We should be all set up at our campsite by the time this post publishes. With any luck it will be warm. With any luck we’ll have time to settle in before dinner time.

After dinner we’ll be tired but I’ll make sure we snuggle. Depending on how we feel (my sinuses have been hurting too) we may even get in some edging. By Saturday night, again depending on how we feel, I’ll make sure we play.

It’s too easy to sit in our recliners and not play. The TV can wait. There’s nothing on TV more important than Lion. Besides, there’s a TV in the bedroom too. We can watch while we snuggle. And pause when we’re ready.

Over the years, so many of my initial thoughts on how we could have a successful power exchange proved absolutely wrong. I’ve discovered, at least in my case, that my imagination is rarely a reliable place to mine ideas.

Most of the fantasies I’ve read (and had too!), depend on an often-unattainable emotional mindset. For example, in the fantasies I grow unbearably horny the longer my penis is locked in a chastity device. My desperation grows to the point that I’ll do anything for a chance to ejaculate. This thought is extended to include taking over housework, sleeping on the floor, and demeaning myself in humiliating ways.

The fact is that the longer I am locked up, the less interested in ejaculation I become. Loss of sexual access to my penis tends to focus my attention elsewhere. It’s true that in the first months of enforced chastity, I obsessed about being locked up and ached to ejaculate. That wore off after a while.

Being kept in a chastity device is kinky fun, but it isn’t particularly useful to underline a submissive role. The reason I say this is that being caged becomes the “usual” thing.  It’s a normal part of my life. The cage is just there; it’s part of me. I’m motivated by Mrs. Lion’s agreement to edge me every day or two. I would miss it if she decided to take a vacation from my penis. But the effect on me is not from being locked in a chastity device, it’s Mrs. Lion withholding sexual attention. I feel it just as acutely when I’m wild and this happens.

The source of my feelings is Mrs. Lion, not the hardware. I’m not saying the male chastity device has no value to me. It trained me to keep my hands to myself. I am not allowed to masturbate. Over four years locked in a Jail Bird has reinforced that rule and I no longer think about jerking off a a way to handle my frustration. Yes, it takes years for this level of conditioning, but it is effective and requires almost no effort for either of us.

In my opinion, the greatest benefit of enforced male chastity is the opportunity to “train” me sexually. If you are just thinking about being locked in a chastity device, I bet it is nearly inconceivable for you to imagine that you will never masturbate again. It’s crazy.

Some keyholders don’t mind if their partner masturbates; at least if permission is given. Mrs. Lion dislikes the idea that I have any kind of sex without her. I’ve thought about this rule over the years. Mrs. Lion’s rule is a stroke of genius.

All that stuff about being locked up turning men into docile househusbands is male thinking. A lot of men see that role as submissive and demeaning. Therefore, it fits the fantasy of losing power. Turning that into reality takes a lot of work for both partners. That’s why it often fails.

Almost every male likes to masturbate. I certainly hated the idea of never doing it again. It’s been my friend since I was 11. Taking that away from me represents a truly significant loss. It’s not role play for me. The device stops me from playing with myself. For years, I was locked up except when supervised by Mrs. Lion. I was surprised to learn that I’m trained not to jerk off.

This is a change I didn’t fantasize about. I never considered it. Mrs. Lion didn’t ask me how I felt about it. She put her paw down and that was that. She made this rule in the very beginning while I was super excited about being locked up. I think I would have argued more if it weren’t for the excitement of being newly caged.

The thought of being trained to keep hands off was arousing. After a while, I forgot about it. The caged remembered. Any stray thoughts about jerking off died when my hand touched the cage. Mrs. Lion didn’t need me to cooperate. It didn’t matter how I felt about masturbating. I couldn’t. Now, I just don’t want to do it.

That is a huge change.

Lion thinks he’s broken again. He was horny yesterday. And then he wasn’t. He’s still all stuffy and coughing from this latest round of allergies. It’s no wonder he can’t respond to me. I don’t see it as a big deal, but you know how guys are.

