Happy New Year! I hope you had fun last night. Mrs. Lion will be writing about our New Year’s Eve at home. I’ve been thinking back over 2015 and about things I’ve read during the year. I can’t give an accurate count of my orgasms over the year or my shortest, longest, and average wait times. I’m not sure it is particularly useful to know these things. We don’t have any short or long term targets for this.

Do we want them? Should there be a monthly or annual maximum? Is there value in lowering that number each year? I’ve never thought such limits were useful for us. Of course, I have an obvious bias. Mrs. Lion is not a list maker or a schedule keeper at heart so she prefers things to be ad hoc. The question is whether there needs to be a change in that area. She does schedule my orgasms in a somewhat random manner. She does several months’ worth at a time. Maybe there is a system that I don’t know. Maybe she has set limits. A lion would love to know.

As for things I can control, I do have some resolutions:

  1. I will stop asking if we are going to play. It’s true that Mrs. Lion often forgets, but it isn’t my place to remind her.
  2. I will thank her each time she observes an infraction and punishes me for it. I will encourage her by letting her know that I appreciate the attention.
  3. I will work harder not to interrupt her and encourage her to deal with even minimal offenses.
  4. I will work hard to be more obedient.
  5. I will only report how horny I am if Mrs. Lion asks directly. I won’t put any sexual pressure on her. [Mrs. Lion — I do enjoy Lion weather reports.]
  6. I will hold still for spankings.
  7. Work harder to hold off an orgasm during teasing unless told I can come.
  8. Stop being grumbly and expect punishment when I am, even a little.
  9. Become an eager eater when fed semen. [Mrs. Lion – Part of the fun is the look on your face.]
  10. Gracefully accept nail polish, diapers, and other discomforts and humiliations with no grumbling. [Mrs. Lion – Again, it’s the look on your face.]

That’s my list for now. It’s ambitious. I’ll do my best. Enjoy your New Year’s Day!

Lion didn’t get spanked last night. I wasn’t feeling well. He’ll definitely have some fun tonight though. It’s his last orgasm of 2015. We’ll make our own fireworks even if we do them far earlier than midnight.

Lion has a long list of New Year’s resolutions. Several years ago I resolved not to make any more resolutions. So far it’s the only resolution I’ve ever kept. Instead, I just plod along considering myself a work in progress. I’m always open to trying things and trying to do things better. It doesn’t always work. I usually fall flat on my face, but once I get back up, I give it another shot. [Lion — That’s absolutely untrue! I’ve never met a more open person than Mrs. Lion. She usually succeeds at whatever she tries. She is too hard on herself]

For 2016, we’ll continue on with chastity and domestic discipline. I’m willing to work toward FLR although I realize we need to take baby steps. I won’t suddenly want to be in charge of everything. However, I may gradually do a better job of being in charge of Lion. He’s a handful.

Most of all, I need to be consistent. Lion needs to know that he’ll be punished if he misbehaves. Every time. Not just the other day because I remembered but not the next time because I forget. And if I say I’m going to do something, I need to follow through. Lion gets his hopes up when I tell him he’ll get sling time and then I forget. That’s not fair. At the very least, I need to let him know the plans have changed. Then he won’t feel forgotten. [Lion — She’s right. I need consistency]

It sounds like we both have a lot of work to do in the new year.

On Saturday we took our golden retriever for a bath. She dislikes baths intensely, not so much because of the grooming and bathing, but because her collar has to come off for the work to be done. She gets very upset when she isn’t wearing her collar. She managed to brave this indignity and came home very clean. I am allergic to her dander and as a result of her sacrifice, the antihistamines have been able to control the itching.

Mrs. Lion teased me on Saturday night. I was unbelievably turned on. What wonders a dog bath can do! My lioness decided that I would remain without my cage last night. She told me that she wanted me to have a chance to get hard when I slept. I got hard more than that. On Sunday we watched our New York Giants lose by a heartbreaking field goal. After the game, Mrs. Lion led me to the dungeon and strapped me into the sling.  I was hard before she could buckle the restraints. She took advantage of the access to shave my balls and other spots showing signs of hair. Then she used a combination of metal and sandpaper-lined clothespins on my balls and nipples. The entire time she teased me. She got me very close several times. Then, after she removed the clothespins and a few more edgings, she gave me an oral orgasm.

Afterward, she said that she didn’t decide to give me the bonus orgasm until seconds before she actually did it. It was mind blowing! She left me cageless until after my shower, then back to the Jail Bird. After the fun, I made a batch of marinara sauce and Mrs. Lion baked a batch of seven-layer cookies; half to bring to work, half for us. I’m not at all sure why I got that early Christmas gift, but I am very happy with it.  It’s four days to Christmas Eve and my scheduled orgasm. Then my next is on Christmas Day. ‘Tis the season for a happy lion!

Now that Mrs. Lion has put her paw down on itching-induced grumpiness, I’m going to be a lot more careful. The relief I’ve felt since Saturday has gone a long way to restoring my optimistic good nature. If I slip, my bottom will be red and sore and will serve to remind me to remain jolly. I’m glad that Mrs. Lion will do this. I know she felt that it was unfair to punish me when I was having so much trouble. It was kind of her. But I look at this a bit differently. Punishing me even if I have a reason to be grumpy could ground me and help me rise above the discomfort.  I’ll probably think my theory is bull when that paddle starts grounding me. But I’ll be wrong.

Within the practical limits of my ability to function, actively avoiding allowing discomfort or illness get in our way has to ultimately benefit me. It’s all too easy to feel isolated by the discomfort. Forcing me to continue normally helps me put the pain and itching further back from the foreground. No, it won’t go away but I can feel that my normal life can continue despite my itching. I guess I’ll find out if Mrs. Lion decides to become stricter.


As Lion said, we had a busy Saturday. The dog went for a bath to alleviate some of Lion’s allergies. We went grocery shopping. Lion had a haircut. I got a tank of fuel for the truck because of all the running around. Something for everyone although it seems I got the short end of the stick there. And we went for pizza. All in all, a lot of trips here and there, and a tired Mrs. Lion from driving.

In the midst of going for pizza, Lion asked if we were going to play. I’d written in my post that we would and to that point we hadn’t. Well, sure, I could have squeezed it in between the time we got home from shopping and when we we needed to do some work on the trailer. I could have put him in the sling in the short time before we had to retrieve the retriever. I could have unlocked him in the fifteen minutes or so between getting the dog home and when we went out for pizza. There was plenty of time. And my having to drive all these places (sore subject at times) has no effect on me.

Despite all the errands and (I assume) a tired Lion, I unlocked him and we played. And this time it worked! He was hard in a short time and I edged him several times. A few times very, very close to the edge. And he was “happy”. And then he said he hoped we’d get to actually use the dungeon today. He just had to get that little jab in. There have been a lot of little jabs lately. I’ve been chalking them up to the itchiness, but at a certain point they start to go too far.

I’ve been wrong about this. I’ve been wrong about that. This is no good. That is no good. I think I’ve let him get a little too far out of control. Perhaps there’s been too much sparing the rod. It’s time to reel him in. (Get it? Rod and reel. Huh? Huh? Sorry.) I don’t think he’s been doing it on purpose. I think he’s been too uncomfortable and I’m right here so I’m an easy target. He’s lashing out in frustration. But that lashing out is frustrating for me too. And I have the power to bring it back under control.

So, Lion, I’ve got a list too. And I’m checking it twice. I already know who’s been naughty and nice. And I know who’s going to have red cheeks for Christmas.