It took quite a while to set up our garden-in-a-box. Most of it wasn’t difficult, but I did have to loosen and re-tighten some bolts a few times. As we were getting done, I started getting a migraine. I soldiered on and we now have tomatoes and lettuce percolating away. It will be about a week before we see the sprouts. After our gardening was over, we settled in to watch some TV. Lion fell asleep first and then I was out. I woke up while Lion was showering. Snoozing seemed to hold the migraine at bay. I can still feel it floating around in there, but it never got bad.

Lion got his spanking. He wasn’t thrilled about it, but he doesn’t have to be. He knows he needs spanking. That certainly doesn’t mean he has to like it. I used a combination of hard and soft implements. There was a wooden paddle and a Lucite paddle. And I used a rubber paddle and a leather paddle. At the very end, his skin broke in two places. I don’t know if it was because of the hard paddles or if the leather one, with its stitching, was the culprit. Either way, he didn’t bleed much. I was ready to stop swatting anyway.

We had a disappointing dinner of well-done reheated pizza. I had it in the oven while I spanked him and didn’t get back to it in time. Lion couldn’t/wouldn’t eat it. Then we had to figure out what he could eat. By the time we were done eating and I took a shower, he wasn’t in the mood for sex. I can’t blame him. It was getting late, and dinner was a fiasco. We held hands and watched TV.

Today is waxing day. When I’m done here, I’ll turn on the wax and clean off the table. It takes about three hours for the wax to melt and then cool a bit to a manageable temperature. I wish I could just slather him with hair remover cream, but his skin is too sensitive. Plus, that stuff tends to stink, and he’d never be able to handle the smell. (Won’t eat burnt pizza, sensitive skin, sensitive nose = high maintenance. Hands off, ladies! He’s mine.) Of course, the best part about waxing is the cleanup. I bet he’ll be in the mood for sex then. I should just skip the waxing and go right for the cleanup.

I know it wasn’t exactly the waxing that made Lion happy yesterday. He was waiting for the cleanup when I rub him with oil to get the wax remnants off. I was a little mean. I put oil everywhere but the spot he wanted it. I saved the best for last. He loves a hand job with oil.

Lion seemed to have less hair than last time. I don’t know how long it’s been, but the hair he did have was thinner. Maybe he’s losing his winter fur. In any case, we were done in record time and on to his hand job. This position works well because I can switch hands without interrupting the action too much. When I’m using my right hand, my left is free to tickle his balls. I tried to make sure I wasn’t grasping too hard or going too fast. I also made sure I was hitting the spot that Lion says I must have forgotten about. I didn’t forget. It’s just sometimes difficult to hit it just right.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever given him an orgasm on the waxing table. I haven’t been teasing him for very long while I clean him off. I know he’d gone 19 days without an orgasm. We’ve had some problems, as I’m sure you’ve read recently. I decided he needed an orgasm to reset his system. Of course, I had to edge him a few times first to make him wonder. To my dismay, there was no Lion cream. It would have been wasted anyway. I couldn’t eat it mixed with oil.

I managed to get the kitchen table cleaned off so Lion could have his pancakes. It’s easier to eat some things at the table than in bed. They weren’t the best pancakes I’ve ever made, but I haven’t made them in a long time. I must be out of practice. He loved them anyway.

Since I waxed him, it was after 5 when he got out of the shower. He missed his deadline for setting up the coffee pot. It wasn’t his fault. I had the pot soaking for a while and then I delayed him with waxing. Rather than bring him down further from his orgasm high, I told him he should wander out to the kitchen. That’s my code for, “You forgot the coffee pot, but I’m giving you a pass.” Little did I know, he earned himself a punishment for leaving the shower door open.

Oh well. It’s been a while.

It was supposed to be sunny today. At the very least, it was supposed to be dry. I was going to finish mowing the lawn or give it a good try. And then I’d move inside to straighten up. There’s still stuff laying around from the Costco run. I’d put it in the pantry but first I need to straighten up in there. And last night, Lion asked if I was going to wax him. I told him my plans and said I might not get to it this weekend. He was disappointed. He agreed he’s not that furry yet. He said he was hoping or some sex. Aha!

