As you’ve been reading, Lion is getting back into ham radio. In true Lion fashion, he’s researching the heck out of it. He bought a handheld radio so the house has been full of beeps and screeches and static while he searches for signs of life. After days of being unable to find anyone, he bought an antenna for the house. This will have to be mounted to the chimney with the cable strung along the house to his office window. He asked me yesterday if I thought I could do all those steps. Of course I can.

I was a little less than enthusiastic yesterday for two reasons. Our lawn is very uneven. I’m not talking about hills. I mean from one step to the next, you could step in a divot. The dog didn’t dig these holes, although I do step in those too. As I was mowing Saturday, my knee must have taken the brunt of some of those holes. It hurt randomly all day. I couldn’t think about climbing a ladder to do anything. The second reason is that this is yet another tangent for Lion. He gets an idea. He researches it. He does it. And I’m supposed to go along with it. Normally, this is fine. This time, however, it requires me to get a license/certificate.

Can I pass this test to get the license? Of course I can. Do I want to? Not really. I do see the merits of being able to use the radio in an emergency. I just don’t want to put in the hours required to study. If I’m going to study for hours, it would be to get another certification for work. I’m not really inclined to do that either.

So, what will happen? I’ll get the license, of course.

This really isn’t an erection dysfunction website. It’s just that my attempts to cure my ED are very much front of mind. When I went to the urologist to discuss my problem, I expected the new injections to work the first time. As I’ve learned, it’s a pretty long process for me to find the correct dose. That process is interesting in that my decision of what works for me is based on two very sexual factors.

The first is how hard the injection makes me. The second is how long I stay hard. If the erection lasts four hours, it’s a medical emergency that requires a visit to the ER. There’s a third factor. The drug is expensive. It costs me $133 for 5 ml. It expires about ninety days after I buy it. Each increase in dose means I get fewer erections for my money. The balancing act is for me to get the firmest erection that lasts less than four hours for the lowest cost. It’s an engineering problem!

My last experiment produced a very bendable woody that lasted a bit over two hours. It wasn’t stiff enough to insert. However, Mrs. Lion could firm it up more by sucking it. The dose was .35 ml, which would yield fourteen boners per bottle at a cost of $9.50 each. I would like to do better than that. My next attempt will be with .40 ml. I’m hoping that will firm things up. If it does, we’ll get 12 boners per bottle at a cost of $11 each. Even if I have to increase the dose further, I doubt it will go past .5ml, which would yield ten boners at a cost of $13 each.

Hopefully, I won’t get into a situation where I need to visit the ER. There is one more factor: time. The drug expires in 90 days. If I get twelve boners from a bottle, I need to use a dose about once a week. If the dose goes up to .50 ml, then it’s once every nine days. Both numbers are within our usual orgasm schedule. I have no idea when we will use up the first bottle. That’s the one we have used for experiments.

ham radio lion

I’ve been studying for my amateur radio exams. I’m scheduled to be tested on Friday. I bought a handheld ham radio that works on two of the VHF/UHF bands. I’ve had it scanning both bands so that i can listen in on how our local hams talk with one another. So far, I’ve only found one very short conversation. That’s disappointing. It means that I don’t live close enough to the action. The handheld radio can’t pick up any activity.

The problem is almost certainly the little antenna I have on the device. It’s not the small rubber one that came with the radio. I followed online advice and purchased a much better one. It’s still not good enough. Or is it? Can it be that there is no real activity around here on those bands? It’s possible. There are only 750,000 hams in the US.

I decided to get into this arcane hobby in order to “prep” for inevitable natural disasters. I figure that cell phones will become useless if we have an earthquake, volcanic eruption (we are surrounded by volcanoes), wildfires, or floods. Handheld ham radios have proven to be lifesavers in disasters for decades.  If Mrs. Lion and I get separated, if we both have ham radios available, the network of hams around the world can help us find one another, or rescue us if trapped.

There is a drawback to this plan. Mrs. Lion isn’t inclined to learn technical stuff. She’s absolutely capable of it. Her job requires her to have extremely detailed knowledge of a wide range of difficult technical (medical) issues. I have to convince her to take the eight-to-ten-hour study course and then pass her test.

