We started off the morning with a blueberry walnut pancake and bacon breakfast. Then we watched our football team with the horrible record actually win the last regular season game. That’s huge! And it made us both very happy.

Today we have a few small errands to run and then we’re home for manscaping. It needs to be done. Lion is very furry in places he still gets furry and bald in places he never gets furry. He looks mangy. Luckily it can all be fixed in about an hour if you calculate in numbing time.

Last night I unlocked Lion and he said he didn’t think he was very horny. He had been earlier but he didn’t think he was just then. I said we could snuggle and watch TV. Later on he said he really had been horny. I hadn’t tried because I never want him to think I’m pressuring him into being horny when he isn’t. But how do I know if he changes his mind if he doesn’t tell me? For all our talk of improved communication we still fall into old habits.

My plan for today, assuming the errand run stays short and I can do manscaping, is that Lion will be well on his way to being un-numb by the time I want to play with him. It’s no fun to wrap him in Velcro or go for the record clothespin count if he can’t feel it. It’s also no fun to try to arouse a numb weenie. It just doesn’t work. By getting the manscaping out of the way early enough we can move on to the main event later on.

Of course, tomorrow is New Year’s day. What does that mean? A holiday orgasm for Lion! Before said orgasm I want to give him a holiday pegging in the sling. That will set him up nicely for an oral orgasm. See? I’m already planning on starting out the new year with a winning percentage of oral orgasms. Go me! If I never give him another orgasm all year, oral will win. (Do you seriously think I’m not going to give him another orgasm all year?)

Have a safe and happy New Year’s eve celebration!

Lion’s post seems to have generated quite a few comments. I don’t mind if Lion has hair or not. I never really thought about it until I met him. And the decision was already made for me. He was, and is, hairless for the most part. There are areas the laser can’t control well so I go through every few weeks and keep the weeds down to a minimum. At this point I think it would look funny if he had fur in certain areas and not in others.

Ironically, he likes my hair. I don’t know what the situation was with other women he’s been with in the past (and I don’t care) but he didn’t like it so much when I surprised him once by shaving. I figured he’d like me with no hair since he has none. Nope. It’s just as well because I didn’t like me with no hair and I can see it being a giant pain in the ass, no pun intended, to keep it shaved. It’s a giant pain to keep pits and legs shaved.

So here we are, a hairless Lion and a hairy Mrs. Lion. It’s probably backwards by today’s standards. But then a submissive male and dominant woman aren’t necessarily the norm either. And I’ve never been known to follow and current trends. I drive a pickup, wear jeans and sneakers, hate dresses, don’t wear make up, and, if my sister is to be believed, I walk like a linebacker. Dainty!

Right now, aside from obvious anatomy, the girliest thing about me is my long hair and I just started growing my fingernails. I grew my hair because I couldn’t figure out what to do with it and I like being able to make a pony tail to get it out of my way. And Lion likes long hair so it’s stayed. Every so often I threaten to shave it all off. The fingernails I’m not sure about. I like them short but every so often I let them grow. I’ll keep them until they break, bother Lion or I just get sick of them.

Later today I’ll do a Lion inspection to see if he needs any manscaping done. I didn’t feel much fur last night when he got his orgasm, but neither of us was concentrating on hair then.

lion's shaved cock
This is really me. I’ve had no hair for a long time. (Click image for larger view)

I ran an informal Twitter poll about male pubic hair. I realize the people providing answers belong to a less-than-random sample. The results are illustrative nonetheless.

Less than 20% of the men responded that they don’t groom their pubic hair. A third remove it all and nearly half groom but don’t shave it off. I am a bit surprised and glad I am not alone.

I don’t have any pubic hair. It’s been gone for over 20 years. Shortly after being divorced, I was living with a woman I had met online. It was a transitional relationship; not a good idea so soon after divorce. Anyway, prior to living with her, I trimmed my pubic hair. I didn’t have any particular reason. I just liked how it looked.

