Yesterday we had to go on a box run. Despite the fact that we’ve been throwing out tons of stuff, we still have a lot to pack. It’s not like we have our house jammed with stuff. There’s plenty of wasted space. Don’t envision an episode of “Hoarders”. I don’t know how many boxes we have already packed. At some point I have to consolidate so we have room to pack other things.

My friend came over to help yesterday. She dismantled our pantry (which was a mishmash of food, cleaning supplies, paper products and assorted other crap) in two hours. It would have taken me a week to do it. She also ran through the rest of the kitchen and left us with just enough to navigate the next few days. Of course, there’s still plenty to pack.

We took my friend to dinner as a thank-you for helping. By the time we got home I was exhausted. My legs were killing me and it was difficult to keep my eyes open. We took showers and settled in to watch our football team lose. I was asleep by 10:30. Around 11:30 we finally turned the TV off. I thought I slept well, but I’m still tired today. Just another week or so of this nonsense and we’ll get back to normal.

In the meantime, Lion doesn’t understand why I’d let things slide. If he annoys me, I should punish him. I agree. But that takes energy and I haven’t had much lately. It even takes energy to tell him he’s annoying me. Most of what he’s doing is just not considering my feelings. I suggest something and rather than discuss it, he says we’ll do it his way. Or he’ll discount my idea altogether. Considering I’m doing all of the heavy lifting, my thoughts should count for something.

Maybe I’ll feel better tonight since I got some sleep last night. Lion better watch his butt. I’ll make sure I save some energy for punishment.

Yesterday we were supposed to meet an electrician at the new house at 11. We decided to move the camper when we met him. Then he had an emergency so meeting him was moved to late afternoon.

I had to do a lot of running back and forth to get to the point of even hitching the camper. I hate this back and forth and forth and forth nonsense. I was already cranky before we got on the road. Little did I know how much trouble I’d have threading a 33 foot camper between a fence and a hedge. Eventually I got it where we wanted it and then we did what we always do when we go to the house: we played “I think this would fit here better, don’t you?” Basically we used the whole day for moving the camper and meeting the electrician. No packing.

I was exhausted by the time we got home. I wished we had something that could be just thrown in the oven for dinner. No such luck. After I made dinner, I rested while the Tylenol kicked in. I was cold, which is weird for me because I’m usually too hot. That’s the true signal my body was annoyed with me.

I didn’t even think of snuggling. I hurt too much to move. Lion was snoozing on and off anyway. He hasn’t been sleeping well. I might if he could. I’m sure that makes me hurt more. I was too tired to swat Lion. He’s annoyed me more than once but I’m too tired to care.

This morning, I told Lion I plan on sleeping the entire month of October. Not really. I’ll go to work and take him to whatever doctor appointments he has. I’m sure there’ll be lots of unpacking to do, but I don’t want to do anything or go anywhere. I think I’ve earned some time off. As soon as I get enough unpacked to function, I’m off duty.

As Lion wrote, our troll, Wayne, made a comment that we only think about sex and I only think about hurting Lion. Well Wayne, I spent most of yesterday not thinking about sex or how to hurt Lion. As a matter of fact, I spend most days not thinking about sex or how to hurt Lion. These activities occupy very little of our time. If you’d like, I can do a minute by minute run-through of my thoughts and activities for any given day. I’m sure you’d see how average my life is. Better yet, come help us move.

spanked lion butt
The lightweight tenderizer famously stings and creates leathery spots on Lion’s butt.

So far, this Friday the 13th  is lucky for us. The junk removal people are here removing our junk. Actually, most of it is good stuff. There’s just too much of it. We’re trying to take as little as humanly possible with us. But we’re still keeping a lot. All in all, we might be cutting our stuff in half.

I still have a lot of packing to do, but it’s nice to see empty floor. Lion feels really good about the junk going although he thinks we’re keeping way too much. With some of this stress off of us, maybe we can get back to the task at hand.

I remembered I had to spank Lion last night. I just couldn’t get my body to go get a paddle. Like a good boy, he reminded me. I used a lightweight paddle and gave him another leathery butt.

I’m not sure what’s causing the leathery look and feel. I guess it’s just that particular paddle. I haven’t been using the tenderizer side. The flat side seems to be working very well.

Today I packed up most of the paddles in our spare bedroom. Of course, I made sure to save out two nice ones I can use until things get all sorted out. And don’t forget, I still have mean ones in the camper closet. There’s no reason Lion’s butt should be safe.

I know we’re still worried about the move but it’s looking better around here. I’m hoping Lion will sleep at night and stay awake during the evening so we can play. I haven’t just edged him in a while. Maybe now we can concentrate on the good stuff again. That’s my goal for tonight at least.

We have some errands to run this afternoon and then we can have dinner and settle in for the night. Lion’s punishment will come first and then, if he stays awake, we can snuggle. We’ll see where my wandering hands take us from there.

I was running around in circles last night, trying to get things ready for the junk removal company. Lion asked what was for dinner. I told him I didn’t care since I was packing. He said he’d fix something. And then he fell asleep.

After dinner, I was giving my back a rest before taking care of the dishes. When I came out from my shower we started to watch TV and then Lion was asleep again. He needs to get his days and nights figured out. He spends too much time sleeping during the day/evening and less time sleeping at night.

At any rate, we didn’t snuggle or anything. I thought about continuing his punishment but that was when my back hurt. It can wait. His buns aren’t going anywhere. I’m not sure I’ll feel like doing it tonight either. I still have lots to do. Tomorrow is another day.

I find myself daydreaming about being in the new house, all unpacked and everything is back to normal. In truth, it’ll probably take us till December to get most of the stuff unpacked. It’s just what we do. That’s not to say we won’t be functioning before then. Once we get the essentials unpacked we’ll get certain things back to normal. I’ll make sure at least one paddle gets unpacked quickly. Of course, we’ll be sleeping in the camper at least one night and I still have a stash of paddles in there.

I’m looking forward to the move being over and returning to our boring old routine. Not that our routine is boring. I’m just pushing Lion’s buttons. Our routine is comfortable. It’s not comfortable for Lion’s buns, but I like our routine. It’s not like I don’t throw surprises in here and there. I think he should never completely know what’s going on in terms of enforced chastity. When he gets teased or has an orgasm should be up to me. He thinks so too.

When it comes to punishment, he should have some idea what’s going on. He knows the rules. The only “rule” he can never be sure of is when he annoys me. That’s fairly random. I mean, he knows he shouldn’t interrupt, but there are many other ways he can annoy me. I don’t expect him to know them all. And, really, some things only annoy me at times. And he should never know how I’m going to punish him. Different paddles do different things. I can change where I hit him. I can add mouth soaping or corner time. The possibilities are endless.

[Lion — My sleep pattern is badly disrupted. I find myself falling asleep around midnight (after my TV-watching now) with Mrs. Lion. I am waking up at about 3 AM. Try as I will, I can’t get back to sleep quickly. I and up watching The Big Bang Theory reruns until 5 AM or later. I have no idea why this is happening. I suspect, like Mrs. Lion, worry over the move is waking me up.]