I think Lion is amazed that I’ll stay with him through all the health issues he’s had. I’m not sure what he expected. He’s said in the past that no one has taken such good care of him. He’s been married a few times. Is he forgetting what his other wives did for him? Or didn’t they take care of him because he never needed help like he’s needed in the past few years? I can’t imagine they turned their backs on him when he needed them.

It’s not like he’s doing these things on purpose. He didn’t shove a stick in his eye to create the need for surgeries. He didn’t narrow the channel in his spine to require neck surgery. One could argue that he’s had a relatively healthy life and just seems to be falling apart all at once. In any case, I’m sticking with him.

Lion also seems to think I resent (there’s a better word out there, but this will have to do) playing with him because I don’t want sex for myself. While it may be true that I’ve wished he’d have less of a sex drive from time to time, that would change him and I don’t want to change him. I love my Lion just the way he is…minus the interruptions and know-it-all tendencies, that is.

Yes, he still needs a little work but that’s what spankings are for. Once he’s all healed up from last week’s surgery and the upcoming one this week, the spankings will resume. I’m not keeping a tally of things he’s done recently because I’ve suspended the rules for now. If I was I’m not sure I could ever catch up on punishment. Just know that I am paying attention and I’ve been giving him a (less than) gentle snarl from time to time. He should know when he stomps on a rule even if they aren’t in effect.

The biggest issue is interrupting. It’s as if interrupting and surgery go hand-in-hand. I haven’t really paid attention to this before, but there seems to be a correlation. Maybe it’s fear. Maybe it’s uncertainty. Maybe it’s annoyance that all this keeps happening to him. Regardless, it’s annoying to me. I’ll help him through things, but if I can’t finish a sentence I don’t even want to start one. Then I get quiet and he wonders what’s wrong. Nah. It’s easier just to growl back at him until things go back to normal and I can take a swipe at him.

Be afraid, Lion. Be very afraid.

I’ve been spinning my wheels trying to pack things. The hardest part so far is figuring out where to stack the bags of garbage as I go. Not only are we moving into a smaller house, but we moved a lot of crap with us from New York. Despite throwing out a lot before we moved and throwing out more once we got here, we still kept way too much. And then, of course, we accumulated more. Even though I don’t seem to be making much of a dent, I’m tired and sore by the end of the day. Not to worry. I saved some energy for fun.

Lion was correct. He was very horny. He always makes it sound like he’s been horny forever with no release. Obviously, he hasn’t been horny at all for the past week or so. The drug he was taking and worrying about surgery was preventing it.

He was hard almost immediately. I debated just giving him an orgasm right away. On one hand, I was worried that an orgasm might build up pressure in his eye. Not eye pressure itself, but pressure from the straining of orgasm. But then I figured edging would create pressure as well. Can’t win.

I didn’t want to stop the proceedings to ask Lion what he thought of my pressure concerns. He probably would have rolled his eyes at me. So I continued on my merry way. Still, I think I only edged him once or twice before he got his orgasm.

I figured he deserved an orgasm. Not because he’d been waiting so long, but because he’s been through a lot lately. And he’s going through more on Thursday. Not to mention his anxiety about moving.

I forget how crazy he gets when we talk about moving. He’s happy to go through things to get rid of it, but don’t ask him to think about where the remaining stuff will go in the new house or how it will get there. No problem. We’re nowhere near ready for that yet.

I like to think I’m an optimistic pessimist. I know this is going to suck but I’m hoping for the best. Just before they whisked Lion away for his surgery, the nurse told us they usually use clear eyepatches. Clear! As in see-through. As in maybe Lion will be able to see something. My fingers and toes have been crossed for the past hour.

I doubt he’ll be able to see at first. The numbing agents they put in the eye have to wear off first. And he may not be able to see well, but any little bit helps. The more the merrier.

On the way to Seattle, Lion asked me how I was doing. I told him I was nervous. The last surgery went well an a day later there was bleeding This is a different type of surgery but he could still bleed.