Once we were together, I stopped trimming. One Saturday afternoon, we were naked in the bedroom. She told me that she was surprised I was so hairy. She thought I naturally had little hair there. She went on to say she liked a man with less hair. She offered to shave me. I agreed. She took it all off along with upper thighs and belly hair. She started to shave under my arms, but I stopped her.

From then on, I kept the hair off. Even after we broke up I kept shaving. For a short while I let it grow back, but I didn’t like it bushy. When I met Mrs. Lion, I was hairless. Apparently, she didn’t mind. Before my rotator cuff surgery, I also got to that underarm hair. I wanted to simplify keeping clean. It’s very difficult to wash the non-surgical armpit after the surgery. The pits are growing back now. I don’t know if I will shave them again. I’ll ask Mrs. Lion how she feels about it.

My point is that the current male body hair modification trend is fairly new. If you look at pictures from the 1960’s, you’ll see that both male and female pubic hair is allowed to grow unchecked. The 70’s were the same. At some point after that, guys began manscaping. If my little survey holds true for men in general, the vast majority now remove some or all of their pubic hair.

That must mean women don’t react negatively to the manicured manscape. My guess is that most don’t care. By now it probably has no social implication to women if a man shaves or not. I’m not sure about guys. If I go to the gym and wander around the locker room nude, will other guys judge me based on my lack of pubic hair?

I’ve been to the doctor who’s seen my shaved nether regions. He didn’t react. He would have if he found it odd. I saw him when I also had a frenum piercing. He asked me how I liked it. I know he wasn’t shy.

At this point, I don’t care what people think. I like to believe I look good there. When it comes to enforced chastity, pubic hair is painful to keep. The hair catches in the device and hurts. I’m very glad I’m shaved when I wear my Jail Bird.

I do wonder what women think about male pubic grooming. If you are a female reader, could you comment and give us your opinion?

shaved male nipple
My shaved nipple. I like this look a lot.

A few weeks ago I shaved my chest. I’m now hairless from face to mid-thigh. I decided to do this on an impulse. I had the body shaver and was refreshing the shave under my arms. No, hairless male underarms isn’t necessarily my thing, but for the time being it’s necessary. I can’t wash very well under my operated arm. I can’t move it very far from my body and hair just promotes bad smells. I do wash every night, but this is a trick I read about for people getting shoulder surgery. I also had to do the same under my good arm. The reason for this is that it is extremely hard for me to wash that underarm because my operated shoulder doesn’t let my right arm get very far to wash it.

I don’t have much hair under there anyway, so no biggie; at least for me. I also shave the hair at the top of my chest. Long, stringy hair grows there and just looks bad. Mrs. Lion has commented on this from time to time. So, when I think about it, I shave it off. While I was at it, I decided to shave more. I shaved the hair around my nipples. I admit it. I like the way my hairless nipple looks. (see image, right). What can I say. I like it.

Feeling adventurous, I continued removing hair. Before I knew it, there was nothing left. Looking in the mirror, I like that look. My belly button looks better without a bush around it. No “happy path” is also more attractive in my eyes. Male chest shaving is pretty common nowadays. This was the first for me.

I haven’t had any pubic hair in over 25 years. I can’t remember what I look like with it. I’ll never find out. Most of the hair was laser removed before I met Mrs. Lion. Some stubborn patches here and there, particularly on my balls and below, remain. Mrs. Lion manscapes me to keep my clean look. She did this yesterday after several weeks of not being mowed.

The pubic hair first disappeared many years ago when a woman I was seeing let me know she disliked pubic hair. She had almost none. She was born that way. So, I allowed her to remove mine. I liked the result but was self conscious about it. I grew it back before seeing a doctor who might want my pants off. After the appointment, off it went again. Eventually, I lost my shyness and never saw hair there again.

Since I don’t have much chest hair anyway, perhaps it will be gone permanently too. Mrs. Lion dislikes the stubble but said she likes the look. So, if I shave often enough or use the epilator, the stubble won’t be a problem. I’ll have to see what she wants.