We spent Saturday moving our camper to the new house, shopping for needed items, and generally running around. We were both really tired by the time we got home. Mrs. Lion prepared a nice dinner and we ate in bed. Then we settled in for an evening of TV watching. Neither of us brought up the subject of the spankings I am owed as well as snuggling. We were just happy to be comfortable.

For the next few days our focus is going to be on getting things packed and ready for the movers on Friday. I hope we’ll have time for some other activities but I’m not optimistic. The priority now has to be getting ourselves out of this house and into the new one. It’s amazing how much junk we moved from the East Coast 14 years ago. It’s equally amazing how much we’ve accumulated on top of that since then. On Friday we had two very large trucks and three strong men here getting rid of the stuff we don’t need. They filled both trucks. We still have at least another truckload for them to remove after we do our move to the new house.

It’s critical that we get rid of as much as possible. The new house is about half the size of this one and we both agree that we need to be considerably more mobile. I’m pretty stressed out when I look around and see how much is still remaining to do. Compounding all this is the fact that my vision isn’t very good and I’m still not that steady on my paws.

We will keep slogging along.


    1. Author

      Thanks, Michael!

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