We need to get an early start on Friday. I don’t know what that means. Some people think early is 4 a.m. Others think 9 a.m. is early. I just know we need some light to be able to hitch the camper otherwise it will be more difficult. It’s not impossible. There’s a light near the nose of the trailer for just such instances.

Anyway, we aren’t as ready as we need to be. There are mounds of things on the kitchen table and near the front door that need to be taken out to the camper. We still have to pack our clothes. Lion says it will be hard for him to run back and forth today to bring things out. It shouldn’t be a problem. We can load it in the truck and ferry it down that way. Easy peasy. Except that the dog will be going crazy thinking we’re leaving her behind.

I don’t know how we’ll feel after all our running around tonight. I assume Lion’s allergies will be stirred up but I’m not discounting him. He fought through things the other night to have an orgasm. He won’t get one tonight but he might be ready for some play. I’m not pressuring him.

Last night I gave him a pretty good spanking with a wooden spoon. I did a lot of quick swats and then some slower ones. Then I alternated between fast and slow for a while. He was yelling into the pillow. I didn’t stop. Even when he started to wiggle a little, I kept going. He wound up with a nice red butt that he felt for at least an hour afterwards. Win!

The last week has been very difficult for me. My allergies went completely out of control. I haven’t experienced this level of allergies in memory. My libido suffered too. I did ask Mrs. Lion to try edging me three nights ago. Mostly, I was interested in seeing if I was even minimally sexually functional. I was. At least I could be brought to orgasm with the Magic Wand.

Question answered.

It feels good to be horny again. I wrote the review of the Holy Trainer Nano while in the midst of my allergy attack. There was no chance modeling for the photography was going to be arousing. It felt like I was photographing someone else’s penis; No, not quite like that. I like seeing mine. I’m not particularly interested in others.

My point is that there was a feeling of detachment. Nothing like a stuffy nose to disconnect my penis from my consciousness. While in that disconnected state, I thought about how public my genitals have become. Few, if any, readers of this blog haven’t seen it. Each and every time I ejaculated is recorded forever in these posts. Not only that, for the last five years my sexual arousal and reactions have been recorded by Mrs. Lion. I’d venture a guess that this blog has the most words every written about a single penis.

I don’t think I’ve published many pictures of my erect penis. Any that are on the site show cock and ball torture that turned me on. Erections come to mind because a while ago I conducted a small survey on Twitter. I asked women to vote on whether seeing a man’s butt o flaccid penis is more erotic. The butts won by a handy margin. Mrs. Lion commented that I needed to add a chance to vote on hard penises as well. She prefers seeing a hard penis over a soft one or a naked butt.

Fair enough. I never considered that. To me, showing my flaccid penis is more vulnerable than showing it erect. I can’t give you a good reason why I feel that way. I haven’t published any images of my hard penis. For one thing, it’s not really appropriate on a blog that is about male chastity. For another, it feels intrusive to me to do that.

It’s not that my erection is so impressive that people will write poems about it. It’s just a normal, Western European circumcised penis. It’s average length and girth. No big deal — literally. I’ve never gotten a request to show more of my sexual anatomy. That’s not surprising. It’s hardly the point here. If I got one, I wonder if I would be embarrassed. I could feel complemented if it came from the right person. I don’t know. It’s all hypothetical.

My perspective is distorted by the fact that my penis and its sexual activities have been completely public for almost five years. It’s become another part of my life.

Interestingly, to me at least, there have never been comments on my sexuality or intimate photography. This isn’t unique in my case. I read many sexual and male chastity blogs. Sexual comments about the bloggers are almost completely absent. It seems to be an unwritten blogosphere custom. I think it’s a good thing. Comments about my penis and its pleasures would generally be out of place.

Direct feedback (Contact Us), is invariably questions about wearing a chastity device. Comments too tend to focus on the commentor rather than us or our topic. I’m not complaining. It shows that our readers are engaged in what we write. It’s cool.

While our readers view our blog one way, I see it as something much more personal. It would be strange if I didn’t. After all, you share every detail of my sex life. No fiction. Just the facts.