I never meant that Lion should have dinner ready for me every night when I get home. I do love it when he does, but it’s not an assignment or requirement. I also don’t think I said I don’t understand why he wouldn’t want to be home all day. I was only trying to say that I would love it. It gets old for me too eventually. Lion and I are very different. He likes to go to work and have contact with people. I can do without it. I have enough conversations with the dog and parrots to hold me for quite a while. Lion gets stir crazy, even when he’s home for a whole day on a weekend when I’m home too.

Lion mentioned wanting pho for lunch yesterday so I suggested it for dinner tonight. It kills two birds with one stone. Lion gets out of the house and neither of us has to cook. As he said in his post today, he’s all out of laundry. He wonders what he’ll occupy himself with. I could make a list for him, but that seems rude. There’s plenty to do, but I wouldn’t want him to tell me to do any of it if I was home. I do much better when it’s my idea. Like if we’ve talked about defrosting the freezer for weeks and then suddenly I get the bright idea to do it. Yes, we agreed it needed to be done, but I’m doing it on my terms. That way he’s pleasantly surprised when he gets home and I tell him it’s done. Check one item of the list. Plus, why should he get stuck doing all the things we’ve both been ignoring? That’s not fair.

I know this sort of flies in the face of FLR. Shouldn’t I be able to tell him to get things done? I should make a honey-do list for him. 2.0 should be standing there on the weekends, cracking her whip, making sure the chores get done. Nope. Not going to happen. There’s nothing stopping me from asking if Lion could do a certain project during the day, but I am not going to demand he do things. That’s not me. That’s not how we work.

Tonight, after our dinner outing, I’ll unlock Lion and we’ll see about playing. If he’s not in the mood, we can cuddle again like we did last night. I’m not sure how horny a bored Lion can be. I guess I’ll find out later.

Our weekend was great. I doubt that most people would find what we did very exciting. We shopped, had lunch at Arby’s and worked on our lawn tractor. Oh yes, Mrs. Lion gave me an orgasm on Sunday night. Yesterday was different. Mrs. Lion went off to work and I had a day alone. She finds it hard to believe that I don’t like that. If I weren’t around, I think she would be a hermit. She finds endless things to do with her computer from Facebook to various online games. I am almost immediately bored with what I find online. I do enjoy reading other FLR and enforced chastity blogs. But that doesn’t eat up too much time.

So I began my Monday by rewatching some episodes of “Mozart in the Jungle” and then did the laundry. I’m yawning writing about it. The highlight of my day was a trip to Safeway supermarket to refill a prescridsption and buy some veggies for dinner. Last night’s culinary triumph was meatloaf, corn on the cob, and sauteed green beans. Are you yawning too? My libido is low since I did come on Sunday night.

I did get a couple of calls from head hunters who were touting jobs that required skills I don’t have. These people do searches on various job sites and do keyword searches. So if my resume has the word “financial” in it, they call me about a financial manager job. They don’t even take the time to skim my resume. I’m not a financial manager. I don’t know SAP and I am not interested in junior jobs paying half what I typically earn; at least not yet. Job hunting is tiring.

One other side effect of all this spare time is that I reflect in detail on recent events. Yesterday I realized that I have been consistently breaking one of Mrs. Lion’s rules. I haven’t been thanking her for spanking me. I don’t feel very thankful, but it is a rule. I will do better. She, on the other hand, has been on the ball. Sunday night when she spanked me, she said something new. After she finished, she said, “Interrupting me annoys me. When I’m annoyed, your butt is sore.” It was.

During my “me” time yesterday, I realized that her statement is pure FLR. She is making me sure that I understand that any time I cause her any grief, the pain will be mine. I may have asked for rules and punishment, but she has made practical use of my request. My lioness is asserting herself. That’s great. I’m proud of her.

Perhaps today will be more interesting. I’m out of laundry so I hope something comes up.

Lion and I have this “witty” repartee whenever we see a Viagra commercial. The commercial says to ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Then Lion says his heart is healthy enough and I say it’s too bad he can’t have any sex since he’s locked away. Hey, I warned you it was “witty”. It’s just an example of the silliness that goes on at our house.

