It was bound to happen. The stress of moving and things changing finally got to us. We were yelling at each other last night. I’m still pissed. Yes, I harbor resentment at times. It takes a while for me to calm down, especially when we’ve discussed things, made certain decisions, I’ve been told I’m wrong and we supposedly have a plan in place.

I realized, when Lion ate before I did at breakfast, that I don’t care about the rules right now. Spill stuff, don’t spill stuff. Eat first, don’t eat first. Piss me off, don’t piss me off. I won’t say anything. Except for the pissing me off part. That, you can be sure, will get more than just a look. I’m tired of expressing an idea, having it crapped on, and then we wind up going with that idea because Lion thought of it.

I feel like a pinball game being banged on and rocked. It’s time I said, “Tilt!” So I am, once again, suspending the rules until after the move. They can resume once the movers have left the premises. I know there will be conflicts during unpacking. Lion will still say he’s doing everything. I’ll still be running with the clean up crew. But I think those things will be manageable because we’re no longer under the gun to get things from point A to point B. This deadline is killing us.

Whatever punishment Lion is due, which I think is three or four more days [Lion — Actually, it’s seven days.], will be administered after the rules go back into effect. He will not accumulate any more punishment before then. This does not mean he has free range to annoy me. I will be yelling. It’s something I rarely do. I normally push my feelings down but now I feel like I’m in a perpetual state of annoyance.

If Lion is correct, our stress level should go down now that he’s hiring the movers I suggested weeks ago that he just found this morning. Maybe then I’ll calm down a little.

See, Wayne? Nothing at all about making Lion bleed. Now I’m just yelling. Isn’t that a much healthier approach?

[Lion — I was hoping to complete the move more cheaply. The cost of hiring a mover roughly doubles our cost. It just means that we have to take more money out of savings. Given the fact that this project is causing us so much upset, I think it’s a good use of the money. Mrs. Lion, you were right from the beginning.]


Mrs. Lion and I are thoroughly tired of dealing with this move. She’s been exhausted every day with aching joints and frustration with the progress we need to make. On Sunday he mentioned that I’ve been doing some things that annoy her. She didn’t even want to mention what they were at the time nor did she want to discuss them on Sunday. This goes beyond our Female Led Relationship with Discipline (FLRD. It means that something I’m doing is contributing to her stress.

In my mind, at least, the whole point of our disciplinary activity is to provide her with a satisfying way of resolving problems I create. Now we are in a very stressful situation where, at least to me, it would be crucial to be able to express those feelings. I’m not claiming that Mrs. Lion should muster the energy to spank me, though I think the activity might serve as a safety valve for her. It’s important to mention it even if there is no physical follow-through.

Couples who begin the kind of disciplinary relationship we have, do it because there is an issue that needs resolution and seems to the couple to lend itself to domestic discipline. Our reason aside from my interest in spanking, is rooted in the need to open up a clean channel of communication regarding things I do that disturb Mrs. Lion. I think we’ve made good progress. I guess we haven’t made enough. While this may not be the ideal time to get out the old paddle, lessons learned from what we’ve been doing should make it easier for Mrs. Lion to growl or snarl as needed.

I understand that our implementation of her ability to express herself more freely includes physically punishing me. She’s never been very interested in the verbal side. Many disciplining wives include scolding as part of their punishments. We’ve never done that. Perhaps the fact that we have been physical and non-verbal failed to build the growling habit for my lioness. It’s not necessarily a bad thing that we didn’t. At times like this verbal scolding skills would come in handy.

I can’t in good conscience suggest Mrs. Lion include spanking on a day that her knees and shoulders ache and all she wants to do is get into bed and hopefully sleep. I think this situation does expose a flaw in our disciplinary plan. Everything I’ve read about domestic discipline always includes the need to make it very clear to the guy being spanked why he is in this position now. Mrs. Lion generally tells me why am about to be spanked or asked me to tell her what I did wrong. I guess it might be helpful if you would express that in much stronger terms. I don’t think it’s necessary as part of the banking process, but now I’m starting to realize that it may be a good habit to build. It will serve her well at times when the actual physical punishment has to either be canceled or postponed.

I don’t think that either of us considered our current situation in terms of how to sustain our disciplinary relationship. We both ignored situations when Mrs. Lion was too tired to punish me. We also learned that building up a “bank account” of owed spankings didn’t work out for us. As a result, Mrs. Lion will just suspend rules when she knows that for some reason we can’t have our spankings.

Right now, I do have a backlog of seven spankings. Mrs. Lion will take care of that little issue when she recharges her batteries. I think it might be a good idea to encourage more gravels in addition to the inevitable spankings. I’m very proud of Mrs. Lion. She does a wonderful job in her role as my disciplining wife. She’s doing amazingly well managing our move.

Yesterday we had to go on a box run. Despite the fact that we’ve been throwing out tons of stuff, we still have a lot to pack. It’s not like we have our house jammed with stuff. There’s plenty of wasted space. Don’t envision an episode of “Hoarders”. I don’t know how many boxes we have already packed. At some point I have to consolidate so we have room to pack other things.

My friend came over to help yesterday. She dismantled our pantry (which was a mishmash of food, cleaning supplies, paper products and assorted other crap) in two hours. It would have taken me a week to do it. She also ran through the rest of the kitchen and left us with just enough to navigate the next few days. Of course, there’s still plenty to pack.

We took my friend to dinner as a thank-you for helping. By the time we got home I was exhausted. My legs were killing me and it was difficult to keep my eyes open. We took showers and settled in to watch our football team lose. I was asleep by 10:30. Around 11:30 we finally turned the TV off. I thought I slept well, but I’m still tired today. Just another week or so of this nonsense and we’ll get back to normal.

In the meantime, Lion doesn’t understand why I’d let things slide. If he annoys me, I should punish him. I agree. But that takes energy and I haven’t had much lately. It even takes energy to tell him he’s annoying me. Most of what he’s doing is just not considering my feelings. I suggest something and rather than discuss it, he says we’ll do it his way. Or he’ll discount my idea altogether. Considering I’m doing all of the heavy lifting, my thoughts should count for something.

Maybe I’ll feel better tonight since I got some sleep last night. Lion better watch his butt. I’ll make sure I save some energy for punishment.

We spent Saturday moving our camper to the new house, shopping for needed items, and generally running around. We were both really tired by the time we got home. Mrs. Lion prepared a nice dinner and we ate in bed. Then we settled in for an evening of TV watching. Neither of us brought up the subject of the spankings I am owed as well as snuggling. We were just happy to be comfortable.

For the next few days our focus is going to be on getting things packed and ready for the movers on Friday. I hope we’ll have time for some other activities but I’m not optimistic. The priority now has to be getting ourselves out of this house and into the new one. It’s amazing how much junk we moved from the East Coast 14 years ago. It’s equally amazing how much we’ve accumulated on top of that since then. On Friday we had two very large trucks and three strong men here getting rid of the stuff we don’t need. They filled both trucks. We still have at least another truckload for them to remove after we do our move to the new house.

It’s critical that we get rid of as much as possible. The new house is about half the size of this one and we both agree that we need to be considerably more mobile. I’m pretty stressed out when I look around and see how much is still remaining to do. Compounding all this is the fact that my vision isn’t very good and I’m still not that steady on my paws.

We will keep slogging along.