Lions are funny animals, especially mine. He swears we never discussed the “hands off the weenie” policy. If that’s true then why do I mention it during our camping trips when he idly touches himself when he’s wild? He’ll be sitting in his recliner, watching TV and his hands wander. He usually says, “Oops. Sorry.” Even at home, when he’s caged, I’ll ask him if he isn’t adjusting himself a bit much. I know he can’t get himself aroused with the cage on, but if he touches himself then, he’ll touch himself when he’s wild. It’s just a habit, I know. Maybe he needs something to do with those idle hands. I’ll have to come up with something.

The other thing he’s surprised about is the naked policy. Somehow he’s gotten it into his head that I don’t care. It’s true that I don’t mention it a lot. I think that’s because he’s usually really good at following the rule. And 1.0 may not have noticed as much as 2.0 does. But generally, Lion will have a very good reason for being dressed. If he’s mowing the lawn or will be in the front yard for any reason, of course he needs clothes on. He can grill naked since the backyard is concealed by trees and there are no neighbors close. If he’s doing anything that could be dangerous, I don’t want him naked. If we’re building furniture, for example. When he’s cooking and there may be grease spatter, I hope he wears at least a T shirt, if not his apron. And he’s allowed to have a T shirt on when he’s cold. I may want him to have blue balls, but not because he’s cold.

I guess Lion needs more reinforcement of the rules. Or, more correctly, more acknowledgment of the rules. When he’s naked I’ll need to thank him for being in uniform. When he keeps his hands to himself I’ll need to thank him for not touching. It makes sense. I hate when people only tell me what they see me doing wrong, but never what I do right. The same is true of Lions. 2.0 needs to see the good and not just the bad. Maybe when she figures that out she’ll be 2.1. Just a minor upgrade.

I have promised Lion more sling time this weekend. He’s really hooked on it. I haven’t decided if I should slather his balls with menthol rub again or use some of the tons of ginger we have in the fridge. Maybe both. Plus, we just got a Wartenberg wheel. A restrained Lion would be a good test for that. So many possibilities.

Lion is concerned about what the pennies in his bank mean. Is it a swat per penny? Is it five swats per penny? Ten? Hard swats? Medium swats? How much trouble is he really in?

The answer is, I don’t know. I mean, if he had items on his list he wouldn’t know how many swats each was worth. How many swats would he get for interrupting versus dropping food if it was just an item on the list? He didn’t seem concerned then. [Lion – That’s not entirely correct. I would love to know, but asking gets a negative response that often results in more swats.] And I didn’t know how many swats he would get for those infractions either. As he listed them off and I decided how much he should be punished for each item, I’d decide how hard to hit for each. Or maybe it was just how many to hit for each. There is no set number or hardness for the swats. That would be boring and predictable. 2.0 is neither.

What I did suggest is that maybe, if we aren’t remembering the exact infraction, I should use a penny for small things, a nickel for more severe, and so on up to a quarter for the “your ass will be on fire for a week” items. That way I can at least remember how annoyed I was at the time I dropped that coin in the bank. Maybe pennies are for the little annoyances like dropped food or minor interruptions. I probably should have given him a quarter when he spilled vegetable oil all over the kitchen the other day. Or maybe it should have been a dime since it was an accident. Things he can control like interrupting should have more severe consequences.

In reality, it all depends on how annoyed I am in general at the time. Is the dog underfoot? Did I just get everything all set up the way I wanted it while cooking dinner and Lion waltzes in and rearranges things? Is Lion underfoot? Did he just say something that annoyed the crap out of me and he should know not to say it? If the answer is yes to any of those questions (and those are just examples) then when he interrupts or drops food, the penny could very well be a nickel or dime. And if the answer is yes to multiple questions, we’re straying into quarter territory.

So, literally, his ass depends on keeping 2.0 happy and stress-free. I always say, “Don’t poke the bear.” Perhaps I should say, “Don’t poke 2.0.”

Lion was not horny at all last night. It makes sense since he had an orgasm the night before. He’s a happy boy. For now. He might be horny again tonight. We snuggled for a while. Sometimes that really is better than sex. More sustainable, at least. You can snuggle for hours. You can’t really say that about sex. Not the actual act.

Last night was punishment night. There was nothing on Lion’s list. He’s been pretty good. He’s interrupted a few times, but nothing that really bothered me. Tonight is maintenance spanking night. I guess it’s a good thing we decided to do the maintenance swats. Lion has been very good and I have been very bad at correcting him for the minor things. We do need a way to keep in practice.

We seem to have strayed from our nightly edgings. With Lion not horny for a few of those days, we might need a new plan. It certainly won’t be less than the every other day plan we had before. I hesitate to institute a butt plug night or a CBT night, but I might do something to stir things up a bit. Our weekends have been fairly busy so we haven’t been playing as much as we have in the past. Now that we have the stupid tractor taken care of, our attention will be on getting the camper ready for the summer. I’m sure we can find some time for play this weekend. We just have to make the time.

Speaking of the camper, I’m going to change things up a bit this year. Lion does not have to be naked in the camper. Despite the heavily tinted windows, I’m afraid people can see inside. And, the more selfish reason, he’ll be dressed so he can take the dog out sometimes. I shouldn’t be the only one stumbling around in the dark or the early morning with her. I may even think up a few more camper-specific rules before our first trip. Domestic discipline is in effect no matter where we call home.

Lion has been a good boy for weeks. Well, at least I haven’t punished him for weeks. It’s not that he hasn’t been interrupting me or doing things that he should have been punished for. I just haven’t held him accountable for them. Yesterday was different. He added two things to his list although I said I’d count them as one. And I probably should have added a few more.

The biggest offense happened while Lion was watering one of his plants. He brought it into the kitchen and as he was returning it to the window he spilled water all over the kitchen floor. Then he spilled more water as he brought the plant back to get rid of the excess water. Not really that big a deal, but it was a mess and Lions get punished for their messes in this house. The second offense is the very soggy sponge I encountered when I went to help clean up the mess. When I grab a sponge I want it to be ready to clean up a mess. I don’t want it to create another mess. Big deal. Just squeeze it out before I use it. As far as I’m concerned it should be ready to use without squeezing and I make the rules. Since those two offenses happened together I’m willing to consider it one offense. Later on, my pet interrupted me but I didn’t include that as an offense although I should have. I did tell him that he interrupted me, as a warning.

Technically, I could have added a few more transgressions to the list. When we were out shopping, I was driving and Lion was busy on his phone. Lost in his phone is more correct. He stopped responding to me. This occurred a few times while we were out. He doesn’t appreciate when I don’t respond to him when I am on my iPad so I have made an effort to be more aware of what’s going on around me while I am playing a game. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, or Mrs. Lion and Lion in this case. When he ignores me in the future he will be punished. Fair warning, my pet.

Last night was also the return to edging. I’ve never been good at oral presentations, but Lion liked the one I gave last night. When I was done I asked what his horniness level was. He said he was going to say it wasn’t high but after my attention he was giving me a standing ovation. I then edged him a few times. I think he’s well on his way to being a horny boy again. I love it when he’s horny. He is safely locked in his cage once again although he said he didn’t even notice he was wild. I’m sure he liked the freedom of peeing standing up, but the cage is so comfortable he can’t tell when it’s on. I’m happy about that. He should be comfortable. I’d feel bad if he wasn’t. That’s why I allow him to be wild when there’s a sore spot. I’d much rather clear it up than have him squirming in pain. Administering pain is my job, not the cage’s.