A few times since he last forgot, I thought for sure Lion would forget to set up the coffee pot again. One evening I think he only remembered because he happened to wander into the kitchen while I was cooking. His normal routine is to give the dog her treat and then do the coffee pot. I don’t know how he forgets the coffee pot. The dog will certainly not let him forget her treat.

This weekend we’re going to start getting the camper ready for our first trip of the season. I’m fairly sure this will cause some tensions and, possibly, some punishment. Lion has his way of doing things and I have mine. Normally we do things Lion’s way, but he needs to remember that I’m the one doing most of the running back and forth. I will get tired and short-tempered. That’s a recipe for a sore Lion butt.

If setting up the camper doesn’t create tension, then certainly the trip will. I don’t mind doing all the driving, but there’s usually a division of labor once we get to the site. Lion always did the outside stuff and I did the inside stuff. He’d set up the water and electrical and I’d do the sewer. The sewer takes a little more patience and a lot more bending over and, since I’m closer to the ground, it made sense for me to do it. On the inside, I set up the bathroom and kitchen. I get the dog’s bowls and toys out. Lion usually pushes out the slides and gets his precious satellite TV set up.

Since Lion isn’t as steady on his feet, I do a lot more of the outside stuff. This isn’t necessarily a problem on the setup. It’s the break down that’s the issue. He has a certain way of cleaning out the gray and black water tanks. I never paid much attention because I was always busy getting everything else broken down. I don’t remember which way the switch should point. I don’t remember the order in which to do things. He can be very short with me about that. He wonders why I can’t remember. Maybe it’s because camping was simpler when I was little. Obviously my father did everything with minimal help, but it was actually simpler. There were no filters and circuit breakers. You had a hose for water, an extension cord for electricity and a sewer hose. When you packed up, you rinsed out the sewer hose, undid everything and packed up. Simple.

You’d think that with all the annoyances, I’d find plenty of reasons to swat Lion. Well, the truth is, I’m just too damn tired. I’ve driven, I’ve fought with hoses and water pressure, I’ve had to get the angle right on the sewer hose, I’ve had to get the coffee pot ready and the dog bowls and the bed made and the towels out. (Camping is sooooo relaxing.) And just as I get my butt in the comfy recliner (that I had to unhook and pull from the wall), it’s time to go looking for dinner.

Maybe I’ll keep a running total of his infractions except that I feel tired when we’re away. I don’t sleep as well. I drive a lot while we’re gone. It takes a few days of being home to recover from going on vacation. It always reminds me of my mother’s story of when I was born. Apparently I cried so much, my father had to go back to work to get any rest from taking care of me. (Yes, I did have a child just like that.)

If camping is such a pain, why do we go? Sometimes I wonder about it myself. The simplest answer is that we own this behemoth and we have to use it to get our money’s worth. The real answer is that we usually discover someplace we never knew about. Where in the Sam Hill are we? Well, we discovered where that saying came from. We camp where Sam Hill — Yes he was a real person — lived. We’ve been on the highest mountain pass that stays open all year in the state of Washington. We’ve been to lots of dams along the Columbia River. There are a lot of things we read about that suddenly we’re seeing first hand. I guess that makes up for all the annoyance of setting up and breaking down the camper.

Now, I just need to work in time and energy for Lion punishment. [Lion — No need to tire yourself on my account. :)]

Normally I see nothing wrong with the arrangement we have around here. I don’t feel like Lion is taking advantage of me. I do things for him because they make him happy and when he’s happy I’m happy. I get what I need. He gets what he needs. All is right with the world. But then….

Maybe it’s when I’m tired or sore or super busy or whatever, I feel like he’s jumping on my last nerve. First of all, it’s my fault for letting things go. I acknowledge that. When the chicken is just a little overdone and maybe I could have done X a little better or “all you have to do” pops up, I start feeling like nothing I do is right or enough. And then there’s manscaping.

It feels like I’m in a store with a little kid. Can I have this? Can I have that? Can I, can I, can I, can I? Or when they ask for something and you tell them they can have it later. Now? How about now? Now? Is it later yet? Now? For god’s sake! Yes. Fine. Okay. Let’s do it now.

I don’t know why I hate manscaping. It really isn’t that bad once you get started. Maybe it’s the whole process. First, you have to melt the wax. Did I start it early enough? Will it be melted in time? Is it too hot? Why isn’t it pulling the hair out? What is it with that one stubborn patch? Why won’t you come out, you stupid little hair? And then there’s the wax that hangs on for dear life. I have to slather Lion with mineral oil to loosen it up and wipe it off with a towel. It’s such a production.

If you couldn’t guess, I’m tired today. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I know I actually have to go into the office on Monday. How am I going to make it a whole day at the office without falling asleep? Lion told me he had a dream I got sick and died because I went to the office. I don’t think it was one of his premonition dreams or feelings. I just know I’m putting us both in danger by going to work. However, the virus seems to be less prevalent here than in Seattle. Of course, the more we open up and move around, the more it spreads. But you can’t stay cooped up forever. You just have to do what you can to stay safe.

Although I miss seeing my coworkers, I don’t really want to go back to the office. Maybe I need to find a work-from-home job. They are out there. This virus has definitely proved that. Maybe mine doesn’t work as a full-time work from home job with my company, but the job does exist in other places. It’s time to explore those options. And it’s time to turn on the wax.