Last night I decided that Lion would be seeing and driving by the time we move. That solves the problem of leaving a car behind when we rent a U-Haul. See? Optimistically pessimistic.

2:30 Thursday — We just got home. Lion can see light but that’s all for now. Getting him in the house was a lot easier than after his neck surgery. It would have to be.

Since Lion didn’t want to use his walker, I suggested he put a hand on each of my shoulders and follow me to the bedroom. I think it worked pretty well. Lion May feel differently.

We got lunch at Burger King drive thru. Lion hadn’t eaten since last night. He did pretty well eating without making a mess. The next test will be a bathroom break. I’m sure that won’t be fun.

I don’t consider myself a patient person. My coworkers might disagree. They think I have the patience of a saint with everything that has happened to Lion this year. A less patient person would have killed him a long time ago. Well, maybe not killed him, but certainly put him in his place.

Recently, I’ve reminded Lion that he’s not the only one going through things. As a caregiver, I go through his things (albeit not first hand) along with my things. Lion doesn’t readily admit it, but he likes to be the center of attention. Why else, when I’m wondering how to make eating dinner and breakfast easier for him when he can’t see, would he be worried about whether I’ll be paying attention enough to fast forward through commercials of shows he’ll be “watching”? Most of my ideas lately have been met with “that won’t work” or “why would we do that?” I’m not sure if this is the Lion with the vision, balance and surgery worries or the Lion who knows it all. In either case, he shouldn’t take things out on me. He may need an attitude adjustment.

Lion is not a good patient. He’s not a patient patient. I cannot afford, either time-wise or emotionally, to sit with him the entire time he has the bandage over his eye. I have a house to pack. I’ve decided I’ll pack up what I can in the master bath so I can be near him in case he needs anything. I’ll try to remember to tell him when I leave and enter the room so he can keep track of me. I’ve suggested he allow Alexa to read his Audiobooks to him. He says that’s boring. But he’ll “watch” TV. Okay.

I know he’s afraid his eye will bleed and he’ll lose his sight for longer than a day. I think that’s a valid thing to be concerned about. But I need to set some ground rules. Some of them may fall under the heading of “humor me” but I have a feeling they’ll work. The first is one I suggested last night. I think if he uses the walker he used when he had neck surgery, he’ll feel more balanced and the walker will run into obstacles before he trips over them. He says it will make him feel worse. I don’t care. I think it will help keep him safe.

The second rule is that he has to sleep with his head elevated for the first few nights. I don’t remember if this was a post-surgery guideline with the first eye, but it seems to me if he sleeps flat there’s more pressure in his eyes. He’ll tell me he can’t sleep that way. He doesn’t sleep well anyway. Where’s the harm in trying it my way?

The third rule is that everything is not normal so let’s not try to pretend it is. He wondered what happens if he needs something from his nightstand. I said he should ask. But let’s keep it within reason. He can’t see. How many things can he possibly need from his nightstand? I’m not going to spend all of my time catering to him. As I said, I have a house to pack. He’ll tell me he needs more help because things are not normal. Packing a house solo is not normal either. We all have our crosses to bear.

I won’t punish Lion while he can’t see. Once the bandage is off and he’s past the danger zone, I’ll let him have it. Any punishment he’s accumulated for being difficult will be meted out. He may be sorry he’s encouraged 3.0 to show up.

Okay. Let’s psych ourselves up. We can do this.

[Lion — It may seem that I want things my own way. In some respects I do. Mrs. Lion doesn’t realize how close to the edge I am. I’m not going to walk in a walker. We had experience with them after my spinal surgery. It will be much easier for me if Mrs. Lion takes my arm and steers me away from collisions. I will probably listen to some books as well as TV. TV has the advantage of being familiar and not requiring my full attention. I need things to be as normal as possible. If Mrs. Lion feels overwhelmed by this, I’ll find a way to fend for myself.]

[Mrs. Lion — Never mind. I’ll do whatever Lion needs me to do.]