Lion pointed out that I had forgotten my planned sling fun this weekend. He reminded me a little late to do anything about it. I suppose I could have said, “Hell yes!” and thrown his butt in there anyway, but we had been outside doing yard work and we were both hot and sweaty. And I sort of had other plans for him anyway. I did wonder, however, if he would think my plans were made after he reminded me of the sling, and after I’d read his post for this morning. True, his post did alter my plans slightly, but for the better. I think.

My plans involved tying him to the bed and whomping on his sexy tush for a while. Then I was going to ask him to give me an orgasm. Then I was going to play with him. But only because I had gotten the order wrong from one of his previous posts. What he really wanted to experiment with was if I let him come first, would he be in the mood to give me attention? Since he had just had an orgasm the other day, I didn’t think he should have one again. So I just went with my original plan. With a twist.

In the past I have bitten his tush, but he called them love bites. His interest now was real bites that could potentially leave a mark or bruise. Lion hide is extremely hard to bruise. At least his tush. He bruises fairly easily other spots. Damn tush. Good thing it’s so cute. So along with the whomping, I did some chomping. I did leave some decent teeth marks but I doubt they lasted for long. I need to practice and experiment with how hard to bite to get the desired effect.

Who knew he wanted to be bitten? That’s easy. I can do that. It’s probably the easiest thing he’s ever asked me to do. Now I just need to perfect my technique. More Lion tush biting. I’m in! I have no idea why this is so much easier for me to wrap my head around than spanking or anything else he wants, but it is.

And then I sprang the other surprise on him. We discussed my misunderstanding of his previous post and then he asked if I wanted an orgasm. He laughed when I said, “Perhaps.” Either I do or I don’t. I told him if he wanted to do it I wanted him to do it. He laughed again. I told him I didn’t want to demand one, but it was as close to a decision as I was going to make. Of course he was willing. And clearly able. We both know how to push each other’s buttons. In a good way.

My problem now is that he thinks a switch has been flipped and I will suddenly be horny again. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. One orgasm (or five) in a little over six months does not a raging horny Mrs. Lion make. Maybe it’s a start. Maybe it isn’t. Let’s just see how it goes.

All in all it was a good weekend in the Lion’s den. He got to see his movie. He got tied to the bed. He got whomped and chomped. He got to give me an orgasm (or five). A good weekend indeed.

It’s no surprise that I’d rather watch movies at home. No crowds. Pause for pee breaks. I can ignore the movie and do something else while Lion watches. So giving Lion a reward of seeing a movie I know he really wants to see was a big deal. Over the years, going to the movies has become somewhat of a battle. He’ll say he wants to see a movie. Each time he sees the commercial he’ll say he wants to see the movie. After it’s out of the theaters, he’ll say he really wanted to see the movie. Eventually I realized that he’d never see the movie unless I looked up show times and wrote them down for him. Then he had the information he needed to see the movie. Nine times out of ten we’d go see the movie. So what’s the problem?

Either I don’t want to see the movie or don’t care if I see the movie. I’ll go with him. But usually I couldn’t care less if we go or not. So why am I the one looking up the information? That may seem like a small point, but given the fact that Lion, pre-unemployment, buys what he wants when he wants it including opera tickets, symphony tickets, theater tickets, etc., why is going to see a movie any different? Why am I the one who has to make that decision? And I know you’ll say it’s because I don’t really want to go and he doesn’t want to make me do something I don’t want to do. Hello? Opera. Symphony. Theater.

So a while ago I made the rule (and this was even before FLM) that if he wanted to go to the movies he had to look up the show time and decide when he wants to go. He will do it very rarely and I have still done it for him a few times for movies I know he really, really wants to see, even though it annoys me every time. His reward movie was no different. It’s his reward. Why am I doing the work? And yes, I had forgotten about it. I thought of it the other day, wondered if it was still playing, and promptly forgot about it again. I’m glad he remembered. I am. The movie was ok. It was just like the TV show. But I’m glad he remembered because it was a reward and he earned it. If he had forgotten I probably would have transferred the reward to a different movie he wanted to see. I’m not evil. I wouldn’t rescind a reward just because he forgot. How many times do I forget things? Don’t answer that.

