woman spanking husband

I didn’t get spanked on Thursday night. Mrs. Lion was a bit under the weather. I’m very sure that she won’t forget that she owes me one. Spankings are almost never forgotten. I’m writing this post on Friday morning. I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. It’s unlikely that we will get home before six. I’m not sure if that means I get another reprieve. Over the years, we’ve learned that punishment has to be consistent to be effective. Mrs. Lion is very consistent.

In her post yesterday, “An Hour Long Spanking?,” she said I’ve failed to send her a daily email since moving. She’s right; I have. I thought she suspended my rules until we were settled in. Apparently, in her mind, the only rule suspended was setting up the coffee pot. The daily email rule remained in effect. This was a surprise to me. It doesn’t matter since I was in trouble for not remembering my pill packets earlier this week. I’m owed punishment any way you look at it.

Mrs. Lion’s system of only punishing for breaking very specific rules has one drawback: it removes a sense of danger for me and makes her need to create those rules. I’m not suggesting that she stop setting rules for me to obey. I am suggesting that she consider some silent, relationship rules to spice things up.

I do little things that can annoy her. As she has said, they don’t rise to the level of needing correction in order for her to feel better. I get it. Every couple has those little events that are annoying for a few minutes and then fade into the background. I think that those little things are opportunities to expand our disciplinary activities. No, it isn’t because our marriage will improve if I’m spanked for little annoyances. I will benefit becuase I will get more spankings for a reason.

I need regular spanking. It’s sexual and emotional fuel for me. No, I can’t explain why I’m wired that way. It’s a fact of my life. We established “Just Because” spankings to fill in when I didn’t earn punishment. It hasn’t been very effective because Mrs. Lion doesn’t remember to give them. On the other hand, if I break a rule, she has the memory of an elephant. The obvious solution is to lower the threshold on what earns me punishment. It isn’t because I need to change as much as it provides many more opportunities to catch me and punish me. We both like it when that happens. She likes catching me and I need the spanking that follows. It’s a win-win

bare butt spanking

I don’t know about you, but I find it difficult to admit that I want to be spanked. I’m not alone. Outside of limited BDSM circles, where spanking enthusiasts meet in person, not too many people are willing to reveal this interest.

I haven’t seen any studies about how many adults actually get spanked versus the number who dream about it. We know that around 80 percent of US and Canadian adults have had spanking dreams. The large majority of those dreams had the dreamer being spanked, not doing the spanking. Wouldn’t that make those of us who actually get spanked the lucky ones? Shouldn’t we be bragging about it?

Well, no.

People who get spanked fall into two general groups: BDSM players and disciplinary spanking recipients. The BDSM folks freely admit (to other BDSM folks) that they want to be spanked. The second group is more interesting.

The recipients of disciplinary spankings exhibit a spectrum of rationalization. Take a look at the non-religious domestic discipline websites. Guys who want their wives to spank them and want to believe there is a reason for the spankings other than a deep desire for them create an interesting situation to frame the practice.

The key is that this group says that they need to be spanked to be better men. They consent to disciplinary spankings so their wives can train them to behave better. Does that mean they need maternal authority to flourish?

Mrs. Lion spanks me and punishes me when I break a rule she has made for me. Does that mean she is exercising maternal authority? She doesn’t think so, and neither do I. She may be playing a disciplinary maternal role because I asked her to, but she isn’t actually assuming that uncomfortable position.

The problem with the concept of a female-led relationship (FLR) is that it usually translates to the woman becoming an authoritarian figure (mommy?) who actively manages and punishes her partner. It’s a hot fantasy but not usually a viable reality.

reality checks help make DD work

While I realize that Mrs. Lion spanks me because I asked her to, it doesn’t change the fact that I get punished when I break a rule. Too many guys focus on the disciplinary process–let’s face it, it’s hot–and overlook that their wives are providing a needed service. It’s way more fun to stay in the role of disciplined husband.

Mrs. Lion and I have a balance when it comes to domestic discipline. While I’ve consented to her having broad authority over me, I lead more than I follow. It works better for us that way. Sure, it’s fun to write about my trips to the spanking bench. It’s more fun when there is a reason for the trip. So, yes, I am a disciplined husband. My wife spanks me to change my behavior. It’s true domestic discipline.

