We are spending the night in the camper at our new house. I’m writing this Friday night because tomorrow is move day and I’ve missed posts the past few days. I’ve been too exhausted to think about writing at night. I’m too exhausted right now but enough is enough.

We are not entirely packed. Our plan is to arrive as early as possible to continue packing before the movers show up. I don’t think we’ll be completely done by the time they’re done moving us. I just hope to have as little left as possible that I’ll have to move after our move.

One of the last things we did before we left the old house was to dismantle the mattresses for the bed. We had to let the air out, pull the foam and air bladder, and pack that up. Now the movers can take the frames apart.

To get ready to dismantle the beds, I had to drag the dog’s toys from under the bed. I also pulled out two bins that hold lube and assorted toys. The clear bins obviously show the contents. Unless I want the movers, all about my oldest son’s age, to see the contents I’ll have to get those bins into the car before the movers hit the house.

With any luck, by the time you read this, the truck will be all loaded and will be on it’s way to the new house. With even more luck, the unload will have started. Dare I dream? Speaking of dreaming, we may even be able to sleep in our own bed. True, the camper bed is our bed too. But I mean our house bed, all snuggly in bed with no reason to get up early on Sunday morning. However, it’s a strange place and who knows how well we’ll sleep. Plus, the dog will make sure we’re up early.

All I know is that by Saturday, with the move done, the rules will be back in effect. Punishments will resume. Although it will take a long time to unpack, things will start getting back to normal tomorrow night.


  1. I’m hoping as I read this that everything went well yesterday! And that you’re sleeping in this morning. I’m also hoping that you and Lion will enjoy this new home!

    1. Nope, we had to get up at 6:30 AM. TV people coming and Mrs. Lion as to head back to the old house pick up stuff the movers had no room for. Thanks for the good wishes!

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