We haven’t done much of anything since he suggested moving sex out of bed. We tried the other night and I suggested oral, but the dog was nuts and then Lion wasn’t interested again. I assume now that it didn’t tickle his fancy. He’s hoping for more. He’s hoping for different. Is it me or is he always looking for something different? I understand that things evolve over time. Maybe something that worked when you were 30 doesn’t work when you’re 50. I can attest to that. My sex drive worked, then it didn’t. Lion’s quest for changes seems to be happening more rapidly. I haven’t even wrapped my head around not doing things in bed.

Each time he needs something different, I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I can’t help it. That’s just how I’m wired. That may have something to do with not being able to wrap my head around not doing things in bed. Another reason may be that it involves more work for me. I know Lion says I can just wheel my chair in the bedroom and we’ll be all set, but having to drag the spanking bench out every night or keep the waxing table clear all the time, is not something I look forward to.

It occurs to me that I’ve been overwhelmed for a long time. I feel like I’m drowning at work. There’s more work than one person can handle. The new computer system was supposed to make things easier and it’s not. It made no one’s job easier. There’s always something to do around here. Dinner, laundry, mowing the lawn, etc. The dog just adds to the chaos. No wonder I retreat to the “safety” of my iPad. However, I need to do better.

I’ve promised Lion pancakes for breakfast, so the first thing to do it get the kitchen cleaner. I’m wrong. The first thing to do is turn the wax on. It can be melting while I do everything else.

[Lion — I’m sorry that Mrs. Lion feels overwhelmed. I can’t comment on her work situation. I can say that I think the problem at home is brought on by her feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. A lot of things need to get done. They can’t be done all at once. However, a to-do list and steady progress would go a long way. I understand how she feels. I feel that way too. I can’t be very helpful. I don’t think the situation is hopeless. An hour a day would probably clear things up in short order. At least it would help with the feeling of being overwhelmed.

The sexual situation is more difficult. It isn’t that I want new things for the sake of variety. I’ve been offering suggestions on how to cure a problem we are having. I figured that Mrs. Lion would pick what worked. I also thought that she might work out ideas of her own. I don’t dislike sex on the bed. It’s just that her current position for handjobs just doesn’t work for me. I love how we do oral sex on the bed. It seems to me that anytime I make a suggestion to improve something, Mrs. Lion assumes she is failing me. I can think of on-the-bed handjob positions that might work. She reacts to my thoughts the same way she reacts to needed chores. She feels overwhelmed and withdraws. I’ll do everything in my power to help. I can also go back to jerking off if that makes my lioness’ life easier.]

I attempted to get the waxing room ready, but the stuff piled on the waxing table has nowhere to go. I’ll have to move it out and move it back when we’re done. The wax is melting. It takes a few hours to be fully melted. There’s plenty of time to get things ready.

There were no dreams last night. At least, none that I remember. Lion was safe. I don’t think he has anything to worry about. I’ve had dreams with him in them before and I’ve never hit him in the dream or otherwise. I’ve even had dreams where he’s done something stupid and I got mad at him even though I knew he did it in the dream and not in real life, but I didn’t hit him. He should be lucky I’m not my former coworker who occasionally elbows and punches her boyfriend in her dreams. He’s wound up on the floor more than once.

Unfortunately for Lion, when I do hit him, he feels it, deserves it, and knows it’s coming. And, if Law and Order: SVU can be believed, BDSM goes wrong all the time and people die. I suppose that may be true in some cases, but certainly not as prevalent as they make it seem. Lion may wind up with a bloody tush, but he’s never in any real danger. I’d stop immediately if he was. As a matter of fact, I often stop long before he’s in danger simply because there’s a lot of blood. He generally insists I could have kept going.

Something has changed in our snuggling set-up. It’s my fault because Lion just lays there. I don’t seem to be able to reach my weenie as easily as I used to. I think I’m trying to avoid his shoulder that tends to be sensitive, so I am further up on the bed. My arms are only so long. If I want to stay under the blankets, I have to move down more. Sitting up or moving to the other side of the bed means Lion has to come out from under the covers. I don’t necessarily need him to do that if he’s not getting aroused. Sometimes I’m just idly playing with him and nothing much is happening. We like to stay where it’s nice and warm if it’s just a drive-by. Once things heat up, he comes out to play.

I tried last night and that’s when I came to my conclusion. Of course, I didn’t have the solution yet. I was on the tail end of a sinus headache. Not today, though. Lion will get waxed and cleaned off with oil. My weenie will get some attention. I don’t know if he’ll be very excited, but we should be able to have some fun.