The lab results on my stool sample are in. No parasites and no bacterial infection was found. My doctor believes that means it’s a viral infection. If he’s right, I should be getting better this weekend. Otherwise, I will have to get a colonoscopy. Oh well. Enough with the health chat. Both of us have been sleeping a lot more lately. We both take naps at various times of the day. I suspect it’s the stress we are under. Mrs. Lion is feeling that she has too much to do. I wish I could do more to help.

I may be getting a little better. My thoughts turned to sex from time to time and my penis has gotten a little harder than usual. Both are good signs. The problem I have is restricted to the late afternoon and night time. If I’m not actually feeling crampy, I feel good enough to do most everything else I would normally do. Maybe it’s time for Mrs. Lion to do her own little lab work to find out if I’m better. I’m not suggesting the promised bondage and blow job. That’s probably too much. Just a little warm-up to make sure the equipment is functional.

I’m glad Mrs. Lion has noticed that I’m working hard to follow my rules. I do want to be successful. I never consciously try to be bratty and break a rule. I know that would be no fun for her and would be extremely uncomfortable for me. I’m not looking for more discomfort.

We had some of the leftover chicken soup for dinner Friday night. It really hit the spot. The only problem is that every week we get a bunch of meals from Hello Fresh and lately we haven’t been using them all. Since they’re expensive, I feel badly that we are wasting that money. Unless we need to have something very simple because one of us isn’t feeling well, we don’t have the ingredients on hand to make much else. We have a fully stocked freezer and can probably extract a menu from it. But we frequently lack things like fresh vegetables, which we don’t have to buy by taking our meals from Hello Fresh.

Also, the prepacked ingredient meals start tasting alike after a while. I guess it’s a little like going to the same restaurant every night. There may be a lot of stuff on the menu, but the chef is the same and his dishes all taste alike to some extent. We’ve tried another service and weren’t very happy with it. The other one tends to just ship a protein and a starch. They never included a vegetable or salad. I guess we’ll have to go hunting again.

After dinner last night Mrs. Lion tried a little test drive. She played with my penis with her hand and then with her mouth. I got a little excited but didn’t get a full erection. My stomach is definitely better. I got through the entire day and evening without more cramps. I had a full dinner and it stayed where it belonged. I’m hoping my libido will return as well. Maybe we can try another test drive later today.

Lion has been thinking about sex. That’s one step closer to things getting back to normal around here. He still had cramps last night. He’s been running a bit this morning too. Oh well. At least his mind is willing.

I’ve been tired for a few days. Last night I was making a mental list of all the things I need to take care of this weekend. It’s raining off and on so that crosses mowing the lawn off the list. But the dryer has been throwing out a lint warning so I’ll need to clean the whole vent out. This morning I was fantasizing about taking a day off. I haven’t laid around the house for a while. There’s always something to do and now that I’m back to work, I have less time to do it. The weekends are back to being chore time. No day off for me.

With Lion not feeling well, things have gotten more out of routine than usual. He’s been snoozing more. I don’t know if that is because of not feeling well or because of not working. Even though I’m working again, I’m working from home so that’s not normal at all either. I think if we can just get beyond his illness, things will go back to normal. More correctly, the normal that is COVID-19. He’ll still be furloughed. I’ll still be working from home, as long as my office will let me.

Lion is still following his rules. Even the day I told him if he couldn’t put the coffee pot together it was my fault since I’d put it in the dishwasher, he still did it. He’s been waiting for me to eat first. He’s been remembering punishment days. He’s interrupted a few times, but nothing that really warranted punishment. He’s been a good boy. Now, if I can just get him back to being a horny boy, all will be right with our world.

I must be getting better. I’ve actually had some sexual thoughts. Wow. I know I’m not cured because I’m still making trips to the bathroom. However, the cramps are not as bad and perhaps the end is in sight. The lab reported that I don’t have giardia or a bacterial infection. The doctor believes it’s probably viral and should be out of my system after a couple of weeks. Two weeks will have passed tomorrow. If I don’t improve, I will have to get a colonoscopy. That’s enough to scare disease out of anyone.

Anyway, Mrs. Lion and I are living our lives in just a small part of our house. It’s divided between the kitchen, our workspaces, and the bedroom. The living room is still full of boxes and the chairs are very low and difficult for me to use. We are very happy with things the way they are. Maybe my make-a-wish bondage blow job is in the near future. I had a spontaneous erection this morning. That’s the first one in quite a while. My computer had a very long update for Windows this morning. While I was waiting, my thoughts drifted to sex and my penis was a little bit aroused.

Oh boy.

I think chicken soup has a lot to do with my improvement. I can’t prove it, but if it isn’t the reason I feel better, the coincidence is massive. I think there’s some scientific evidence that chicken soup does, in fact, help. If you’re interested, here’s my mother’s recipe:

Mama Lion’s Chicken Soup

1 5lb chicken
2lbs Thick carrots
1 Medium onion
1 Medium parsnip
6 Large celery stalks
2 tsp salt

I cook my soup in a pressure cooker (6qt)

Wash the chicken in cold water. Cut it in half. Place it in the pressure cooker. Add the salt and fill it to the “max” mark with water. Cook on high for one hour.

While the chicken is cooking, peel the carrots and cut into one-inch pieces. Cut the celery into one-inch pieces as well. Set aside. Peel the onion but leave intact. Wash and trim the parsnip. Leave it whole. Make a small bouquet of parsley and tie together with string.

When the chicken is done, remove it from the pressure cooker. Skim off the fat from the soup. Taste and adjust salt as needed. Add the veggies to the pot. Cook on high pressure for 30 minutes.

While the veggies are cooking, strip off the chicken meat you like. We only use white meat. You should have bite-sized strips of chicken.

When the soup is done, add the chicken. Let the hot soup sit for at least 20 min.

We serve with very thin egg noodles.

There’s magic in this soup. It’s been a favorite of mine since I was a little cub. It does a good job helping me feel better when I’m under the weather. As you can see, it’s a very simple recipe. The secret of its power is that it’s cooked in a pressure cooker. If you don’t have one, you might want to consider getting one or getting a multi-cooker which is nothing more than a pressure cooker with a few more settings.

There you have it. My secret cure. Meanwhile, I think my sex drive is waking up. I hope Mrs. Lion can find bondage equipment.

Lion’s chicken soup was, sadly, not the cure-all it’s been in the past. Of course, in the past, it’s been useful for colds and flu, not stomach issues. The lab tests are coming back as negative, which points toward a virus. The doctor has increased the dosage of the drug that can potentially increase the pressure in his eyes. If things don’t improve the next step is a colonoscopy and no one is looking forward to that.

Yesterday I suggested that Lion be allowed to choose his own demise, so to speak. When he’s ready to resume sexual activities, he can decide what he wants. He said he’s absolutely not thinking about sex right now. I realize that. I just thought it would be something fun to think about as he gets better, but before he’s actually ready. He said he could think of nothing better than what I alluded to in the post. He’d like to be tied to the bed and have a blow job. I should have known that’s what he wanted. Maybe I did and that’s why I thought of it. He’s nothing if not consistent.

I’ll need to find the rest of the restraints to tie Lion to the bed. I know there are two floating around here somewhere. The others must still be in boxes. The good news is that I just saw the reel of horse rope so that will do in a pinch. Don’t worry, Lion. I’ll find a way to make sure you can’t wiggle away from me. Like he’d wiggle away from a blow job!

In the meantime, I’m doing what I can to make him feel better even if I can’t do what I know will make him feel better. We do a pretty good job taking care of each other. We might snap at each other when nerves get frayed but we belong together.