Lion has a series of eye drops that he needs every day. He takes more at night than in the morning. One of them is every other day. I have a hard time remembering if I gave him that one yesterday or is it supposed to be given today. We’ll have to work out a way to keep track. Apparently Lion needs a way to keep track of things too. This morning he told me it was punishment day. I thanked him for remembering. However, when I went to make breakfast, the coffee pot was still in pieces in the dish drainer. Oops. He says he was positive he put it together.

*BUZZ* Nope. Sorry.

As I’m writing this, it occurs to me that the simplest thing he could do would be to put one of our cameras in the kitchen facing the coffee pot. That way he could check on himself without actually venturing into the kitchen. We have a camera facing the yard, but I guess the window glass doesn’t allow it to work correctly. We could take that camera and point it at the coffee pot. Anytime he wonders if he did it, he can check it out. Then the only obstacle is remembering to check it.

A camera to look at the coffee pot might seem silly, but we used to have a camera watching the washer and dryer. In the house we moved out of last year, the laundry room was in the basement. You couldn’t always hear the end signal. And they were fairly quiet machines. I’d go down to see if it was done and there’d be five minutes left. We jokingly refer to washer and dryer minutes as football minutes. You know, when five minutes on the game clock last another half-hour because of time outs or commercial breaks. So we set up a camera to avoid running downstairs when it wasn’t time. That’s what made me think of the coffee camera.

I’m not sure exactly when I’ll whomp his cute little tush, but he’ll have some sore buns by bedtime. Since it’s his second offense in a short time, I can either swat him harder or longer. Or both. I haven’t decided which way to go yet, but if Lion’s smart he’ll put that coffee pot together for tomorrow and get that camera set up. I’ve done all I can to help him. It’s on him now.

[Lion — Good idea using a camera. I feel that might be cheating. Shouldn’t I learn to do this without visual aids?]

This morning I had a Zoom meeting for work. We discussed COVID-19 and it seemed like the bosses are trying to downplay how bad it is. Apparently in our county the death rate of those who’ve tested positive is “only” 7%. I’m sorry, but that’s not an “only” figure. That’s a “holy crap that’s high” figure when you consider the estimate of 0.1% for the seasonal flu. I haven’t heard the 7% anywhere else so I’m relying on the boss’s information. At any rate, I’m not surprised our county is not proceeding to phase 2 reopening.

Ironically, after having been sequestered in our little home for months with only trips to the doctor and to pick up prescriptions, Lion seems to want to venture out more. We went to the store on Sunday and today he has dinner ordered from a restaurant in Seattle. Of course, I was heading out today anyway to get more prescriptions. My point is that Lion, himself, wants to go with me. His argument has been that any time I go out I’m potentially bringing the virus home with me so it shouldn’t matter if he goes out too. That seems like simplistic reasoning but I guess it has some basis in fact. If he stays in the car while I run in, his argument holds. If we both go in then, I think, we increase the danger. It’s all a crap shoot anyway. We do what we can to stay safe, but there’s no guarantee.

I know we’ve spent a lot of time talking about the virus on this blog. It’s supposed to be about chastity and sex. Where’s the chastity and sex? Well, Lion had his orgasm the other night. He’s not interested in sex right now. We had a very quiet night watching mostly reruns of shows. We held hands and chatted and that was about it. Aren’t you glad I gave you a play by play of that? Most of our life together involves things other than chastity and sex. We still have chores and work and blah, blah, blah to do, just like any other couple.

What does tonight hold? I don’t know. From the menu he read me, I’m not sure either of us will be able to move much. We’ll be too full. Again, I’m not sure how horny he’ll be yet. Neither of these things precludes holding hands. Snuggling might be a bit difficult depending on how full we are, but I’d say any activity beyond that is probably out. Tomorrow is a better bet. We won’t be as full and it will be one more day removed from Lion’s last orgasm. Each day increases the possibility of Lion horniness. For now, we’ll both enjoy being together. What more can we ask for?

I know Memorial Day is a time to remember those who have given their lives serving the country, but it’s also a day off and sort of a celebration. Summer is almost here and people break out the barbecues. We celebrated a slightly different way.