All of this leads me, in a roundabout way, to Lion’s post today. Here’s my quandary: I don’t like to be in charge. He wants me to be in charge. When I think about being in charge I worry I will hurt him somehow. How could I hurt him by being in charge? When he’s down from being out of work I could tell him to snap out of it. Suck it up, Buttercup. I’m tired of hearing your whining. There are so many things wrong with those statements. There’s no switch to make yourself feel better when you’re down. I hate when people tell me to just get over it already. And I’m not tired of hearing Lion whine (even though he doesn’t really even whine). I’m more of a we’re-in-this-together kind of person. I could tell him he’s not allowed to spend any money even on lunch when all he really wanted was something from the McDonald’s $1 menu. Just because I decide not to go out for lunch to save money doesn’t mean he can’t have lunch out occasionally. Demanding he stay home and not spend money at all would be unfair. He hates being cooped up in the house all day, every day. As much as I love being home, I got stir crazy after a few days when I was unemployed and home all day, every day.

As I see it, my job is to manage things. Yesterday, I wanted nothing more than a day at home. I knew we were going to the movies in the evening. The day was mine. Lion was stir crazy. He needs to be out and about at least once a day and we had to get our mail from the post office anyway, so off we went. Did it kill me? Nope. Would it have killed Lion to stay in till the movie? Nope. But there are times when I need to give him a longer lead than others. He wants to make me happy. I want to make him happy. Give and take. That’s how it works.

I’m trying hard to manage work and home and money and Lion. I can’t make all the decisions all the time. I’m just not wired that way. I’m trying to make more decisions. Baby steps. It would be too difficult for me to flip a switch to make myself an extreme dominant. I would burn out in a minute. And I’m sure Lion would hate it too. Just like you can’t lose 50 pounds in a week, I can’t become super dominatrix overnight. Besides, if we don’t figure it out on our own, it won’t have much chance of succeeding.

Well I didn’t really lie. I had every intention of just edging Lion last night. His scheduled date wasn’t until next weekend sometime. I was all set to edge him nightly until then. After I edged him three times, I was encouraged by the pre-cum to continue on with a full orgasm. I told myself if I could edge him four times then I deserved to give him an orgasm. And it was yummy.

Lion told me it would cure his grumbliness. I hadn’t noticed any grumbling. He seemed fine all day. He said he wasn’t going to go around mumbling about being frustrated because he didn’t want to get in trouble. I had no idea he was so horny. He hasn’t been lately. I’m glad he is. I like a horny Lion.

I’ve decided that the frequency of his orgasms benefits us both. He loves getting them and I love giving them. It’s sort of a reward for getting through another day with all the issues we’re facing. Of course, he won’t get them every day, but for the time being more is better. As long as I am able to successfully edge him, that is. If I go through another period of ruined orgasms I may change my mind.

Our current version of male chastity probably isn’t anyone else’s idea of the perfect version. Too bad. It works for us and that’s all that matters. If I’m the one making the decisions then what I say goes. More orgasms. Fewer orgasms. I run the show. Lion will never argue with more orgasms unless I decide to do them nightly for more than two days in a row. And he wouldn’t necessarily be against trying. It just probably wouldn’t work. So for the time being, I will make no promises about the length of Lion’s wait. Schedule be damned! I’ll give him an orgasm when I think one of us deserves it. The lioness has spoken.

Even though we got in late last night I still played with Lion. Earlier in the day he told me he was very horny. I promised I could make it worse last night. So I did. I needed some edging practice anyway. I haven’t had much luck stopping in time lately. Yes, I’ve given him quite a few full orgasms, but even when I’ve tried to edge him I’ve gone a little too far and he wound up with a ruined orgasm.

I only edged him twice last night. No point in pushing my luck. But I did suck him for a bit afterwards. I told him I love doing that. He said he loves when I do it and invited me to continue. He said he’s always a willing participant. As if he has a choice anyway. I can suck him any time I want whether he gets hard or not. Of course, I like it better if he’s hard. But actually one of the times I feel the most powerful is when he’s soft and he gets hard in my mouth. It’s sort of like I’ve brought him back to life. Mouth to cock resuscitation.

Tonight he’ll get some more edging. Practice makes perfect. I think he may get edged every day for a while, if he’s up to it. [Lion — As If I wouldn’t be. Ha!]  His scheduled date isn’t for a while. I like to keep it vague. He says Christmas isn’t for a while either. Very true. A little less than six months away. I’ll definitely let him come before then.