Lion had to cancel his appointment for a shot in his shoulder. We didn’t want to take a chance on getting caught up in the ongoing demonstrations in Seattle. I understand the demonstrations. I don’t understand the looting. Some places have peaceful marches and even cops are joining with the marchers. I won’t say the looting is only happening in the big cities because I don’t have a lot of information on the subject. In my humble opinion, looting seems to negate any peaceful demonstration. The bad news will generally overwhelm the good. The other thing that bothers me is that I’m unclear how George Floyd made it to the ground. The only video clips I’ve seen, show him being handcuffed, told to sit (which he does), told to stand (which he does), being led toward the police car and then he’s on the ground with the cop kneeling on him. How did he get from point A to point B? And what did he supposedly do that led to him being face down on the ground? He was handcuffed. How much of a threat could he have been? I do realize he was a big man. But he was handcuffed. Did he headbutt the cop? Insult his mother? What could he have done that would lead the cop to put him on the ground? And what could he have done that would make the cop think it was okay to kneel on his neck like that? He’s down. He’s handcuffed. I don’t get it. End rant.

Lion’s appointment has been rescheduled to next Wednesday. That’s another week of pain, but it doesn’t really seem to get in the way other than not being able to hold his arm in certain ways. Sometimes he needs to adjust his position more during spanking because of the way he has his arm. I know we can’t snuggle the same way because having his arm around me hurts. If I snuggle in, sometimes his arm is even sensitive to touch. If I forget and rub it, he can go into orbit. I don’t know if the shot will help all these things. I just want Lion to be in less pain.

The other day, I said I was going to add some things to the Box O’Fun. First up is a coconut oil hand job. Now, when I say hand job, I don’t necessarily mean it will go all the way to orgasm. I just mean I’ll get him to the edge, or as far as he can make it, while using coconut oil. I’m sure there were other things, but I was waiting until I found my index cards. All the items in the Box O’Fun are written on small slips of folded index cards. I just found the cards this morning.

The other thing I need to decide is how to handle the do-over idea. On the one hand, it can be a card in the Box O’Fun. On the other hand, it can be a reward I give to Lion for going above and beyond in some way. At this point, I’m leaning toward doing both. I’m terrible at finding things to reward him for, but I think I should retain that ability. I’m also thinking that my own veto power should be limited. I said that I should be able to call a do over depending on what he picks. At the time, I was thinking about his picking spanking a day after he’d gotten a punishment spanking. However, I could see being tempted to do it if he picked something I wasn’t really up for or, more disturbingly, if I wanted him to have another opportunity to pick something I’d rather do. So I am hereby limiting my veto power to things we’ve recently done such as a play spanking a day after a punishment spanking or if he picks the same thing two days in a row. Other than that, we both have to do whatever it says on the card whether we want to or not (with the exception of his using a do-over card). It’s only fair.

In keeping with our recent Box O’Fun usage, I brought it to Lion and he chose the card that called for regular clothespins. It’s important to note that there are a few different kinds of clothespins. Regular clothespins are just that. They’re wooden clothespins you can buy at many stores. Plastic clothespins are like regular clothespins but, you guessed it, the plastic version. They tend to be meaner. I don’t know if it’s because they’re plastic or because the spring is stronger. Coated clothespins are wooden clothespins with an added kick. They have no-slip tape used for stairs applied where the they pinch. It’s almost like sandpaper, except much rougher. Last, but certainly not least, are the tiny, evil, mean, dollhouse clothespins.

All these types of clothespins are used for the same purpose. I pinch different areas of Lion’s body, mostly his balls, with them and watch him squirm. Obviously, the meaner the clothespin the fewer I can use. It also depends on where I put them. I think I may have gotten three or four of the tiny bastards on Lion’s balls at one time, but no more than two on the head of his cock. No matter where I put them, they hurt like hell. Sometimes I put the regular or the coated ones on his nipples. He doesn’t like it, but I figure it’s payback for all the women he’s done it to. I know they actually liked it so maybe it’s really payback for the one time he pinched my nipple. I really hated that. [Lion — I did that in my sleep.]

So last night he chose regular clothespins. Sometimes I make him look like a porcupine. I think I got 45 clothespins on him once. I usually start with a stripe up the middle and go from there. I did that last night, but decided to keep going. I went right on up his cock almost to the head. I have put them around the base of his cock before. I don’t know what made me do the stripe all the way up last night. I guess I wanted to see what would happen. He winced. He squirmed. He wasn’t very happy with it. Well, Lion might not have been happy, but my weenie was. It always gives him away. He was standing proud and tall. “Look at me! I have clothespins on me.” Silly thing.

I had to remove the top clothespins so I could really stroke Lion. By the time I had all the clothespins off, he started to fade. I asked if he needed the clothespins back on to get harder. He suggested I move my hand up. That seemed to help but then he looked like he was fading again. I still kept at it. He was bucking a little bit and I thought he was getting there. It was getting mixed messages. He wasn’t very hard but he was bucking. I kept going.

I don’t know how long it was before he made his I’m-getting-close-to-the-edge noises, but I stopped just in time. Less than a minute later I started again. He didn’t seem to be getting anywhere, but all of a sudden he was. And then it was too late to stop. I tried but I realized it would be a ruined orgasm. We hate those so I started stroking again.

I hadn’t intended to give him an orgasm. I don’t think he waited long enough and I wanted to keep the oral orgasm streak alive. I am determined to give him more oral than hand orgasms this year. What can you do? I guess I was just a little too successful with my hand. I can’t help it. I like to get him to the edge and sometimes I get carried away. Lion now has his first June orgasm to add to the chart. I wonder how many more he’ll have?