ferule paddle I used yesterday.

Lion suggested a narrower paddle for his second spanking with the new technique. The only narrow paddle we have is a bit too long. I opted for the round-headed bloodwood paddle. I already knew I probably wouldn’t be able to do alternating swats because I’d have to hold his cheeks open. I’d get in my own way, and I’ve accidentally swatted myself too many times to try again.

In the past, Lion said it was okay to hit his upper thighs. When I started doing that, he told me I was hitting too low. Last night I hit his upper thighs and it was okay. I may just have to take him for a tattoo of a bullseye so I’m sure I’m hitting where I should. That way he can’t move the target.

As I suspected, I couldn’t do alternating swats. What I could do was hit a few swats here and then a few swats there. I haven’t had a chance to search for a different spanking pillow. We may have to use a combination of pillows. I’d like one that spreads him open enough that I don’t have to put my fingers in danger. I shouldn’t be getting swatted. I did quite a few swats across his crack. I’m sure I can do better, but it was pretty good.

Lion’s buns were on fire by the time I stopped. He was a little bloody, but nothing that required blotting up. Maybe the alternating swats lets the skin rest just long enough to bleed less. I have no idea how long I swatted him. I was just trying to go long enough to make an impression. Given the bruises that appeared to be forming, I think I achieved that goal. I’m not saying that’s the worst spanking he’ll ever get. I’m still learning to flex my muscle. And I still have to practice.

After I was done with my shower, I sucked Lion to a nice orgasm. He still needs practice with orgasms. Luckily, we both like practice.

Spanking isn’t as simple as firmly applying a paddle to a willing backside. Mrs. Lion has been discovering that getting even coverage isn’t as simple as it appears. Before Mrs. Lion and I got together, I was active in the BDSM (real-life) community. Over the years, I attended and ran spanking workshops. In those days, I gave spankings most of the time. Occasionally, I would switch and be on the receiving end. None of the spankings were intended as punishment.

Wednesday’s spanking missed the middle.


If you read Mrs. Lion’s post yesterday, she discussed her difficulty covering the center of my bottom. The center, near my crack, was untouched. The tender area behind my balls was also swat-free. The picture on the right shows the missing area. She was a little surprised that only the sides of my butt showed signs of her efforts. She was certain she aimed for the areas adjacent to my crack, yet it was untouched.

This is because the striking area of the paddle is flat, but my bottom is curved. Also, when the paddle strikes, the flesh it hits flattens. When Mrs. Lion aims to hit one side of my bottom, she centers the striking area on the cheek. The first spot the paddle will strike is the highest point on my bottom inside the area of the paddle. As it continues down, the paddle will strike the flesh as it flattens. The force of the paddle is absorbed quickly. The first-strike area will get the brunt of the swat.

Mrs. Lion did it! Last night she adjusted her technique. Most painful spanking yet. I don’t want to feel it when she is angry.

If the striking area is small, like a spoon, then the blow is easier to direct—however, the more curve to the bottom, the more difficult it to hit specific areas. Ideally, the butt should be positioned, so it is stretched and flattened. Over the knee, spankings stretch the bottom nicely. Unfortunately, Mrs. Lion can’t comfortably spank me that way. We tried with me on my knees, but I flattened out as soon as the pain got intense.

Assuming I stay in my current position with my body on a pillow, legs dangling over the edge of the bed, paddle angle probably dictates where I am hit. If the paddle is swung at a right angle to my body, it will most likely have trouble getting into the center. If the paddle is angled down so that the front of the paddle hits first, Mrs. Lion can get into the central areas.

Mrs. Lion used the hairbrush-shaped paddle last night. It has a short handle. She stands above me when she spanks. That means she has to reach down to paddle me. I think a short-handled paddle needs to have her closer to my ass. She sometimes sat next to me for spanking. That put her in a position similar to having me over her lap. Unless the paddle has a very long handle, I think the ideal position to spank me is with my butt closer to her where it would be if I were over her lap.

We may need more lights on when I’m spanked. The more clearly Mrs. Lion can see each blow’s imprint, the more easily she can adjust her aim. Another way to control impact is by rotating the angle of the blows. For example, Mrs. Lion is usually to my side and behind me when she spanks. The blows are usually perpendicular to my crack. If she moves so that the paddle is more parallel to my crack, it’s much easier to hit the center area, even into the crack itself’s tender flesh. If the paddle is parallel to my crack, she can rotate it to strike flat against the angled flesh near my crack. Mrs. Lion is an excellent spanker. You can see by the marks that she left that I got her message. The point of this discussion is to offer suggestions on getting even color from edge to edge.

If you read Lion’s post this morning, you’ve seen the results of my first attempt at the spanking technique he wrote about. I’m not sure I did it exactly as shown in the video. For one thing, Lion isn’t over my knee. We don’t seem to fit together well that way. I also think my swats were delivered more rapid fire. I didn’t pause between them. At least not between most of them. When I thought about it, I slowed down.

Lion asked if I like the new technique. To me, there doesn’t seem to be much difference. Obviously, my way is a burst of ten swats on one cheek and then ten on the other. Last night I alternated swats between cheeks. Sure, I don’t need to count to ten before moving on, but isn’t the end result the same? It’s not like I had an aha moment and decided this is the way to go from now on. I’m undecided. When I asked Lion if he preferred the new way to the old, he couldn’t answer. He said it was difficult to figure it out. Mmhmm. Exactly what I was thinking.

I have no idea how long I swatted him or even how many swats I delivered. I guess I should have kept track. My guess is it was well over five minutes. Lion got very red and I think some bruises might have formed. He said he definitely felt it. However, he did have a few thoughts on how to improve.

lion's spanked butt
This tender area was missed. The lower, center area is where he will feel it whenever he sits.

