The recent revelations about Facebook allowing hate speech and misinformation to persist are just the tip of the iceberg. People learn to read in school. The idea that something in print can be false is not in the curriculum until high school or college. People are inclined to believe what they read. If what they read makes them angry, they will want to read more and stay in their angry state. That’s human nature.

While Facebook reaches one-third of the world’s population, other unfiltered media probably reaches just as many. Blogs like ours are not subject to any content editing. We are free to write anything we want. If we can piss you off, you will probably become a loyal reader. Don’t believe me? Look at StrictJulieSpanks. When she writes a post claiming COVID vaccinations are wrong to require, comments to her post are double the normal number. Why? Because it pisses off people who have the facts.

Worse, some readers will believe her. She claims that she has the “real” information. In this case, she doesn’t. Her sources are other fake news outlets. My point is that even if Facebook dials back the dangerous posts that incite riots and promote the pandemic, the problem won’t be solved. The solution isn’t to filter hate speech and obviously false and dangerous content. Our constitution is clear that almost anything is free expression. The answer is to teach kids right from the start that just because something is in print and looks authoritative, it may be false.

Most lies are much easier to accept than the truth. Lies can easily have perfect internal consistency. They can selectively include some facts along with false information. Truthful reporting is often incomplete. It has to admit that it doesn’t have every fact neatly in place. The truth is often harder to digest. It’s easier to believe that foreigners streaming over our southern border are criminals, drug addicts, and rapists. Didn’t the former president say that? It’s hard to accept that thousands of desperately poor people are begging us to take them in so they can survive.

Compassion is much more uncomfortable than anger. Sacrificing a tiny bit of personal freedom to get inoculated against a deadly disease is much harder than getting angry that if you get the shot, the next step is to take your gun away. Instead of letting the people against vaccines get you angry, take the time to think about what is really happening. Anger is the enemy of thought. Stupid people march with pitchforks and torches. Thinking people consider the merits of issues and decide based on them. Which are you?

[Mrs.Lion — Someone on Facebook the other day pointed out that Biden’s approval rating is dropping so that makes him a bad president. I agree he’s not a great president, but I think he’s certainly better than the last one. The other thought I had was how many Biden supporters think he’s doing a poor job versus how many Trump supporters thought he did a bad job. I came to the conclusion that Biden supporters are willing, and able, to think for themselves and don’t blindly follow along with the crowd. We’ve just surpassed 700,000 deaths from Covid-19. How many people still think it’s a fake virus? How many people refuse to get the vaccine because it will make them sterile or metallic? These are some of the lies it’s easy to follow when your hero spouts them.]

Based on her post yesterday, Mrs. Lion is very aware of how long she makes me wait to ejaculate. She casually said that it’s only six more days until my birthday. No big deal. Not for her. For me, it will be 22 dry days. That’s twice as long as my average. She’s sure I will remain horny because, after 1,266 days, I will have vaginal sex again. That is a huge amount of time between fucks for anyone.

That’s not as bad as it sounds. Over the last six months, all of my sex has been in Mrs. Lion’s mouth. I love that. It’s my favorite orifice. I wasn’t incredibly happy with handjobs. It’s the least personal form of sex. Sure, it’s fun, but let’s face it, it requires the least involvement of the woman. It’s the most portable form of sex. A woman can jerk a man off nearly anywhere. Unzip, tug, and you’re done. For a long time, Mrs. Lion’s hand produced almost every orgasm.

Our sexual history has always been a little unusual. The first few times we had sex, it was anal. Over the years, vaginal sex was in the minority when it came to what we did. I’m not sure why, but it was. As Mrs. Lion lost interest in getting off, my releases moved to her hands or mine. Most of the time, I jerked off when alone. Every few weeks, she would do it for me. She wasn’t aware that I was doing it myself. When she learned I was, she made the first rule that I was not allowed to jerk off.

I never really understood why that is so important to her. It saved her work. It wasn’t much fun for me. I did it just to release tension. The last time was 2,836 days ago when she made me do it while she watched. I don’t miss it. Even though I’m very horny, I’m not tempted to end the draught. If I feel a strong temptation, I will ask to be locked into one of my male chastity devices. Those devices trained me not to masturbate.