In the meantime, I want to connect with the local amateur radio community. That’s not going to be possible if I can’t hear any of them. I may need to set up an outdoor antenna. Yuck. Regardless, if we have a pair of handheld radios and are licensed to use them, we have some extra security in the event of an emergency.

How’s this for a post? No one got teased, and no one got spanked. We are both having fun anyway.

We had liftoff! Friday, after Mrs. Lion finished work, I showered, and I gave myself a .35 ml Trimix injection. Within ten minutes, things started happening. I was getting hard! Wow! It was a turn-on feeling my penis start to inflate. My erection wasn’t a full woody, but it was still nice. I wasn’t hard enough to fuck, but that didn’t stop Mrs. Lion. She went to work with her mouth, and within fifteen minutes, I had a nice orgasm.

It had been eleven days since my last ejaculation. This time, there wasn’t as much semen. It felt wonderful. My penis remained partially hard for about two hours. It bent easily, so there was no risk of damage, no matter how long it stayed that way. I think I am getting close to the best dose of the drug. Next time I’ll go to .40 ml. The goal is an insertion-ready boner for at least a half hour.

Mrs. Lion pointed out that even at the current level, I was OK. I disagree. Anyway, the end is near. Thanks to medical science I will be able to be ridden again. The injection didn’t hurt at all. I’ve stopped using the Inject-Ease. It’s too difficult for me to position correctly. The needle is so thin that it is painless. Trimix is an excellent way to get back into action.

We haven’t discussed how this new routine will affect our play. If I need .40 ml of Trimix per boner, I will get about twelve from the 5 ml vial. That comes out to about $10 each. Compared with the boner pills (Viagra and Cialis), which are now available as inexpensive generics, this is expensive. Teasing sessions might be too expensive to continue. We can afford a boner every week-t0-ten-days. Mrs. Lion may need to figure out how to manage sex inside this schedule.

It’s likely that my erections will last at least an hour, plenty of time for BDSM or other activities. Of course, Spankardy, Zapardy, and other games don’t require boners to play. We just have to get back to being more playful. Mrs. Lion’s shoulder has been bothering her, and that doesn’t make it easy for her to be playful.

We’ll have to figure out how we can restore our more playful lifestyle. I’m happy that sex is no longer a problem.

Lion’s boner juice worked yesterday. He showed me Mr. Weenie and proudly said, “What do you think of this!” It was nice. He said he wasn’t quite hard enough. In my opinion, the injection just needs to get him most of the way there. When we play or I suck him, I get him the rest of the way. I don’t think that’s much different from “regular” sex. He needs to be turned on. Isn’t he the one who said just because the penis is hard doesn’t mean he’s excited?

I don’t know how many days it was since his last orgasm [Lion — 11]. I wasn’t sure he was going to have one yesterday. I was working away when the timer went off for the dog’s birthday cupcake. He wasn’t close then. He’d gotten a tiny bit soft, but boy, when I got back to sucking, he was at full attention. Clearly, he liked what I was doing. (Me too!) And just to prove it, he had an orgasm. I toyed with the idea of edging him, but I don’t want to get too creative until we really figure out the dosage.

The only problem with his orgasm was that I didn’t get any cream filling. Or so I thought. There was some in the back of my mouth. He must have shot it straight down my throat. No fair! At least I got some. I asked him if I needed to make him wait 30 days to have that wonderful mouthful of cream filling. Neither one of us wants that. I’ll take what I can get.

Today, I’m mowing the lawn. I’ve been out twice so far. I have one more patch to go. I’m not sure if I’ve done it in thirds or not. Anyway, it shouldn’t take more than another hour. All of this lawn mowing adds steps to my step counter for a challenge I’m doing for work. I know I need to walk more or be more active in some way. Joining the challenge was a way to make myself do it. Along the way, I may lose some more weight. I’m down 39 pounds so far. We still have lots more bland Nutrisystem food to go before I hit my target. We’re both getting there.