Mrs. Lion put me in a locking cock ring about a week ago. The reason for doing this was to remind her to simulate the atmosphere we had when I wore a chastity device. Yes, the cock ring does permit erections. That didn’t matter since her objective wasn’t to prevent masturbation. The idea was that she would take it off every day or two when she teased me.

A week ago, she jerked me off and then locked the ring on. It hasn’t been off since. She played with me once with the ring in place. The rest of the time, she didn’t go near me. It’s true that I was under the weather for about half of the time. I expected it to be unlocked regularly, just like we did years ago.

It isn’t that there is any particular reason to remove it. It doesn’t get in the way, and I can keep myself clean without removing it. I like wearing it. Of course, it’s more fun if it gets attention. I bought a padlock that fits the ring so that Mrs. Lion can see if that is easier than the security screw she is using now.

Maybe the cock ring wasn’t the best idea to solve this problem. The Box O’Fun worked in the past. It has the same flaw as the cock ring. Mrs. Lion can forget the Box O’Fun as easily as the cock ring. The sex issue is no different from the coffee pot problem if you think about it. It’s a chore (ugh!) that is easy to forget.

Mrs. Lion solved the coffee pot problem with her paddle. Any time I forget to set it up, she spanks me. It’s a simple, binary process. Remember, nothing happens; forget, and get a sore bottom. Even a lion understands that. That arrangement isn’t possible with Mrs. Lion. She gives spankings; I get them.

She admits forgetting sex for me. Sometimes, she has a sore foot or some other ache brought on when dealing with the dog. They are reasons to avoid sexual contact. The reality is that for months now, I’m lucky to feel her hand or mouth (much rarer) more than once a week. We haven’t solved the problem yet.

Maybe I have to accept that there isn’t a solution. Some of our readers said they are in a situation where their wives lose interest in sex and rarely help their husbands get relief. I’m lucky that Mrs. Lion enjoys getting me off when she is in the mood. It’s just that I’ve become a lower priority as time’s gone by. She doesn’t agree. The evidence indicates otherwise.

When she isn’t working or doing a household chore, she is on the bed with her iPad. This is true in the morning before work, during her lunch break, after work, and until she sleeps. It’s an addiction. On weekends, she uses her desktop computer to play games that aren’t on the iPad. She must spend eight hours a day on it.

When she wants to do something sexual, she puts down her iPad (she never does anything sexual without spending at least an hour on it) and takes care of me. Then, she goes back to it. I’m way less interesting than Facebook. I wonder if there is a 12-step program for this.

It feels like this is an escape. Life with me isn’t much fun, I guess. This isn’t a simple problem. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. She spends eight hours a day (on weekdays) working. Another two hours are dedicated to cooking and chores. She sleeps about six hours. The other eight hours are spent on her iPad. Even when we are sexually active, the numbers don’t change much. For my part, I divide my time between writing and watching TV. I like to read, but books are difficult for me to handle with my failed eyesight. I listen to audiobooks when I can. Too much of them put me to sleep.

There are two issues. The one that bothers me is the lack of sexual interaction. It’s what I started writing about. The isolating behavior is much more serious. I decided to share this issue because I want to get it out and maybe help Mrs. Lion think seriously about this addiction. The problem isn’t too little sex. It’s too much Facebook and other iPad stuff.

Lion is still tired from being sick. He managed to do the coffee pot yesterday and he updated the whiteboard, but he still felt wobbly. I’m not sure how he did it, but he took a shower. When he had his neck surgery, I bought a bench so he could sit in the shower. He, stubbornly, never used it. I do know how to take care of people with physical limitations. I don’t know if Lion doesn’t want to appear weak or if he thinks he knows best. There’s nothing wrong with using a bench in the shower if you need it. Hell, I’ve thought about dragging it out for myself when I don’t feel like standing in the shower.

[Lion — The problem with the shower seat is that it takes up a lot of space and makes it much more difficult for me to wash. I tried the one that Mrs. Lion bought, but it just didn’t work for me. Our current shower is smaller than the one we had in our last house. Maybe I need a lesson in using one. Of course, a much better shower aid is a lioness to wash me.]

He spent the morning working on sending queries out for his book. We ate lunch and he’s resting. He wanted to snuggle last night, but dinner was not sitting well in my stomach. If he feels better later, he may be in the mood for love. I’m not rushing him. I know it takes a while to recover from being sick. Besides, he needs to rest up for his rescheduled eye doctor appointment tomorrow. I’d rather have him wait until he feels 100% than trying to jump back on the horse too soon.

I have to go to a conference on Thursday. I hate these conferences. The focus is never anything I’m concerned with and, in the past, my bosses never wanted to listen to any little tidbits I managed to pick up that were relevant. I’m nervous about being in a crowd even though we’ll all be masked and being vaccinated was a condition of registration. Plus, I’ve been spoiled by working from home. Do I still know how to act in public? Of course, I’ve been in public recently, but it’s only been to the store. I haven’t had to deal with my peers for any length of time. People. Ew.

The dog has a new, larger run. She zoomed around when I first let her out. Then she started bringing in rocks and twigs. She loves to dig holes, so I knew the rocks were bound to come. I wasn’t really prepared for the branches and twigs. There’s bark and pieces of wood everywhere. I guess I know what I’ll be doing for a little while today.

Lion was still recovering last night from being sick. We didn’t have chicken soup in the freezer. We have a few chickens to make chicken soup, but no soup already made. I might have made the run for Chinese food if my legs and feet weren’t hurting so much from doing the dog run. Wonton soup is essentially Chinese chicken soup. We wound up holding hands and snuggling a bit. I assume he’ll be back in fighting shape tonight. [Lion — I still want soup! No idea why, but I do.]

I suspended the coffee pot rule again yesterday. He was still pretty wobbly, and it didn’t make any sense to make him wobble his way out to the kitchen. I wanted him resting as much as possible. This morning he seems a lot better, so the rule is back in force. Of course, if he does too much and gets tired and wabbly again, I’ll let it go again. Saving me a few minutes in the morning isn’t worth having him struggle out to the kitchen.

Lion also hasn’t been keeping up with the number on the whiteboard. Again, it makes little sense for him to expend energy he doesn’t have just for that. I’d rather have him get back to normal. Then we can play again. I’m not at all sure he’s looking for love. His mind might be ready, but his body may have other ideas. We’ll wing it until he’s good to go.

[Lion — I feel better, but not very steady or amorous. I am very wobbly today.]

It’s been a tough couple of days for me. On Thursday, I felt tired, and my sense of balance was bad. Mrs. Lion had to help me to the bathroom. I also leaked. Yuck! On Friday, it was worse. My vision was failing. I couldn’t make out anything on the TV (55-inch flatscreen 10 feet from my eyes). My world was dark. I was terrified. I stayed in bed all day except for shakey, leaky trips to the bathroom.

On Saturday, my vision returned. I’m still very unsteady. I’m very worried that something serious is going on. What a bitch! I hesitate to go to the doctor about this. I would probably have to see 20 specialists. Nope, nope. I think my mind is still working. Of course, I’d be the last to find out if it isn’t.

Mrs. Lion is out in the yard reconfiguring our dog run. The pup can escape now that she is big enough to jump over a bench on our little deck. Through all these problems, I’ve remained locked into my cock ring. It probably would have been easier for me to manage without it. I handled it. Mrs. Lion is right to leave it on.

Sex hasn’t been on my mind. I haven’t even wanted food. Now that I feel a little better, I would love some chicken soup. I also want a nice, long hug. My world has gotten much smaller.