I was a bit surprised at Lion’s reaction to being able to put off the Box O’Fun. I figured it was a way for him to tell me if he was up for play or not. I was keeping up my end of the bargain by offering, but he’d be able to beg off if he wasn’t feeling well or wasn’t horny, etc. I never envisioned it as a way for him to pay for sex.

While the things in the Box O’Fun are mostly painful things, Lion likes pain. He’ll never admit to it, of course, but why else would he like having his balls tied tightly or being spanked? He’s the one who came up with most of these tortures. The two that come to mind that as my additions are Velcro and the tiny clothespins. I guess they’re the evilest, but they’re only variations of things he’s suggested. I’ve recently added coconut oil masturbation to the box. How is that paying for sex? [Lion — Maybe that’s sexual green stamps.]

I don’t really mind his thinking. As a character in one of our favorite sitcoms said when she was asked if it bothered her that her husband was fantasizing about another woman during sex, “He can think about whoever he wants. I’m thinking about Denzel Washington.” He can think he’s paying for sex. I’m thinking I’ve done my job by offering. I guess it works out just fine.

I’m more concerned that I haven’t come up with any more ideas for the Box O’Fun. I mean, Lion thinks I do too much cock and ball torture. There is a lot of it in the box. But there’s also pegging, figging and butt plug cards in there. We eliminated them from the box recently because of Lion’s intestinal issues. If he’s okay to continue with that, I’ll add them back in. Obviously, we’ll have to get some ginger for figging, but that’s easily solved. I was also thinking of adding in a card called “Lioness Choice”. As you can imagine, I’d get to pick what I want to do. I know I can do that any time I want, but I really want to try to keep doing the Box O’Fun. Any time we stop doing something, we tend to stop for a long time. If I don’t have him pick from the box one night, I’m more likely to forget it the next night. It’s a slippery slope.

We seem to have a lot of slippery slopes. Having him masturbate for me, my forgetting things, health issues, etc. can or have all derailed us at different times. The worst one is inertia. Once we stop something, it’s extremely difficult for us to start again. That’s why I think the Box O’Fun is so important. Even if we’re down to the last card I should bring out the box. He needs to pick it. If we make it a ritual, we’re more likely to continue.

travel box o’fun

I was sort of concerned how we’d manage things on our camping trip. We’re tired when we get home. We tend to leave things in the camper until we’re more rested. Certain things come in quickly, like laundry and food. Unless we had a Box O’Fun for the camper, I could see it sitting out there and we wouldn’t have it in the house. Or, and this is more likely, I could see us simply forgetting it altogether. And then we wouldn’t play. And then we wouldn’t play once we got home. And then inertia would set in. And you know how the rest goes.

Lion ordered a larger Box O’Fun because I said it was difficult for him to mix up the cards for a real random selection. Once we have that box, we can use the old box for the camper. It should be just fine for a few days of camping. And I might want to modify the cards that are in the camper box. I don’t think we’ve ever traveled with ginger, for example. There may be other things that the camper is just not conducive to doing. As soon as we get the new Box O’Fun, I’ll start working on the Travel Box O’Fun.

Lion baked a frozen pie yesterday and decided what we’d have for dinner. We were all set for dinner until we found out one part of it needed to be defrosted in the fridge. We didn’t think it would work very well in the microwave so we were stuck without dinner ideas. We have a few Hello Fresh! dinners but, at that point, I wasn’t in the mood to do anything too involved. Since I had my mouth ready for the planned dinner, I wasn’t even very hungry anymore. Lion was starving. We settled on tortelloni.

He fell asleep while I was cooking. He fell asleep while I was in the shower. When I brought out the Box O’Fun, he chose blue menthol rub and then told me he didn’t really want to play. We’d decided earlier in the day if he didn’t want to choose from the Box O’Fun then we wouldn’t do anything. I’ve committed to giving him some sort of activity six out of seven days, but he can refuse. The only thing he has to do is accept punishment. That’s non-negotiable unless there’s a good reason for not doing it.

I told him I still get “credit” for asking. In the past, if he said he didn’t want to play we didn’t. Then, when he was horny again, he’d complain that we hadn’t played in a long time. Um, there was a reason for that. It’s not like I left him hanging, but that’s what it feels like he’s saying. So now I’ll ask each night so I get my credit. He’ll probably still say it’s been a long time. He’s not wrong. He’s just presenting it like it’s my fault.

