I’m hoping we’ll be rested enough to play tonight. We have some errands to run, as usual on a weekend, and then there’s a picnic for my work. When they asked for a headcount I said we’d go, but it would depend on Lion’s new job. It was an easy out and for a while it seemed like we’d use it. But now Lion says we should go. Unless something drastic happens (like we actually have fun) I doubt we’ll stay long. It’s important to at least make an appearance. I guess.

Lion is busy right now with a project for work. I think this is the fastest he’s gotten involved when he’s started a new job. And he’s excited. Boy is he excited! For the first time I understand a lot of what he’s talking about. Usually he spouts computerese and widgets and it goes right over my head. He’s used to the glassy-eyed stare when I’m paying attention but have no idea what he’s saying. My interjections of “oh” and “I see”, coupled with looks of concern at (I hope) the correct times, are generally all I can muster. But this time I gave him a good idea. Me! Break open the champagne!

After our chores and picnic are over, I want to at least snuggle tonight. I owe Lion some swats for spilling food on his shirt last night. Like a little kid he tried to hide it but it was too late. From the sheepish grin on his face he knew it was useless anyway. I also think it’s time for Lion to be horny again. Enough with work excitement. I want some Lion excitement. He does have another week to wait for an orgasm, but he should get some edging in. You have to keep the equipment in working order. You never know when it will be needed. Those bonus orgasm opportunities do pop up from time to time when you least expect them. Tonight I think we need a test drive.

Back home after a whirlwind trip for orientation. It was great! It’s better to be home. I slept well next to Mrs. Lion. I’m off again in a little over a week for a five-day trip. Again, the destination is great, but I will miss my sweet lioness and I hate flying. The new job is wonderful. It is the greatest challenge of my career and I love every minute of it.

As Mrs. Lion wrote, our activities have been on hold. We’re both really tired and our stomachs are upset. However, tomorrow is another day. I have to admit that I haven’t even been thinking about sex. That’s how consumed I am with my new job. I like being wild. If we could maintain our chastity activities consistently, I would like to remain uncaged for a while longer.

It’s not that the cage bothers me physically. It doesn’t. Well, I do have to adjust if I sit in one place for a long time. Peeing is sometimes an issue, even with a urinal. The urethra can “bite” the bar on the side of the front opening. This causes a spray and drip that makes a mess of the floor and my pants. I don’t want to risk that at my new office.

I’m not sure we will resume our activities if I stay wild. I’m not sure we will if I’m caged. I’m distracted and Mrs. Lion is tired. I’m in no danger at all of masturbating. So the cage isn’t functionally necessary right now. In a way I feel like the poster boy for enforced chastity. Does that imply I have to be continuously locked up? I hope not. There is no question in my mind that at some point in the near future I will get horny again and my thoughts will turn to penis bondage. I hope that play will resume soon whether or not I am in the mood.

If I could go into more detail about my work, I think you would see why my immediate priorities have shifted. Mrs. Lion understands. The question is how we will handle this temporary interruption. Stay tuned.

Lion is a tired boy after his long day yesterday. We didn’t get to sleep until almost 1 am. He’s off to work so he’ll probably need another night to recover fully. I anticipate only snuggling in our near future.

The cage is still sitting on his nightstand. I think the earliest he’ll be locked up is Saturday night. It crossed my mind on the way to work that maybe we don’t even need the cage anymore. I didn’t really think about the ramifications of not using it, but it’s been over a week since I’ve had it on him. What if we didn’t use it?

Obviously this is just my view on the subject. Maybe Lion has thought about it too. I don’t know. He may have run through the whole scenario and come to his own conclusions. So far I seem to be waffling. I can see the argument for leaving him wild. I know he won’t cheat. It’s easier for him to pee. There would be nothing to remove for plane trips. There would be nothing to remove when I want to play with him. However, the past few weeks have felt like we’re slipping into our old habits. True, he’s the one who hasn’t wanted to play, but we’ve been letting sex and play fall by the wayside. I know I don’t need the cage on to insist we do some sort of activity every night. Or every other night. Or at all.

It’s just been a hectic few weeks. First, Lion was worried that he wouldn’t get the job. Then when he got it, it’s like he couldn’t allow himself to believe it. Then there were a few weeks waiting to start. Now that he’s started he’s scrambling to get into the swing of things. If I give him another week to get settled, it will be time for him to leave for a week. I need to put my foot down.

2.0 is still a no-show. It’s summer. I guess she’s on vacation. I think she may come around once we start doing things again. One more reason to insist on playing. To encourage her, I’m tentatively setting a play date for Saturday night. We will definitely do something then. And I think I should lock him up afterwards. Then we can play at least every other night until he leaves again. One foot in front of the other. We’ll get back on track.

I’m back from my trip. It was great. I’m off again for a five day jaunt in two weeks. Suddenly I’m spending time on planes again. Since I haven’t traveled in a long time, I don’t have enough airline points for upgrades. So, I am doing the best I can for now. Flying truly sucks in coach. Every seat is filled. I feel like a veal in the cabin. Oh well. The destination makes up for it.

I’m wild for this trip. I don’t think it really matters at all. I have no interest in anything sexual. I’m not saying that I won’t be locked up at home, but I don’t think it is necessary to lock myself up when I reach a business destination.

Let’s face it. Locking myself up after landing would be more for me than for Mrs. Lion. If I can be trusted to lock and unlock myself, the cage doesn’t provide real security. He who has his keys can remove it for an interlude sub rosa. I just don’t feel like cheating. The main reason is that it will disappoint my lioness. Also, my word is my bond. So there is no chance I will jerk off.

We haven’t played in a long time. I’m hoping we will have the energy to make up for that over the weekend. I know Mrs. Lion has had similar thoughts. I may be feeling the sting of her paddle by Saturday night. We’ll see. She’ll probably have something to say about this in her post later today. In the meantime the wild lion roams.