We’re home again and back to our version of normal. I’m worn out from our vacation. We walked endlessly on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We checked out of the hotel on Monday and then spent five hours in the airport. We were both too tired to think about any sort of activity.

This is only the second time we have been able to fly to a vacation destination. The first time, we had limited funds and had to limit our purchases. This time, we had a bit extra and ended up with souveniers stuffed into our luggage as well as a big, plastic shopping bag. It was a blast!

Mrs. Lion and I are truly made for one another. That doesn’t mean we don’t have to work to make things better. It may seem strange to some, but enforced chastity and FLR with discipline have been tools that help us.

I recognize that these power exchanges are generally established because the male (usually) has fantasies about surrendering. In fact, at first glance, it appears to be a form of BDSM. In many ways it is.

There’s no denying that edging, spanking, and other activities are part of the BDSM song book. As such, they fulfill some fantasies of mine. But for us, at least, there is a more serious side to our power exchange.

I am an aggressive, fairly-dominant male. Mrs. Lion, while not submissive, is a wonderfully accepting woman. By shifting power to her with enforced chastity and FLR, she has had to learn to be more assertive, and I to be more accepting.

That was the theory, at least. It seems to be working. I still growl sometimes. I did at the car rental lady. Mrs. Lion reminded me to mind my manners, if I want to avoid a sore bottom. The big changes are subtle. I don’t act like a stereotypical submissive, but I do defer to my lioness. She is far more assertive than she was before we started all this

We both consider these changes to be good things. Our relationship has become closer, sexier, and much happier. It’s worth some sore bottoms (and other places) to make this work.

It was a long flight home yesterday and then the time zone change made it feel even later. Technically we went to bed at around 2 am even though the clock said 11. Our bodies were still on east coast time. Morning came very early and we were both out the door to our jobs. I’m busy digging out from the pile in my inbox and my emails. I am making headway so there’s that.

On Sunday night Lion wasn’t horny. We’d done a lot of walking on our vacation and he was wiped out. Last night, however, he said he was horny. Oops. So sorry. I was ready Sunday night when he wasn’t and he was ready Monday night when I wasn’t. Tonight, between picking the dog up from the kennel, figuring out dinner, doing an emergency load of laundry so we can make it through the rest of the week and whatever else needs our attention, we may be on the same page about his horniness. At this point I’m game. Who knows what I’ll feel like later.

Yesterday Lion spilled some food on his shirt but he was able to get rid of the stain so it wasn’t visible. That’s our rule. If he spills something and can get rid of the stain then he’s safe. I’ve even gotten Tide Stain Sticks to help him. I’m not heartless. I’ll do what I can to keep him out of trouble. The rest is up to him.

When we dropped off the rental car yesterday, Lion got a little heated with the staff. He kept asking why she was making such a big deal over where he parked and I asked him why he was making such a big deal over her asking him to move the car. It was a little confusing but if he just relaxed it would have been fine. I think he needs some correction for that.

On the other hand, on the plane Lion had an aisle seat and the twenty-something in the middle seat apparently had the bladder capacity of a chihuahua because he kept climbing over Lion every ten minutes to use the rest room. Lion kept his cool. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t try to trip him. He was a good boy. I was across the aisle and I was ready to trip the idiot. Get an aisle seat near the bathroom if you go that often.

Anyway, we’ll see how things go tonight. I think we’ll still be too wiped out but I’m open to snuggling and playing.

Lion made it to Saturday night before he spilled food on his shirt. It wasn’t intentional. Once he started he didn’t stop. Actually it was only two spills. I guess he got it out of his system because he was fine on Sunday. Of course Sunday was after the punishment.

When we made it back to the hotel after walking and walking and walking all day again, I waited a little bit before I grabbed the hairbrush. Lion groaned. He said he really didn’t want to be swatted. I told him he shouldn’t have spilled if he didn’t want to be spanked. I know he can’t really help it. I spilled food on my shirt the other night and we both spilled food on the bed while we ate the dessert we brought home with us. But I have to punish him when he breaks the rules. That’s just the way it is. And Lion wants me to do it.

We’ve been too exhausted to do anything else sexual. We may do something tonight (Sunday). At the moment we’re both writing our posts for tomorrow. We are homeward bound in the afternoon. Lion is looking forward to going home. I could stay here for another week. I’m tired and my feet hurt but I haven’t seen everything there is to see. I’m already looking forward to the next time I can meet up with Lion on another business trip.

We fly home today. I’m ready! We’ve done more walking than I usually do in a month, or more. We had a great time. I wish we could do it every month. I’m sure my legs would get stronger over time. Saturday night I was so tired I couldn’t write a word. It took me forever to get to sleep. Finally at about 3am, I fell asleep. To my surprise I woke up at 11:30 in the morning. Wow, that gives you an idea how exhausted I was.

We went to a very good seafood restaurant for dinner. The sea bass was melt-in-your-mouth. It also kept sliding off my fork, in one case, right onto my shirt. Even though I was exhausted, after my shower Mrs. Lion got her hairbrush and tapped me on my thigh. I sighed heavily and said that I was really tired. “I know,” she said. I rolled over and got my first hotel spanking from Mrs. Lion.It hurt and my butt was red.

Yesterday was more of the same. We did start later, but off we went in search of adventure. Once more, we had lots of fun and barely made it back to our room. What a vacation! This is a time we will talk about the rest of our lives.

I could say that when we get home the rules go back in full force. But the truth is that they’ve been in full force throughout this trip. Yesterday afternoon, when slogging along, I realized that I’ve changed in a fundamental way: I absolutely want to know what Mrs. Lion thinks and I want to accommodate her every wish.

No, this isn’t some puppy-dog BDSM obedience thing. I genuinely want to make my mate happy. I’m not going to say that I didn’t want to before our power exchange. I did. But I didn’t realize all the things I did to roll over her. I’m not saying I am near perfect yet, but I’m different; I hope for the better.

You can teach an old lion new tricks.