I know Memorial Day is a time to remember those who have given their lives serving the country, but it’s also a day off and sort of a celebration. Summer is almost here and people break out the barbecues. We celebrated a slightly different way.

Lion mentioned that we don’t play our games anymore. I actually thought of playing Zapardy! last night but then I just sat there till it was almost over without suggesting it. However, I pulled out the Box O’Fun. I wanted to review the cards to see if any needed to be taken out. I removed spanking but then put it back in. A play spanking would be nice in the midst of all the evil things on the cards. I did remove a card for tying him to the bed since I haven’t found the restraints yet. And I decided I need to add a few to the box. A handjob with coconut oil comes to mind. I’m sure I can find more nice things to counterbalance the tiny clothespins, Velcro and Icy Hot.

Since I had the Box O’Fun out, it just made sense to use it. I was mentally chanting “Velcro, Velcro, Velcro” as Lion selected a card. Damn! He picked plastic clothespins. Oh well. We make do with the hand we’re dealt. I only had eight plastic clothespins at my immediate disposal. Lion said I have more. I know, but if those eight are strategically located then eight should be enough. I made sure they were strategically located. [Lion — Here is a link to a picture with just 3 of those painful clothespins on my balls. I had a frenum piercing when Mrs. Lion took this picture.]

There’s one spot on Lion’s balls that hurts more than others when a clothespin is applied. I found it right away. Of course, I found other spots that are also sensitive, but that one spot makes him wince the most. Naturally, I flicked it and yanked on it while I got my weenie hard. Jerking him off makes it both better and worse. Obviously, he likes it, but it also tends to wiggle the clothespins. Wiggling can hurt. The other thing that can hurt is removing them. Usually I take them off nicely and let him adjust to the pain. Last night I sort of pulled them off. That way the pressure was off but it dragged across his skin as it went. I hope he appreciated an extra shot of pain.

When I was done with the clothespins, I had him get in the blow job position. I knew he was hard but I had no idea how far we’d get. In a matter of minutes, he was at the edge. In another few minutes, he was over the edge and having a nice, creamy orgasm. Afterward, he told me it had been eight days since his last orgasm. Okay. All I cared about at that moment is I got Lion cream filling out of him. I guess we both won.