Lion had a positive doctor visit today. He can wear a contact in the left eye in a week. He’s reducing the number of times per day he uses the drops. The doctor was very happy with the outcome of the surgery. We are too.

The dog also had her appointment. We thought she had an ear infection. She does not. The theory is that she has an allergy that is causing her to scratch. She’s also fat. We all are. We need to stop feeding her from our plates. She won’t like that at all.

Of course, the best news is that Lion’s rules are back in effect. Well, he thinks the best news is that sex is back on the table. I guess both are true. If he can handle sex then he should be able to handle rules. Actually, the doctor said he can do a little more each week. Does that mean he can be spanked at one-quarter strength this week, half-strength next week and full-strength the following week? Maybe the rules can be in effect this week but I can’t spank him till next week.

I’m being silly. The rules are in full effect. Punishment can go on as usual. I can edge Lion or give him an orgasm as I see fit. Conversely, I can make him wait for an orgasm as I see fit. It’s nice to have things somewhat back to normal.

Lion is funny. He keeps questioning the discharge papers that said to avoid intimate activity for two weeks. Why didn’t the other surgeries require that? I think it could be because the other surgeries were done in ambulatory surgery centers and this was done in a hospital so they’re looking to cover their ass; or it could be because it’s a more involved surgery. Obviously there’s a reason or they wouldn’t have put it on the discharge papers.

Funnier still is the fact that it hasn’t even been a full week yet. He’s already raring to go. The other night, when we snuggled, he said I could move my hand up a little more. Of course, just to be silly, I moved the other hand. When he protested I said I was only following doctor’s orders.

Do I really think there’s a problem with intimate activity? Nope. It’s just fun to torture him with it. Sorry. I’d love to edge you, but that would be intimate activity. No can do. Talk to me in X days.

I did worry a little bit about causing pressure to build up after the right eye surgery. But I was already edging him at the time and it seemed the “damage” would occur whether I edged him or went all the way to an orgasm. At that point I gave him an orgasm.

I’m pretty sure Lion won’t ask if he can now have sex at his appointment tomorrow. He’ll ask when he can wear a contact. He’ll ask if he needs to watch for any other side effects. He’ll ask how the pressure is. And from that he’ll infer whether he’s good to go for sex. But, clearly, he thinks he’s good to go now.

So yes, Lion, I’ve been messing with your mind. Regardless of what the doctor says, (unless your eyeball is in danger of popping out of your head) we’ll resume edging tomorrow night. We don’t have to wait a full two weeks as the discharge paper say. Your drought is over.

I noticed something over the weekend. I had twinges of libido. Why? I don’t know. I was very tired most of the weekend so I’m surprised I had any feeling in any body part. By Sunday it was gone. Still, I wonder why it made a brief appearance at all.

The thought crossed my mind that it could be because I haven’t been focused on Lion so much. I don’t want that to sound like I’m blaming him. I’m not. It probably isn’t the reason. I’m still not thinking about Lion’s needs until we get the green light from the doctor. Of course, he wanted me to think about it last night while we were snuggling. Too bad. I’m following doctor’s orders.

Anyway, I don’t know why it woke up or how to get it to do it again. It’s not like I think about it. But I guess it’s good news that it’s still lurking somewhere in there even if I can’t get it to show up on demand. Maybe, now that I know it still exists, it will pop out more often. I don’t know. Just a thought.

Another thought I had last night, is that I could take the top drawer of my dresser and keep my most-used paddles in there. Out of the five drawers, I use three. I don’t even remember what’s in the bottom two. They’ve been concealed by shoes and other things piled in front of them. Clearly I don’t need five drawers for clothes. I’ll clean out the bottom two and move everything one drawer down to accommodate the paddles. That way they’ll always be right near the bed within reach. Handy access for butt whomping.

I suppose I could use two drawers for paddles. I just don’t know how many I need in the bedroom at any given time. I could also use one of them for toys other than paddles. Where will the Icy Hot live in the new house? Maybe in the paddle drawer. Maybe in an “Other” drawer. One of the issues has been keeping things where I can find them. The dresser might be the answer.

Poor Lion butt! He’ll love it.

We finally signed the lease yesterday. It was a day late. I had a whole plan of making several trips a day, ferrying boxes to the new house. It didn’t work Sunday. Monday I managed to get eleven boxes transported. By then I was done for. Taxiing Lion to appointments and packing to move fried me. I was going to move a few boxes every day after work, but I’ve decided to concentrate on packing during the week. Next weekend, a friend will help me move more boxes.

This morning, I imagined that Lion would have another problem with the fact that I packed all but four of each type of dish because all of one type was dirty. I turned the dishwasher on so it shouldn’t be an issue, but you never know. And I decided that I’ve been more than accommodating for his maladies so he should start accommodating my wishes and needs. I need to get things we’re keeping from point A to point B and I wish he would stop adding things to my list. On the one hand, he tells me he trusts that I can get things done. On the other hand, he tells me how my plan doesn’t work. I’m ready to buy new everything and burn the old house down behind me. And, you know, I’ve been so focused on packing and moving that it just occurred to me that I’ll have to unpack on the other end. Yup. Buying new and burning the house down.

I know this has nothing at all to do with male chastity. It only marginally has anything to do with female led relationship with discipline. Although…I’m thinking the rules should go back into place sooner rather than later so I can take out some of my frustrations with Lion on his butt. I guess mainly this post is to put Lion on notice that I’m stressed enough. I don’t need to worry about taking the dog to the vet so she can go to the kennel while we move. Those are two trips that don’t need to be on my plate right now. She can be in the camper with the windows open and a fan going. She understands the camper.

I won’t actually reinstate the rules at least until after this Friday’s follow up with the surgeon. No sex for two weeks notwithstanding, I need more of a green light that Lion is healing well. But Lion should be aware that the growling will continue and probably get louder the more stressed I feel.

Of course, I say this with the realization that I’ve been apologizing for everything the past week or so. Why does he get to make me feel bad that I didn’t hear him ask for a chocolate shake at Burger King? I’d promise that I’ll growl next time he does it, but we both know I’ll probably apologize again. Everything is topsy turvy lately.

[Lion — This is a two-way street. I’m frustrated because I can’t do things for myself. It’s true that we sometimes get our wires crossed in terms of things to do. The dog has to go to the vet. It isn’t just to get shots. She seems to have an ear infection that needs to be looked at. We both get frustrated.]