We are short-staffed, so I’m doing a job I used to do a few years ago. If I had to do it full time again, I’d hate it, but it is a good way to make sure things go smoothly for my current job. You know the old saying, garbage in garbage out. I’m trying to head off the garbage in part. I just hope I don’t have to keep doing it, or I’ll get backed up with my job that no one can help with. I guess it’s all part of being a team player.

Last night I forgot to spank Lion before I took a shower. When I mentioned it, he said he didn’t think he’d earned a spanking. That’s true, but I did write that his buns need a refresher course every so often. He was not really in the mood to do anything sexual. I guess he’s still recharging. I assume that means he won’t have an orgasm after a four-day wait, but I’m not throwing in the towel yet. It was still nice to snuggle under the covers where it was warm. There was frost on the car this morning. Brrrr.

In this morning’s emails, Lion said he couldn’t wait till I got home. I asked if that was true even if I whomp his buns or because I might do it. He said even if. We discussed his cute tushy’s lack of redness lately and decided we could both benefit from a spanking. I don’t want to be rusty when he really needs punishment, do I? Of course not. I need practice too. He certainly does. So one of these days, maybe tonight, I’ll drag out the spanking bench and get to work. Maybe that will jump-start his desire for sex. It’s worth a shot.

The sun is shining today. It doesn’t make it any easier to be at work. I liked working from home yesterday afternoon. I need to clean my desk off better for when I work from home full time, but that won’t take long. I also have to help Lion clean his desk off. We both tend to let papers pile up. In my case, I’ve had to put things up so the dog can’t get them.

Tonight, I’m picking up a grocery order at one store and going to another one to get a turkey for Thanksgiving. We usually have a turkey breast since neither of us likes dark meat, but we may have to get a whole bird if there are no breasts available. Either way, we’ll have our traditional Thanksgiving dinner with just the two of us, which is how we like it. We don’t have to drive anywhere. We don’t have to accommodate other people’s allergies or dislikes. We know what we like, and we make it—done deal.

Last night was the night-after-orgasm lull. I know Lion isn’t in the mood for action on that one night. He used to be, and I bet I could get him interested again, but I give him time to recharge his batteries. Tonight, I’ll see if I can interest him in more than snuggles. I want to shorten his wait time this time around. No more 21 day waits for him. Well, I may make him wait that long at some point in the future, but that will be in the distant future. Right now, I want to get us back on track for tease and deny (almost) every night and an orgasm sooner than he may like. I’m thinking four days. His wait times were anywhere from four to ten days for a long time. Between one of us being tired or sick and our recent bout of miscommunication, it’s stretched out to 21 days the past few times. Yuck! I don’t like it. I know Lion doesn’t like it.

Are four days attainable? I don’t know. Maybe not. But maybe. It all depends on how cooperative our bodies are. Can we fight off snoozing and not feeling well for four days? Well, now three days. I’m game if Lion is. Let’s get those balls warmed up (they hang lower when they’re warm) and get this show on the road. Clothespins, IcyHot, ropes, restraints. Check, check, check, check. I’m excited to try.

What happens if four days is too soon? Won’t we have fun trying! If it takes another day, that’s one more day of fun. I’m not pressuring Lion. Pressure is the enemy of erections. I’m not going to punish him for not being able to have an orgasm, although I think he is due for a spanking. He hasn’t done anything. I just need to sharpen my skills and remind his butt how it feels to be whomped—no time like the present.

Okay. Game plan set. Let’s hope we score better than either of our football teams.

Okay, I’ll just say it. I miss sucking Lion. He has a statistic for every category imaginable. Does he have one for how he was edged? I wonder how long it’s been. I don’t need him to keep track of it. I just miss it and I would have done it last night if he hadn’t been so preoccupied with a hand job. Who’d have thought he’d actually prefer a hand job over oral sex? I also offered him his ride and he turned it down, although that I sort of understand.

Lion had a pretty long wait. I think his last two waits were both 21 days. I didn’t plan it that way either time. We’ve had a bunch of miscues and that’s made his waits longer. There have been a few days one of us didn’t feel well. There have been quite a few days I screwed up. No excuse. I dropped the ball and never picked it back up. We’ve had a few shoutless shouting matches. We tend not to have knock down, drag out fights. I won’t say no one gets hurt feelings, but we work it out eventually. Usually he can’t see that he’s wrong so I have to give in. (I’m kidding!) Sometimes we’re on different pages. For the past month, however, it seemed we were in different books altogether. Hence, the long waits.

I guess we went back to basics and I started off with hand jobs. For a long time, I couldn’t get Lion very far by hand. My shoulders and back would start to hurt and I suggested oral sex. He doesn’t usually turn down oral sex so he was happy to oblige. When we had out miscues, we decided to try again. For the past week or so, I’ve been giving him hand jobs exclusively. I say hand jobs. I don’t know what else to call it when I use my hand but only edge him. My hand hasn’t worked one hundred percent of the time, but it has been working better.

Saturday I had a big headache. It started in the morning, let off in early afternoon and came back early evening. I don’t think it was a sinus issue. It even hurt to snuggle with Lion. So much for his warmth being my cure-all. By yesterday, the headache was gone and we were back in business. I didn’t have a plan. I just went to work on my weenie.

I will say that the past few times, I’ve moved to his side of the bed, perched on the edge, to play with him. I assume that changes the angle and my grip. It seems to be a little easier on my shoulders. Maybe that’s why we’ve been more successful. It’s not like I never did that before. Whatever it is, I’m glad it’s working. And now that he’s had his full hand job with orgasm, I can suck him again.

Lion thinks my grip has changed when I jerk him off. I’ve tried to remain constant. I think he’s the one who’s changed. When I agreed to his insane (my thinking at the time) idea of male chastity, I decided I needed to know how best to masturbate him. I’d been doing it for years, but I wanted expert guidance. Who better to ask than the guy who’s been masturbating him since he realized masturbation was a thing? I had Lion jerk off for me one last time. I watched carefully. Fingers there, got it. Speed of stroke, got it. I’ll never be as expert as he is, but I figured I could do it pretty well. And I think I did until very recently.

I have not been good to my body. I have a bum knee from a soccer injury that probably should have been looked at by a doctor, but we didn’t do doctors when I was growing up unless it was something major. I could still hobble around on it so I was good to go. I have many non-descript injuries suffered while building a house with my ex. Of course, I can lift fifty pounds while standing on the top rung of a ladder and hanging out over a roofline. My right shoulder is still sore from heaving softballs to home plate from the outfield during my son’s field day twenty-five years ago. The left shoulder and right knee probably gave out trying to compensate for their injured counterparts. Luckily, none of these things hurts constantly. The problems often occur from overexertion.

When we snuggle, and I start to play with my weenie, I make sure I grip him the same way he showed me. I won’t say I consistently grip him that way. If I’m distracted or tired, I don’t always do it correctly. From the picture on his post, you can see his fingers are just below the head. A week or so ago, he told me that grip was incorrect. Excuse me? He said he needs me to expand my grip to cover more territory. Um. Okay. Sure. So I started doing that and he seemed happy. And then he wrote that my grip now tends to cover more of his cock and he thinks that’s because my shoulders hurt. Huh?

Sometimes it feels like I’m trying to hit a moving target. Maybe he needs my grip to be all over with special consideration given to the spot just below the head. I’ve never asked if my tongue manages to hit all the right spots when I suck him. I wonder if I’m inconsistent there too. Maybe he doesn’t mind because I’m sucking him and that just feels good no matter what I do.