Tonight, he’ll have his balls, and wherever else I feel like putting it, slathered with blue menthol rub. In the past, he remarked that the blue stuff wasn’t all that strong. Once I slathered it all over, he hit the roof. Don’t be dissing my blue menthol rub! It can be just as bad as Icy Hot. And Icy Hot is still in the Box O’Fun, along with the tiny clothespins. Uh oh.

[Lion — The strength of the blue rub seems to go down with age. I’m not sure how old Mrs. Lion’s supply is. Old, I hope! Apparently she doesn’t have the roll-on Icy Hot in the Box O’Fun. That’s the worst!]

[Mrs. Lion — I never specified which Icy Hot I’d use.]

Lion had his shot in the shoulder yesterday. They give an extra boost of anesthesia so he was feeling pretty good last night and slept well for the first time in a long time. I thought I slept well too, but I didn’t feel like it this morning. I’m pretty sure wearing a mask gives me a headache and that’s not helping the general yuck I’m feeling. I don’t think I’m really sick. I just don’t feel well. It’s nothing a nap wouldn’t cure but I’m stuck at work.

Our governor extended an order that allows those over 65 and those with underlying conditions to work remotely or, if there’s no way for them to do that, to continue on unemployment until August 1. My coworkers have pointed out that they need me in the office to answer their questions. I’ve pointed out to them that they have phones and emails and can ask questions that way too. I haven’t been able to talk to the bosses about going back to working from home. I’m hoping we can work out some sort of compromise, maybe two days in the office and three at home.

Lion misses me at home. I miss him too. And I miss not having to get dressed to go to work. And, of course, I miss not wearing a mask. I know it’s a necessary evil and I don’t mean to complain about the short time I need to wear a mask, especially compared to doctors and nurses. I joked about getting a snorkel mask so I could possibly eliminate fogging up my glasses and not have something directly on my mouth and nose. I figured it would be an amusing touch to the mask-wearing regimen.

When Lion chose from the Box O’Fun last night, he selected a do-over. There are two of these cards in the box and he selected one the other day. I guess I should hold the other one out until he uses the first one. His next selection was a blindfold and another choice. The other choice was Velcro. Yes! I’ve been waiting for that. There’s just something about watching his face as the tiny teeth bite into him. It amuses me.

What we discovered is that although the blindfold works very well, knowing what was coming didn’t. From now on, whenever he gets the blindfold and another choice, I’ll be the one choosing it. Then he won’t know what’s coming. That makes much more sense. Live and learn.

Once I was done with the Velcro, Lion was pretty much done. Apparently, my weenie could rise to the occasion while he was being tortured but he had no desire when the fun was over. I guess it makes sense. It’s only been a day or so since his huge orgasm. It takes a little while to recover. We’ll keep trying though. I’m sure my weenie will respond to some extent.

Any time Lion asks how I feel about punishing him I usually answer him the same way. I don’t know. When he started the Disciplinary Wives Handbook and wondered if I would contribute, I again told him I don’t know. What do I have to say? I’m not an authority on the subject. He says I do it so I have something to say about it. That’s just it; I do it.

just do it. He needs it. I do it. It’s not like I need to do it. Well, I need to do it because he needs it, but I don’t need it in the same way he needs it done. It does nothing for me. He says when he’s annoyed me and I punish him, we’re square. There’s no hard feelings. It’s done. The truth is, as soon as I tell him he’s done something, I’m good. It’s a big step for me to even tell him he’s done something wrong. Maybe that’s why I don’t punish him too.

I know I’m frustrating. He wants me to feel something when I punish him. I do like catching him breaking the silly rules. I do like knowing if I’ve done a good job spanking. A job well done is its own reward. But I don’t get antsy if I haven’t spanked him in a while. My palms don’t itch. I don’t break out in a sweat. I’m fine.

lion's ass
Seeing his bare ass waiting for me to spank it is very intimate.

When we’ve had to suspend play and punishment, we’ve both missed it. I know he needs it. I also know it brings us closer. His presenting his bare ass to me to be spanked is very intimate.

Neither of us wants to end the practice. Even though I get nothing from it, he gets a lot out of it. As much as he grumbles when he’s getting into position, he loves it. And he knows it means I love him. Why else would I be doing it?

I can report about his spankings here and give the blow by blow description (pun intended), but I don’t think I have anything to contribute to a handbook. I think that story has to come from someone who loves doing it as much as Lion loves receiving it.

[Lion — I’m not sure I love being spanked. I think I need it. The emotional fabric of domestic discipline is very complex. I don’t think Mrs. Lion feels nothing. She may not be having fun, but there is something more than just accommodating me. She does say that she likes how intimate it is. I have to agree there.]