We spent yesterday trying to work on our lawn tractor. According to one of our thermometers that sits in direct sunlight, it was 101 degrees. We were melting into the pavement. I’d like to say that if we still lived in NY we would be used to more heat, but I think we’d be hiding indoors there too. We’ve just become more accustomed to the Northwest’s cooler temperatures. We retreated into the air conditioned house and relaxed.

Lion got himself into trouble for interrupting me. Twice. I really, really hate that. So he got his butt swatted. Hard. And it wasn’t even punishment night. He doesn’t like getting punished. He doesn’t like when I remind him that he asked for it. He actually argued a little about it last night. He gave in quickly though. He knows he asked for punishment. He just doesn’t like it when it happens.

The other day, Lion said he was sure he would have an orgasm. I was getting him closer and closer to one and then I stopped. I told him it wasn’t his night. Last night was. Lately he’s been questioning me when I give him an orgasm. “Why did you do that?” he’ll ask. It makes me wonder if he really wants one. I know he likes to wait. I also know he likes to have orgasms. This time I didn’t edge him. I just went for the gold. He asked why there was no lead up. I said there must have been. Otherwise he wouldn’t have come. I did start out slow and build from there. I just didn’t edge him first. Sometimes you just can’t please a Lion. I know he was happy to come. It’s just odd to me that he questions things afterwards. (Not that he needs to stop doing it.)

I was also thinking last night that we haven’t played Zapardy in a while. Sometime this week I’ll have him strap on the shock collar for some fun. Since he’s home all day, I told him it would be cheating if he watched Jeopardy earlier in the day from our east coast feed so he’d know the answers. He promised he won’t. Last time we played he only got zapped twice. Let’s see if he can beat that.

chinese chastity device
The Chinese A89 chastity device is very similar to the Jail Bird for only $30 USD

I’ve noticed that my recent posts are about the current state of our FLR/enforced chastity marriage. Sharing our progress is one of the main reasons we are writing. To help people who want information about a specific aspect of all this, we have our static pages. You can see the list of these if you mouse over the topic bar on the top of this page. Along with that, I like to see if there are more options available to people who want to try out enforced chastity.

Most newcomers spend a great deal of time thinking about chastity devices. I certainly did when I thought about asking Mrs. Lion to lock me up. One of the most significant challenges is finding a device that can be worn comfortably. Almost everyone who decides to continue being caged over the long term buys a custom-made device. A bespoke chastity device should be completely comfortable without the need for any lube or other help. My Jail Bird feels so comfortable, I often forget it is there. I wear it 24/7. It only comes off when Mrs. Lion wants access to my penis. Then, when she is done, it goes back on again.

Custom devices cost north of $300. It generally takes at least a month between ordering and delivery. Most beginners want something right away that costs significantly less. If you’ve been reading about chastity devices you know about the CB6000 and similar plastic devices. There is also a range of off-the-shelf metal devices that are made in China. These devices cost under $50 as a rule. Amazon lists some too, but these products are the same Chinese devices at a substantial markup.

I was unable to find one of these devices I could wear long without a lot of pain. Each one has significant structural issues that end up causing pain. There may be a solution at hand. DHGate, a Chinese site, offers many products shipping directly from China. One of the suppliers has a new model device, the A89. Normally I don’t discuss devices, but this one shows real promise. It looks very similar to the most comfortable Jail Bird device that I wear. It has a solid base ring that is anatomically bent. That alone, means the device will be more comfortable than the other off-the-shelf devices.

There is one challenge: The cage comes in only one, rather small size. It is 1 3/4 inches long and 1 1/8 inches in diameter. Based on my experience, if your flaccid penis length is  2 to 2 3/4 inches long, the length will be fine. A surprisingly large number of guys will be fine with it. The cage diameter is a 1 1/8 inches in diameter. This is quite small. My cage is 1 1/4 inches in diameter. However, given the low cost, it may be worthwhile to wear this, even if it is a bit small, to see if enforced chastity is for you. Fortunately, there is another model with the same design with a much larger cage.  The larger one has a 2 3/8 inch length. The inner diameter is the same as the shorter cage.  It might be a bit of a squeeze, but the cage is rarely the source of discomfort with these devices. Either model has a nice selection of base ring sizes available. You should be able to find one that fits well.

I’ve ordered one of these devices. Once it arrives (it can take 3 weeks to get here from China), I’ll review it and post my experiences with it. Good luck!