each other last night. I’m still pissed. Yes, I harbor resentment at times. It takes a while for me to calm down, especially when we’ve discussed things, made certain decisions, I’ve been told I’m wrong and we supposedly have a plan in place.

I realized, when Lion ate before I did at breakfast, that I don’t care about the rules right now. Spill stuff, don’t spill stuff. Eat first, don’t eat first. Piss me off, don’t piss me off. I won’t say anything. Except for the pissing me off part. That, you can be sure, will get more than just a look. I’m tired of expressing an idea, having it crapped on, and then we wind up going with that idea because Lion thought of it.

I feel like a pinball game being banged on and rocked. It’s time I said, “Tilt!” So I am, once again, suspending the rules until after the move. They can resume once the movers have left the premises. I know there will be conflicts during unpacking. Lion will still say he’s doing everything. I’ll still be running with the clean up crew. But I think those things will be manageable because we’re no longer under the gun to get things from point A to point B. This deadline is killing us.

Whatever punishment Lion is due, which I think is three or four more days [Lion — Actually, it’s seven days.], will be administered after the rules go back into effect. He will not accumulate any more punishment before then. This does not mean he has free range to annoy me. I will be yelling. It’s something I rarely do. I normally push my feelings down but now I feel like I’m in a perpetual state of annoyance.

If Lion is correct, our stress level should go down now that he’s hiring the movers I suggested weeks ago that he just found this morning. Maybe then I’ll calm down a little.

See, Wayne? Nothing at all about making Lion bleed. Now I’m just yelling. Isn’t that a much healthier approach?

[Lion — I was hoping to complete the move more cheaply. The cost of hiring a mover roughly doubles our cost. It just means that we have to take more money out of savings. Given the fact that this project is causing us so much upset, I think it’s a good use of the money. Mrs. Lion, you were right from the beginning.]

Yesterday we had to go on a box run. Despite the fact that we’ve been throwing out tons of stuff, we still have a lot to pack. It’s not like we have our house jammed with stuff. There’s plenty of wasted space. Don’t envision an episode of “Hoarders”. I don’t know how many boxes we have already packed. At some point I have to consolidate so we have room to pack other things.

My friend came over to help yesterday. She dismantled our pantry (which was a mishmash of food, cleaning supplies, paper products and assorted other crap) in two hours. It would have taken me a week to do it. She also ran through the rest of the kitchen and left us with just enough to navigate the next few days. Of course, there’s still plenty to pack.

We took my friend to dinner as a thank-you for helping. By the time we got home I was exhausted. My legs were killing me and it was difficult to keep my eyes open. We took showers and settled in to watch our football team lose. I was asleep by 10:30. Around 11:30 we finally turned the TV off. I thought I slept well, but I’m still tired today. Just another week or so of this nonsense and we’ll get back to normal.

In the meantime, Lion doesn’t understand why I’d let things slide. If he annoys me, I should punish him. I agree. But that takes energy and I haven’t had much lately. It even takes energy to tell him he’s annoying me. Most of what he’s doing is just not considering my feelings. I suggest something and rather than discuss it, he says we’ll do it his way. Or he’ll discount my idea altogether. Considering I’m doing all of the heavy lifting, my thoughts should count for something.

Maybe I’ll feel better tonight since I got some sleep last night. Lion better watch his butt. I’ll make sure I save some energy for punishment.