Lion mentioned that we don’t play our games anymore. I actually thought of playing Zapardy! last night but then I just sat there till it was almost over without suggesting it. However, I pulled out the Box O’Fun. I wanted to review the cards to see if any needed to be taken out. I removed spanking but then put it back in. A play spanking would be nice in the midst of all the evil things on the cards. I did remove a card for tying him to the bed since I haven’t found the restraints yet. And I decided I need to add a few to the box. A handjob with coconut oil comes to mind. I’m sure I can find more nice things to counterbalance the tiny clothespins, Velcro and Icy Hot.

Since I had the Box O’Fun out, it just made sense to use it. I was mentally chanting “Velcro, Velcro, Velcro” as Lion selected a card. Damn! He picked plastic clothespins. Oh well. We make do with the hand we’re dealt. I only had eight plastic clothespins at my immediate disposal. Lion said I have more. I know, but if those eight are strategically located then eight should be enough. I made sure they were strategically located. [Lion — Here is a link to a picture with just 3 of those painful clothespins on my balls. I had a frenum piercing when Mrs. Lion took this picture.]

There’s one spot on Lion’s balls that hurts more than others when a clothespin is applied. I found it right away. Of course, I found other spots that are also sensitive, but that one spot makes him wince the most. Naturally, I flicked it and yanked on it while I got my weenie hard. Jerking him off makes it both better and worse. Obviously, he likes it, but it also tends to wiggle the clothespins. Wiggling can hurt. The other thing that can hurt is removing them. Usually I take them off nicely and let him adjust to the pain. Last night I sort of pulled them off. That way the pressure was off but it dragged across his skin as it went. I hope he appreciated an extra shot of pain.

When I was done with the clothespins, I had him get in the blow job position. I knew he was hard but I had no idea how far we’d get. In a matter of minutes, he was at the edge. In another few minutes, he was over the edge and having a nice, creamy orgasm. Afterward, he told me it had been eight days since his last orgasm. Okay. All I cared about at that moment is I got Lion cream filling out of him. I guess we both won.

We ventured out to the store yesterday afternoon. Along the way, we passed the fruit stand where I bought Lion some cherries the other day. When I stopped, there was one other car. Yesterday, there were at least seven cars. That’s far too many people in one spot even if they are all wearing masks. Having said that, there were quite a few people not wearing masks in the grocery store. I guess it stands to reason. It is a fake virus after all. The New York Times devoted a whole front page, and then some, to listing fake deaths from a fake virus. Damn liberal media!

I haven’t been to the store on a weekend in months. Lion hasn’t been to a store in months either. It was more crowded than the weekdays I’ve gone to, but most people are still staying at home as they should. Road traffic was definitely up and one of the hiking areas seemed fairly crowded. That’s based on the parking lot, of course. We didn’t stop to hike. I’m pretty sure there was little social distancing happening. I doubt it was as bad as some of the videos I’ve seen of beaches and swimming areas. “This is ‘Merica. We do what we want. It’s a free country.” Okay. I’m off my soapbox.

We did manage to play last night. Well, it was evening. I gave Lion the beginnings of a blow job. I don’t think he’s ready for an orgasm. Plus, I think he took a step back in the tummy trouble category. We’re both still worried about that. In the meantime, we’ll try to have some fun. Even if he can’t make it far, we get as far as we can. It still feels good. He likes it. I like it. Why not?

The rest of the night we watched old TV shows like the Mary Tyler Moore Show and the Dick Van Dyke Show. It’s fun to see people who went on to appear in other shows and films. Last night we saw Gavin MacLeod on the Dick Van Dyke Show. Of course, he went on to the Mary Tyler Moore Show some years later. I think it amuses Lion that I can pick out younger actors. Law and Order is even doing a run of shows highlighting actors who’ve appeared over the years. We watch so much TV, we joke we’re running out of things to watch.

Today is rainy and cold. We had our outing yesterday. That should last us for a while. We’ll hang out today and I’ll get some chores done. Tomorrow I go back to work, still from home. I’m enjoying that while I can. It’s only a matter of time before they want me back in the office.