Lion is a tired boy after his long day yesterday. We didn’t get to sleep until almost 1 am. He’s off to work so he’ll probably need another night to recover fully. I anticipate only snuggling in our near future.

The cage is still sitting on his nightstand. I think the earliest he’ll be locked up is Saturday night. It crossed my mind on the way to work that maybe we don’t even need the cage anymore. I didn’t really think about the ramifications of not using it, but it’s been over a week since I’ve had it on him. What if we didn’t use it?

Obviously this is just my view on the subject. Maybe Lion has thought about it too. I don’t know. He may have run through the whole scenario and come to his own conclusions. So far I seem to be waffling. I can see the argument for leaving him wild. I know he won’t cheat. It’s easier for him to pee. There would be nothing to remove for plane trips. There would be nothing to remove when I want to play with him. However, the past few weeks have felt like we’re slipping into our old habits. True, he’s the one who hasn’t wanted to play, but we’ve been letting sex and play fall by the wayside. I know I don’t need the cage on to insist we do some sort of activity every night. Or every other night. Or at all.

It’s just been a hectic few weeks. First, Lion was worried that he wouldn’t get the job. Then when he got it, it’s like he couldn’t allow himself to believe it. Then there were a few weeks waiting to start. Now that he’s started he’s scrambling to get into the swing of things. If I give him another week to get settled, it will be time for him to leave for a week. I need to put my foot down.

2.0 is still a no-show. It’s summer. I guess she’s on vacation. I think she may come around once we start doing things again. One more reason to insist on playing. To encourage her, I’m tentatively setting a play date for Saturday night. We will definitely do something then. And I think I should lock him up afterwards. Then we can play at least every other night until he leaves again. One foot in front of the other. We’ll get back on track.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    Lion needs a good bedtime stress relief spanking…then maybe an orgasm.

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