Mrs. Lion kept me in a male chastity device 24/7 for over three years. I was only released when she wanted to jerk me off or let me clean thoroughly. My hands were never allowed near my penis. The training worked. No matter how upset I am that she won’t make me ejaculate, I don’t think about taking matters into my own hand.

Women don’t think this is a big deal. Many have never masturbated. I started when I was 11 years old. I’ve been shaving less time than I’d been jerking off. So yes, it is a big deal to guys. It’s also a big deal to have to wait “just” six more days. That’s a very long time for a horny lion. [Mrs. Lion — I did say I wasn’t the one waiting. I know (think) he’s at the stage where a stiff breeze will make a stiff weenie so I’m sure each day feels like an eternity. He just has to focus on his birthday present of vaginal sex at the end of his almost-longest wait.]

The clock is ticking. Every day that goes by makes it less likely I will get to ejaculate before my birthday in a week. As of Saturday, when I am writing this, it’s been 15 days. My average wait over the last five months happens to be 15 days. None of the waits was exactly that length. The range was between 7 and 23. Mrs. Lion plans to give me a birthday fuck. If she does, it will be the first vaginal sex in over three years.

Some people who play with orgasm control celebrate Locktober. The idea is that the penis stays locked in a chastity device the entire month. Last year we decided to do the opposite, and Mrs. Lion gave me three orgasms. I know, whoopee. Anyway, fall seems to bring out a desire to find reasons to withhold sex. Some celebrate NOvember. This means no orgasms in November. From what I can learn, NOvember is more for women than men.

These ideas offer some excitement for people who have trouble creating their own. Several blogs like to suggest “themes” or “prompts” that other bloggers use to stimulate ideas for posts. I resist these artificial idea generators, and I don’t read or list blogs that follow them. I figure that if a writer can’t come up with something original, maybe the best idea is to wait until something creative surfaces on its own.

We have dry days here. I don’t pretend I can come up with scintillating topics every day. But write posts based on a letter of the alphabet? Puleeze! My point is that a blog is very much like an old-fashioned column in a newspaper. Some are daily, and others are published less often. To get read, the columnist has to engage his readers. We’ve established our voices. Sometimes I wonder if it pays to write a post when nothing is going on here. Other times, I like the opportunity to sound off. Today is one of those days.

I’m appealing to my fellow bloggers to disregard the “prompts” they find and instead write something original. My prompt for you is “Be Original.”

lion's penis in jail bird chastity device
This is my Jail Bird chastity device.
(Click image to view larger)

When we started male chastity, one of the first questions was, how long should you wait? I researched it and discovered a lot of blogs offered “authoritative” advice. The average was ten days. No sensible reason was given for any particular time between ejaculations. I concluded that all of them were just male fantasies. Mrs. Lion wasn’t particularly interested in any suggestions on the subject. She freely admits that she never has a plan for the time between my ejaculations.

Over the years, I’ve asked her to think about this. We wrote lots of posts about this subject. She made it clear that she would do what she wanted regarding how long I have to wait. This has worked for us over eight years of male chastity. It’s never been a big deal to her. I can be extremely interested in the subject when I am horny. She likes that.

It turns out that Mrs. Lion enjoys it when I want sex. Luckily for me, she also has fun when she makes me come. She is the rare female who truly likes the taste of semen. She has to balance her two sexual pleasures: seeing me horny and tasting my semen. Poor dear! The result is that I don’t end up waiting too long.

This suggests that maybe people new to male chastity relax with the “how long?” question. Agree to let her decide. She may get you off daily, weekly, monthly, or longer. Let her work it out. She can observe you and see what feels right to her. If she’s like Mrs. Lion, you will experience a variety of wait times. Oh well. That’s how the game is supposed to be played.

One thing I would strongly suggest: She, not you, should provide your orgasms when you get them. Some partners tell the caged male to unlock himself and jerk off. You could do that by paying some online “mistress” to send you an email when you can unlock it. Sexual contact is an important part of having a partner. It isn’t important how you interact. If all she does is give you a handjob, that’s fine. It’s an important connection to be the sole source of each other’s orgasms. This is especially true when you play the male chastity game.