He noticed that I hit mostly on the sides. From my perspective, I was hitting on the lower part of his cheeks – his “sit spot”. Apparently I need to figure out how to spread his cheeks apart somehow so I’m hitting where I think I’m hitting. He suggested I hit across the crack. That might help, but I think spreading will help more.

The other thought he had was that I don’t announce when the beating will start. I guess he can’t tell when the warm up has ended and the “real” swats are coming. I assumed he could tell when the swats got harder and/or faster. I’ll have to figure out a way to delineate the different swats.

Lion said he thought I was using a fairly light paddle. I used the hairbrush paddle. He said it’s a mean one. For some reason it didn’t feel mean to him at the time. When I picked it, I knew it was a mean one. I almost chose a different one because the hair brush is short. I’ve been picking paddles with a longer handle lately. Maybe I should have gone with my gut.

To be fair, I’ll keep trying this new spanking technique until I figure out if I like it or hate it. I’m not committing to using one technique over the other even if I like the new way. I like to change things up to keep Lion guessing. I can’t let him know what evil tricks I have up my sleeve.

There’s more than one way to spank a lion. Over the years, we, well, I should say, Mrs. Lion, has tried different techniques. Most of these styles have been at my suggestion. This may seem odd since she is the spanker and very much in charge. Let’s say that she isn’t inclined to research the subject, and I am. She is currently using a technique developed when she was experimenting to see how much force she should use during a spanking. The idea was to train me to hold still for the full duration of a painful spanking. Her experiment was to see just how hard she could hit initially and how best to increase the force to maximize my discomfort.

Well, she learned a lot and applied it well. Out of idle curiosity, I decided to take a look on the web to see what other styles female spankers might be using. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to do it. As long as a result is a thoroughly unhappy male with a very sore bottom, the spanking is successful. The art, if you can call it that, is how to build the spanking up so that the male accepts very strong swats that he will feel for days.

When Mrs. Lion takes the time to perform a thorough spanking, it hurts to sit for at least three days. Usually, she stops short of this point. What interested me when I did my “research” was that I didn’t see anyone use the technique she’s developed. That doesn’t mean the technique is incorrect. It just means that apparently, the professional and amateur spankers in the videos haven’t discovered it.

Mrs. Lion delivers 10 swats to a single spot on one cheek. Then she does the same on the other cheek. She returns to the first cheek and delivers 10 more at a slightly different location. She repeats this pattern for most of the spanking. She has recently been moving on to hitting a very hard swat on each cheek with about two or three seconds pause between each. That gives me time to absorb it and settle back. It’s an effective technique.

A traditional spanking technique. Mrs. Lion hasn’t used this one.

The video I put on this post uses a different technique. It’s fairly popular. The spanker delivers one swat to each cheek and repeats. She increases the force of the swats as the male grows able to accept harder blows. She also increases the speed she delivers the swats as the spanking progresses. This looks like a promising variation. It seems to adhere more closely to the technique advocated by the Disciplinary Wives Club. The advantage is that it allows the spanker to cover a lot of real estate right from the start. It also lets her build up more rapidly since the grouped swats tend to amplify the sensation even when they’re not very hard.

No matter what technique is used, there is one common denominator: the force of the blows starts relatively gentle and increases in velocity and force as the male builds up a tolerance. This may seem counterintuitive. After all, spankings are punishment, and they are supposed to hurt. Unless he is tied down, he will not remain in position unless he is given a chance to grow accustomed to being spanked.

Mrs. Lion tried the new technique/ length last night.

This isn’t a bad thing. Even the more gentle opening swats hurt. From my experience, the value of a spanking has more to do with how long it continues than how hard any particular swats are. Once the force and speed increase, all I want is for the spanking to end. When it goes past when I think it should end, that is probably when the real punishment begins. Once Mrs. Lion gets going, I am very sorry I put myself into this position. All I can think about is how I want to avoid this in the future and how badly I wanted to end.

If there is one thing that I think Mrs. Lion could improve, it is to extend her punishment length. Time is my enemy when I am being spanked. In fact, I think time is much more of an issue than the actual paddling. From what I’ve read, other people who get spanked feel the same way. All they can think about is when it will end. When it fails to end, and I’m sure I can’t take any more, that’s when the real message begins to be sent.

I think it’s difficult for Mrs. Lion to manage spanking time. The last spanking I got was delivered while a five-minute timer was set. That was a very effective spanking. I couldn’t help but wonder when that beep would sound. Afterward, I realized that if Mrs. Lion simply stopped the timer and kept up the spanking, it would have a greater impact on me.

We’ve decided that any spanking, whether as punishment or because Mrs. Lion decides I should just get one, should always be the same intensity. I know she plans to give me a “just because” spanking soon. It might allow her to experiment with time as well as force. There is a practical limit when it comes to time. If the spanking goes on long enough, my endorphins will build up, and I won’t feel the pain matter how hard Mrs. Lion swats. Fortunately for her, that takes a long time for me to reach that point. If she keeps increasing the force and speed, it’s unlikely my endorphins will catch up.

As I write this, I realize that it’s odd that we need to discuss spanking technique. In past generations, corporal punishment technique was passed on from parent to child. Children were spanked by their parents and grandparents. They learned the techniques of affective punishment by being on the receiving end. Nobody had to discuss how to do it. Mrs. Lion’s parents did not spank her. I was never spanked either. We didn’t spank our children. We didn’t use any physical punishments with them. That means we have to discover and learn on our own. Mrs. Lion has been doing an excellent job learning.