I am still out of sexual commission. Of course, that didn’t stop Mrs. Lion from spanking me Monday night. After all, I had gotten some chocolate on my shirt. Before she started, I suggested she aim a bit higher. Based on the pictures she’s taken (Right), her aim has been much more at my upper thighs than my butt. That does hurt more. I suggested she move a bit north and cover the lower half of my bottom, perhaps paying more attention to the center near my crack.

I’ve noticed from the pictures that Mrs. Lion has taken, most of the red and bruises are on my thighs. Much of the activity on my bottom has been on the sides. I suspect that this is partly due to the size of the paddle.

She has been using the larger, conveyor-belt material paddles. They are whippy and tend to hit harder on the far edge. This, combined with her low focus, leaves some of my most sensitive real estate untouched.

When we discussed this, she explained to me that I told her the most painful area is the upper thighs (true!) and that the area most likely to be felt is near the crease at the bottom of my butt (not exactly right). That’s why she has been concentrating there.

She isn’t wrong. However, the most sensitive areas for both spanking pain and next-day discomfort are in two places: the area just above the crease along my crack, going out about six inches on either side, and the area on the side of my butt above the crease going up about halfway. The lower center of each cheek is also excellent. This is the area my redness ends in the picture.

I’m not topping from the bottom. it’s just that I have a lot of experience spanking. The picture above was taken at a spanking late last month. Mrs. Lion used one of the smaller-faced wooden paddles on Monday. She left me a sore spot directly above the crease, right next to my crack. This is the area most likely to hurt when I sit. I don’t put my weight on my upper thighs.

There’s nothing wrong with the pattern in the picture. Mrs. Lion made her point quite well. If she also focused on covering the center, particularly the lower-center of my butt, she would have made an even stronger point. In terms of getting my upper thighs, aside from me really hating being spanked there, it is a perfectly reasonable area to attack. It just isn’t likely to cause next-day discomfort.

My advice would be — Boy, am I gonna regret this — to continue covering the areas in the picture, just add and really emphasize the center, particularly the area about 3-inches below the crease to about 4-inches above. that would be the area from the two bruises on either side of my crack, down to the bruises on my thighs.

I will be sorry I offered this spanking lesson.

Unfortunately, Lion’s sore spot is still hanging around. He sent a message to his doctor (no weenie pic attached) to get some advice. So far he hasn’t heard anything. He says it hurts a little less and he’s tempted to pop what looks like an infected part. But, since he’s partial to an intact penis, he’s afraid to do that. I guess I would be too, but I pop blisters and pimples all the time. I’d have had that sucker popped on the second day it was on me.

Lion has been telling me all morning that he has a sore spot on his left butt cheek from last night’s punishment spanking. I’m not sure why. I wasn’t hitting particularly hard and I didn’t hit for long because he was having other issues at the time. Apparently, the swats I landed were sufficient; for that infraction, at least.

As I was making lunch, I stupidly started talking about work. Lion said I should treat a coworker as my assistant since she’s been trained to help me in my job. I have no authority over her. Any time I ask my boss about her, I’m told not to worry. They’re not replacing me. Anyway, Lion picked up the ball and started running with it. The only problem is that I never fumbled it. As soon as I said the words, I knew he’d take over the conversation. The difference this time is that I yelled at him. He said I never acknowledged his statement so he thought he had to repeat it. I told him I didn’t know why he made a statement when I was in the middle of telling him something. That shut him up. Now, do I need to punish him too? Part of me thinks just yelling at him might be enough. Another part of me thinks he needs the reinforcement of a paddle to convince him how serious I was when I yelled at him. I know which part of me he will side with.

I think I’ve made great strides in sticking up for myself right then and there. But I can hear him saying, “And now you have to let your paddle do the yelling as well.” He’s already complaining about the sore spot on his left cheek. Maybe the right one needs a sore spot too.

I am not happy that my penis is still not healed. I think things are getting better. It hurts less but still doesn’t look healthier. I’ll give it another day before consulting my doctor. This isn’t a topic I want to discuss. Enough of that.

