I want to write about what happened last night (I’m writing this on Wednesday afternoon), but I’m unsure how to say it without sounding negative. Mrs. Lion gave me an orgasm with the Magic Wand. That’s the objective part. In her post yesterday, she wrote about it (Do You Want the Good News or the Bad News?) The subjective side is considerably more complicated.

Everyone over thirty knows that sex is more than stimulation and orgasm. Before thirty, there isn’t time to contemplate the subtleties. Even when the sex is one-sided, the way mine is, more is going on than stimulation and orgasm. Last night’s Magic Wand session is a good example. First, let me say I didn’t expect violins and sweet talk. Sex for us has never been exactly romantic.

Since Mrs. Lion lost her libido, foreplay is generally some uncomfortable activity like clothespins or IcyHot on my balls. I generally find that stuff exciting. In past years, the added spice of being locked into a male chastity device was part of the sexual landscape. There’s never been anything else.

I don’t see how there can be. Sex is like tennis. It’s generally a game for two. Yeah, you can also play doubles, but that’s a different post. Anyway, you can also hit a tennis ball against a wall for practice. It’s not the same as a game with someone else. Sex is the same. Masturbation is the hitting-against-the-wall version. At least that’s what I thought.

Another version that’s not as lonely is one-person sex is what Mrs. Lion and I do. We aren’t having sex or making love. She is getting me off. I’ve learned that is a very significant distinction. There is no give and take, no seduction. I have no active part. She’s getting me off out of the goodness of her heart. I’m grateful that she does, but it just doesn’t feel like tennis.

I don’t know what the alternative is. Maybe there isn’t one. Even if you include the teasing and orgasm control, it doesn’t feel like sex. Sure, I enjoy the orgasms. I love getting oral attention. That really feels good. But I’m not doing anything. Since I’m not giving pleasure, I always wonder when I’ll stop being her favorite charity. If you read her posts for the last year or so, you’ll see that she’s often tired or achy and discusses why she can’t keep her sexual promises.

She’s telling the truth about the way she feels. I suspect that part of the reason she feels that way at bedtime is, at best, a lack of interest in getting me off. It makes sense. If her libido were awake, there would be a motivation to be sexual. As it is, she has to sit or lie in an uncomfortable position and do something that ends up hurting her shoulder or some other body part. I’m not imagining it. It’s documented here.

I’m not whining about lack of attention. My point is that it’s impossible to have a sexual dimension if I’m the only one interested. I know that I’m not alone in this situation. If there is a good solution to this problem, I’m not aware of it. I know that I’m lucky. Mrs. Lion actively tries to give me sex. I am grateful for her attention. It’s not her fault that I am feeling this way. I’m tired of being her 9 PM chore. Maybe it’s time just to stop.

[Mrs. Lion — I don’t want to seem indelicate here, but even when sex was a two-way street, I did most of the “work”. Generally, I revved him up and then had to rev myself up. Back in the day, Lion had an orgasm every night. There’s no way I was up for one for myself that often. I did have orgasms fairly frequently. As a guess, I’d say less than once a week. Lion would do something, in the sense that he’d give me oral sex or use his fingers. Less often, he’d give me anal sex. Because of this, I inadvertently “taught” him to only have sex on his back. Anal sex with him behind me is, well, behind us in the distant past. Believe it or not, I miss anal sex more than I miss wanting orgasms. There’s just something about being taken from behind.]

The dog has been an absolute beast lately. She keeps jumping on Lion and scratching him with her long nails. I bought a contraption that holds dogs for breeding. Supposedly, it holds them for grooming too. The problem is getting her into it. Not happening. I tried a few times and gave up. My next thought, now that we have our tools and hardware supplies back, is to put eyebolts in the ceiling so I can rig up some sort of pulley-like thing to suspend her in mid-air so I can trim her damn nails. I don’t think she can go to a groomer. I’m worried she’d bite someone because she’s so afraid.

