Last night I had to punish Lion for being a know-it-all. When he was in spanking position I asked him why I was punishing him. He told me and I started out slowly. When his cheeks were rosy I asked how it felt. He said it hurt. Good. I started in on the punishment phase.

He did better at holding still. He wiggled a little and I had to pause to let him get back in position but it was nowhere near as bad as when he rolled completely away. Then I stopped and asked if he was done. He thought he was. Nope. I whacked him harder for a little bit. But even then he wasn’t done.

I called him into the bathroom where I had a mouth-sized piece of soap all lathered up for him. It was one of the remnants of the soap we use in the shower. I knew it would come in handy for something. I didn’t time it so I don’t know exactly how long he held it in his mouth, but he rinsed and made funny faces for a while afterwards.

A while later I edged him. I didn’t want to do a ruined orgasm this time. He hadn’t been horny for a few days after the last one. I don’t know if there’s really a direct correlation or if he just wasn’t interested. No big deal. I can repeat the experiment in the future.

What I did want to do is leave him as frustrated as possible. Mission accomplished! He was not a happy boy. He said he really wanted to come. Perfect! For me, that is. Not so perfect for Lion.

Lion watched one of his favorite shows last night. He asked to have the cage removed because his skin was being irritated. I obliged. When his show was over, he asked what I wanted to watch. I chose the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Yes, I am that far behind with shows I like. There’s actually at least one more that I’m further behind with.

In the middle of Grey’s Anatomy, Lion was fumbling around with something. He said he assumed I wanted the cage back on. I didn’t. I hadn’t played with him yet. If he hadn’t asked me to unlock him earlier, I would have unlocked him to play with him. Despite the fact that I was in the middle of watching a show I like that he doesn’t, I felt rushed to play with him. Otherwise, why would he have been in the process of putting the cage back on when I hadn’t told him to?

Lion always says the TV can be paused at any time for fun so that’s what I did. I wasn’t sure if he was going to respond. It just took a tiny bit longer to get him going. But, boy, once I got him going he was sure horny.

Somewhere along the line I decided it wouldn’t be the worst thing if I gave him a ruined orgasm. My goal was to get him closer and closer to the edge. If I happened to miss, oh well. As it turns out, I got him further along than I ever have without giving him an orgasm. I did not give him a ruined orgasm. I got him to the point that his toes curl and his balls shrivel up and his entire body tenses. And then I stopped.

Poor Lion! Poor, happily frustrated Lion.

We ran some errands last night and went out to dinner. By the time I had my shower and activated my new cell phone it was already pretty late. Lion whined that he wanted to be unlocked. I suppose I should have just glared at him but I was nice. I unlocked him.

Of course, “nice” is a relative term. If I was truly nice I would have given him his play spanking no matter how late it was. If I was truly nice I would have gone all the way to an orgasm rather than leaving him gasping for air with no relief. But I wasn’t truly nice.

I didn’t lock him up right away. I guess I should have. He did need time to calm down. Trying to shove an erect penis into a cage never goes well. When he’s really horny it gets more difficult because he may start out calm but all the maneuvering to get him in the cage excites him all over again. Then we have to wait and try again.

It seems we’ve perfected putting on the plastic cage. With a few fingers inserted between the skin and the cage, we have eliminated pinches. Lion is very thankful for that. Me too. I hate hurting him. Except when I want to, that is.

We ran some errands last night and went out to dinner. By the time I had my shower and activated my new cell phone it was already pretty late. Lion whined that he wanted to be unlocked. I suppose I should have just glared at him but I was nice. I unlocked him.

Of course, “nice” is a relative term. If I was truly nice I would have given him his play spanking no matter how late it was. If I was truly nice I would have gone all the way to an orgasm rather than leaving him gasping for air with no relief. But I wasn’t truly nice.

I didn’t lock him up right away. I guess I should have. He did need time to calm down. Trying to shove an erect penis into a cage never goes well. When he’s really horny it gets more difficult because he may start out calm but all the maneuvering to get him in the cage excites him all over again. Then we have to wait and try again.

It seems we’ve perfected putting on the plastic cage. With a few fingers inserted between the skin and the cage, we have eliminated pinches. Lion is very thankful for that. Me too. I hate hurting him. Except when I want to, that is.