However, I’m a disciplined husband because I want it that way. Mrs. Lion is providing me with an important service by making sure she beats my bottom regularly. If I didn’t ask her to do it, she wouldn’t. It was my idea. I have to admit it; I need to be spanked regularly.

A reader commented on my post, “Mrs. Lion’s New Paddle Is On The Way.” It was a typical question from, shall we say, an uninformed reader:

“Does Mrs. Lion ever paddle other submissive men who need it. I think she would be in great demand.
Mr. Lion, what do you crave and like so much about hard spankings?”

I usually delete comments like this, but this time, Mrs. Lion responded. Her response is very telling:

“I do not spank anyone else. I do it for Lion because he wants it and I love him.”

A very sweet response. The reader, he calls himself Johnsk, is clearly living in his fantasy world. Ms. Lion and almost every other disciplinary wife spanks her husband because he has a need she is fulfilling. One of my goals is to help other men understand the realities of male chastity and domestic discipline.

Everyone loves stories. Men who fantasize about being spanked have a lot of stories they can read about men being punished and paddled. Virtually all of them are written to turn on the men who dream about being spanked. Very few are honest perspectives from the women who do the spanking.

Some women get sexually aroused when they spank a man. A subset of them get turned on when they punish a man for an infraction. The reality is that this is not a very high percentage of spanking wives. I’ve known women who get aroused by spanking a man. I’ve never met any who actively search for male butts to spank. I’m sure there are some, but for practical purposes, assuming our wives are in that group makes no sense.

Mrs. Lion has been spanking me for almost two decades. It took her years to become comfortable, spanking me as hard as I needed. It never turned her on. For many years, it bothered her to hurt me. Eventually, she understood that those painful spankings were good for me, and therefore, an act of love.

I spent a long time as a top. Sometimes, spanking a woman turned me on. Often it didn’t. I did it as a service to her. I also enjoyed the skill I could display in doing a “good” job on her bottom. The point is that the person delivering the spanking doesn’t necessarily share the feelings that the person being spanked has. Ironically, most spankers understand this, but the spankees almost never do. This is clearly illustrated in the comment we received.

Even if Mrs. Lion doesn’t get pleasure from spanking me, she enjoys seeing the positive effect it has on me. Let’s face it, spanking is work. In the context of domestic discipline, it isn’t fun. It’s punishment. Punishing someone is work, too. My point is that it doesn’t make sense to believe that letting someone spank you is a reward in itself. Getting someone to spank you is an enormous favor to you. Because Mrs. Lion loves me, and because it helps correct small behavioral issues, she spanks me. It isn’t her hobby or profession. Please don’t ask her to spank you. She won’t.

As you probably gathered from her last post (“I Can Whomp Him With Any Paddle“), Mrs. Lion wasn’t particularly excited to learn that I ordered a new paddle. I guess it isn’t the gift she was looking for. If I’m going to be honest about it, the gift is for me. The big question is, why do I think we need it?

Over the last few decades, I’ve bought or been gifted many impact toys. We have many more paddles, whips, floggers, straps, and slappers than any couple needs. We could supply a decent-sized dungeon. You could argue that there really isn’t anything new for me to add. You’d be wrong.

Our collection consists of wood and rubber paddles, slappers, and straps. We also have a few very nice floggers. Mrs. Lion isn’t fond of them; she prefers paddles. We have a five-layer leather slapper that she unearthed last week. She hasn’t used it.

Over the years, I’ve neglected leather paddles. The main reason is that most are poorly made with two layers of leather and a piece of spring steel between them. It’s adult store crap. Very few quality leather paddles are around.

The main reason for this is that leather, by its very nature, is flexible. To achieve the degree of stiffness required to make a serious paddle calls for multiple layers of thick leather bonded together. I made a paddle like this a long time ago. It was very effective. I have no idea what’s become of it.

Anyway, I did a Google search for leather paddles and found a craftsman who makes the kind of leather paddle I believe will be effective. I ordered one, and it’s on the way. When it comes to paddles, the word “effective” means painful. If I’m forced to think about it, I must admit that I am the architect of my misery. I just ordered yet another instrument that will make me miserable.

Maybe part of it is my long history as a top. That part of me seeks efficient tools to provide pain. As the bottom, I understand that Mrs. Lion will enjoy the efficiency and I will suffer the pain. Stupid lion! Welcome to my world.