Anyway, the dog spent a good portion of late afternoon into evening on her leash hooked to one doorknob or another. That afforded us the chance to play. I grabbed the Magic Wand. Sometimes, Lion reacts right away. Mr. Weenie shoots to attention. Sometimes, he doesn’t. I wasn’t sure if it would work last night. I kept going, though. I’m no quitter. Eventually, I got him to the edge. And then to the edge again. I was torn between just edging him or going for an orgasm. I figured, since I edged him a few times, an orgasm seemed like a good idea. I think Lion enjoyed it. The problem was, no cream filling. Phooey!

Lion has been doing the electronic Kegel exercises faithfully every morning. We thought they were working. Maybe they are. I guess you can’t expect fireworks all the time. We both thought edging would definitely help. You know, priming the pump. Nope. Oh well. I guess we have to keep trying. Poor Lion. It’s tough being the subject of an orgasm experiment. But I think he’ll soldier on.

What a guy!

Lately, life around here reminds me of when my kids were very young. My wife (now my ex) would often be too tired for lovemaking. On nights that she was up for it, a kid would intrude. All parents can relate. I never expected to experience this again with a golden retriever. Our nine-month-old puppy wears Mrs. Lion out during the day. She has to fend the leaping beast off her while she tries to work. By the time she gets to bed, she is tired and sore.

On Monday night Mrs. Lion was determined to do something sexual. She promised plastic clothespins on my balls. She kept her word. She masturbated me while applying and removing them. Unfortunately, she was interrupted by the puppy trying to get into the act. The mood was broken. Our devil dog ended the fun. It was mostly fun for me. Those plastic clothespins really pinch. The dog was too much, and we had to stop. Between the daytime exhaustion and the direct interference, the dog is making a difficult situation much worse. Mrs. Lion already had trouble with follow-through. Add in the puppy, and we have a real mess. It isn’t just her fault. I need to focus on her and what we are doing. That’s impossible with a fifty-pound, furry missile coming at me.

Mrs. Lion plans a Tuesday night effort. Before getting around to me, she plans to wrestle the pup into a rig designed to keep her still and then cut her long nails. What odds will you give me that my lioness will be unavailable for sex? I think she will be lucky to escape major injury. Dog roping and trimming is a dangerous event in our junior rodeo. Lion roping and riding are a lot easier.

Every day I say the same old blah blah. I’m going to do this. I didn’t do it because of that.

I’m tired of saying it.

Are you tired of hearing it?

One of the reasons I stopped giving Lion “coming attractions” is that I couldn’t follow through. Another reason is that I was tired of writing about failing yet again.

I really did try last night. I brought out the plastic clothespins. There were five pinks, two white and a greenish one. I managed to put them all on Lion’s balls. The pink ones were in a stripe up the middle. The two white ones were flanking the base of his penis, and the greenish one went at the top of the line of pink ones. I was jerking him off along the way, and he was hard and having fun. But the dog was annoying us. She has been cooperating lately by curling up on the floor by my feet. She’s still in the way but not annoying. Last night, she was annoying. She had to have my hand in her mouth. She had to have her paw on my leg. I was even trying to distract her with a grabber I use to pull her bowl out of her crate so I can feed her.

Finally, I gave her a treat and locked her out of the bedroom. Lion was somewhat soft again, and I battled back to a hard weenie. The dog was whining and banging on the door. Eventually, we figured out that she had opened Lion’s office door and then closed herself in. She was frantic to get out again. So much for Lion sexy time. We tried. We really did. We managed to get a good start, but no happy ending. I’m not sure he would have had a happy ending anyway. I was just trying to edge him.

Tonight, we’ll try again. (I never learn. I’m promising again.) Maybe we’ll do clothespins again. Maybe it will be IcyHot. Maybe it will be the rope or even the Magic Wand. I do know that the damn dog will be tethered on her leash, away from us.