It was bound to happen. The stress of moving and things changing finally got to us. We were yelling at each other last night. I’m still pissed. Yes, I harbor resentment at times. It takes a while for me to calm down, especially when we’ve discussed things, made certain decisions, I’ve been told I’m wrong and we supposedly have a plan in place.

I realized, when Lion ate before I did at breakfast, that I don’t care about the rules right now. Spill stuff, don’t spill stuff. Eat first, don’t eat first. Piss me off, don’t piss me off. I won’t say anything. Except for the pissing me off part. That, you can be sure, will get more than just a look. I’m tired of expressing an idea, having it crapped on, and then we wind up going with that idea because Lion thought of it.

I feel like a pinball game being banged on and rocked. It’s time I said, “Tilt!” So I am, once again, suspending the rules until after the move. They can resume once the movers have left the premises. I know there will be conflicts during unpacking. Lion will still say he’s doing everything. I’ll still be running with the clean up crew. But I think those things will be manageable because we’re no longer under the gun to get things from point A to point B. This deadline is killing us.

Whatever punishment Lion is due, which I think is three or four more days [Lion — Actually, it’s seven days.], will be administered after the rules go back into effect. He will not accumulate any more punishment before then. This does not mean he has free range to annoy me. I will be yelling. It’s something I rarely do. I normally push my feelings down but now I feel like I’m in a perpetual state of annoyance.

If Lion is correct, our stress level should go down now that he’s hiring the movers I suggested weeks ago that he just found this morning. Maybe then I’ll calm down a little.

See, Wayne? Nothing at all about making Lion bleed. Now I’m just yelling. Isn’t that a much healthier approach?

[Lion — I was hoping to complete the move more cheaply. The cost of hiring a mover roughly doubles our cost. It just means that we have to take more money out of savings. Given the fact that this project is causing us so much upset, I think it’s a good use of the money. Mrs. Lion, you were right from the beginning.]


  1. Love reading your blog every day, I wish you both the best on this move 🙂

    1. Thank you! We’re working through the stuff.

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