Lion will be on the spanking bench for his post-game festivities

According to what I’ve read, the Rams will beat the Bengals. I have mixed feelings about this. In the 70s, I was a Rams fan. I thought it was stupid when they went to St. Louis, but now they’re back where they belong. The nostalgia in me wants them to win. The underdog in me wants the Bengals to win because it’s been such a long time since they’ve won a Super Bowl. It would have been much easier for me if the 49ers had beaten the Rams. I don’t really like the 49ers. Anyway, I think I’ll be rooting for the Rams.

That’s football. Who cares? We’re having our first-ever Spanker Bowl Sunday. Lion will get swats based on the combined score of the game and the number of sacks the Bengals get on the Rams quarterback. The score is predicted to be in the upper 20s to low 30s for each team. The poor Lion butt will get five swats for each point. He’s hoping for a low-scoring game. In the unlikely event, the score is 3-0 with no sacks, Lion will suffer through fifteen swats. That’s hardly worth dragging out the spanking bench. He could wind up with around 300 swats if the score goes as predicted. We haven’t discussed how many swats per sack, but it has to be more than five, right? I think I’ll do seven swats per sack. All swats will be delivered after the game. It makes more sense to do them all at once. Of course, it would save his buns a little if I did them after each score. He’d have time to recover. That’s no fun.

Lion suggested a new rule and clarified an old rule the other day. He said I never said anything about them. I did. I told him I liked the ideas. I did not, however, tell him if we’d be instituting them. My bad. (I hate that saying.) For the record, I will be spanking him if he does not put the coffee pot together by 5 pm, and I will be spanking him if he leaves the shower door open. In the spirit of fair play, I reminded him yesterday that he had 45 minutes before he’d be spanked for the coffee pot. He didn’t rush, but he did get the job done by 5.

Go Rams!

After Lion’s post for this morning, I figured he’d be ready to go. I cleaned up from dinner and climbed into bed, where he was snoozing. Once he woke up, he asked if I was coming over. Cool. Now things will start. And he snoozed again. Eventually I went over to my own side of the bed. I don’t remember what time it was, but he was awake and we were watching TV when he said, “You didn’t feel like snuggling?” I reminded him of my trans-mattress journey. He didn’t remember. That’s okay because a little after midnight, I scooched over again, but this time I fell asleep. Score zero for more activity.

I just realized the Super Bowl is tomorrow. For some reason, I still imagined it was a week away. It’s not a big deal. We usually record it and watch it on our own time. Or we pause it to make snacks. We don’t like the halftime show, but we don’t want to miss the commercials. Oh, and the game. We like the game too. It just means everything I need to do this weekend has to be done before too late in the day tomorrow. It’s already 11:30 so I need to get my butt moving.

Of course, I need to save some energy for another attempt at sexy fun time. Am I within my rights to swat him if he snoozes again? I might be. Speaking of spanking, he dropped something in the bathroom and when I went to help, the dog went nuts. She was running and jumping, and I was trying to look under the bathroom cabinet when Lion said, “Just help me.” It was a little more forceful than a request. Did he think I wasn’t helping? Don’t I usually help? What the heck? I didn’t appreciate the raised voice. Perhaps he needs to be more aware of his tone. I’m willing to fire a warning shot this time, but next time might be more of a direct hit.

How’s that for more activity?

It probably comes as no surprise that I want Lion to be happy. It annoys me that he can’t get someone to read his book. I know I’m biased, but I think it’s good. He doubts his ability to write. We know he can write. We read it every day here. The fact that this isn’t fiction is irrelevant. He’s a good writer. Unfortunately, I can’t make anyone with any authority read his book any more than he can make people at my work do anything. I’m sad that he’s sad. But he can’t give up.

As much as I’d like Lion to be happy, there’s no way to force him to be happy. I can’t force him to be aroused either. All I can do is love him. I can do that! I’ve been doing it for almost 20 years. It’s hard to believe we’ve known each other that long. It feels like forever and the blink of an eye at the same time. We were laughing at ourselves about how corny we are. I like that.

Since he wasn’t in the mood for a spanking the other night, do you suppose he needs a do-over? He could probably benefit from it, whether or not he needs it. Perhaps the proximity of the spanking bench will remind me to give him a refresher course in being in the mood for a spanking. We can both use the practice. We need more practice in other areas too. I do more so than Lion. I have to go back to teasing him more and tying him up more and all those other things he likes that I’ve gotten out of practice with. Maybe I need the Box O’Fun. It certainly couldn’t hurt. [Lion — It will definitely hurt!]

It’s the weekend again, and I have a lot to do. Again. The most important chores are cutting the dog’s toenails and giving Lion a haircut. I’m sure he needs waxing too, but that can wait until next weekend. The most important non-chore is playing with him. That’s definitely a priority.

I really didn’t think I was hitting very hard. I’d started with “love taps” and progressed to harder swats but nothing that would be too hard. Lion was yelping, but that isn’t unusual. Then, he said, “Yellow.” Whoops! What happened? He said I was hitting too hard. I didn’t think so, but it wasn’t my ass that was getting hit. I have to defer to him. Obviously, I have to defer to him because he used the safe word. I didn’t need to stop. I just had to back off a bit.

I don’t think he’s ever used a safe word before. He’s asked me to back off. He’s told me I’m hitting too hard. Sometimes I listen to him. Sometimes I figure it’s all part of his yelping. It hurts. I know it hurts. If he wasn’t yowling, I’d think I wasn’t hitting hard enough. I don’t see anything wrong with backing off when he complains a bit. I’m not sure if Lion does or not. For all he knows, I was going to change how hard I was hitting anyway. I change the speed and the force often. I like to keep him guessing.

Lion made it the entire ten minutes of swatting. I used both rubber and leather paddles and tawses. I didn’t expect any blood and I didn’t get any. His buns were nice and rosy. I doubt he felt it for very long, but it hurt while it was happening and that’s enough of a deterrent. He’s sure to forget the coffee pot again at some point and will need a refresher spanking. Hopefully, that won’t happen any time soon. I’d like to think he’ll remember for a while, but I’ve been fooled before.

He will interrupt or be a know-it-all fairly soon. I know he tries not to do it, but I don’t think he can help himself for either infraction. My job is to catch him at it so he feels the consequences.