I made New England Baked Beans yesterday. It’s a great recipe from America’s Test Kitchen. I love that website and their television shows. You can stream several seasons on the PBS streaming service. So far, we have this organization to thank for our bread-and-butter pickles, raspberry and blueberry jam, and now New England baked beans. There is a small price ($49/year) for a subscription to the site. You can sample it for free. Both of us are amazed at how easy the recipes are to follow and how good the food tastes.

Mrs. Lion and I both like comfort food. We consider it a treat to have hotdogs, beans, and potato chips for dinner. That’s not to say that we don’t do fancier, more expensive stuff as well. Last Friday we went to Costco and bought USDA prime New York strip steaks. As far as I know, that’s the only place you can go to get prime beef. Any prime beef on the open market is snapped up by restaurant suppliers. Costco, because they own their own ranches and meat processing plants, makes everything available to its customers. This includes precious prime meat.

If you haven’t had one, a prime steak can be cut with a butter knife. The meat is tender and beautifully marbled. We prepare it using a circulator. This is sous vide cooking. Mrs. Lion and I have very different ideas of how much cooking a piece of meat requires. I like my steak medium-rare. She likes her steak so well done that some restaurants require her to sign an agreement that she won’t send back the overcooked meat she likes.

We have two circulating pumps. I set mine at 127°F (medium rare beef). I set hers at 155°F (super well done). I have to remember to let her steak stay in the bath for at least two hours. When they are done with their sous vide process, I sear them in a very hot frying pan. In my case, the result is perfectly pink meat from top to bottom. Mrs. Lion has very well done beef. It’s not easy getting meat the way she likes. I understand why restaurants are reluctant to cook beef that much. I’m doing my best to get it the way she prefers. She thought the 155° meat was still a bit pink. [Mrs. Lion — Pink? It was red and too juicy for me. Blech!] Next time, I’ll run 165°. Live and learn.

As Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday, I managed to get some chocolate on my shirt the other day. We know what that means. Here comes another spanking. She writes that I “want” to be spanked for annoying her. That’s not entirely correct. I want to help her learn to use spanking as a way to teach me not to do things she doesn’t like. It’s very difficult for her to let me know that I’ve upset her. I think it’s worthwhile to help her use spanking as an outlet. For the record, I don’t like punishment spankings.

It’s lonely around here on Mondays, Wednesdays too. That’s when Mrs. Lion goes to her office to work. She isn’t the only one who abandons me. When she’s not here, the dog takes the day off. She spends it under the bed, only coming out for a possible treat, to share my lunch, or when she wants to go outside to relieve herself. Otherwise, she sleeps peacefully where it’s safe and quiet.

When Mrs. Lion is here, the dog is always out. She stations herself between us. Mrs. Lion thinks it’s because as far as the dog is concerned, I belong to her. She doesn’t want any competition from my lioness. I’m not sure that’s true. It could also be that she doesn’t want to miss out on any excitement the two of us might cook up. In any case, when Mrs. Lion is home it’s much more of a party around here.

We are on weenie watch. The sore on my weenie looks nasty. I’m sure it’s trying to get better and sometimes sores look worse before they get better. Last night Lion wondered if he should go to the emergency room. We decided to wait until morning to see if it had improved. The thing that’s alarming us is that it’s sore to the touch. Yes, a sore should be sore, but not all sores are as sensitive as this one seems to be. The last I heard, we’re waiting another day to see if it improves.

Lion spilled some chocolate on his shirt the other night. If it doesn’t make a stain, he’s fine. This made a stain. I owe him swats. I know one side has nothing to do with the other but I feel bad spanking him when my weenie is sore. I’m too nice. I’ll have to do it tonight before too much time has passed.

He wants me to punish him for annoying me while I was in the middle of my whatever-it-was last week. I was barely functioning. Everything was bothering me. I don’t think it’s fair to punish him for anything that happened for those few days. That’s it. We’re done talking about it. If he asks me about it again, I may have no choice but to punish him for annoying me by asking.

In true can’t-keep-his-mouth-shut fashion, he reminded me in an email this morning I owe him the swats for spilling chocolate on his shirt the other day. I told him to make sure he softens up his buns for me. I don’t want him bleeding all over my paddle.