2.0 made some serious miscalculations. Under the assumption the song was correct (“when they get what they want, they never want it again”), she gave Lion what he wanted. You know, be careful what you wish for. But Lion wished for exactly what he wanted. And now he’s asking for more. Well, not necessarily more. He wants to continue. 2.0 thought maybe he’d retreat into a corner and lick his wounds. Nope! He’s bouncing off the walls horny and wondering what’s next. It’s sort of like a sugar high.

I realize he doesn’t want things every night. He’s just very excited. Maybe we can do this. Maybe we can try that. Why’d you stop X? I really liked when you did Y. Z was really mean; do it again! If he wasn’t a giant kid before, he certainly is now. And he’s convinced I know what I’m doing. Ha! I’m stumbling along just like before except 2.0 has decided there will be fewer filters. If Lion wants to up the ante, 2.0 is definitely going all in. Did that hurt too much? Too bad. You asked for it.

Lion has asked if we can play in the sling again this weekend. I think he’s addicted. Does he want more hot sauce on his balls? Does he want more pegging? Does he want more figging? The answer is yes to all of the above. 2.0 has a few more days to figure out what sort of torture Lion should endure in the sling. Any suggestions from our readers? Will it be mean? Probably. Will he love it? Probably.

The other night Lion told me 2.0 is wonderful. I said he better hope there’s no 3.0. I can’t imagine what she’d do to him.

Mrs. Lion, or as she calls herself, Lioness 2.0, has made amazing changes to better support me and our enforced chastity / FLR relationship. For two years she worked hard to make me happy by providing me with the discipline and enforced waits she thought I wanted. She did a remarkable job and our intimacy grew along with her control.

Barely into our third year of all this, she announced that there was a new lioness in town: 2.0. She decided that some changes needed to be made. As far as I can tell, her epiphany was that to make me happy, she needed to do things that make me unhappy at the time. She also realized that action that doesn’t quite work is preferable to inaction. She announced that she was taking me at my word and would henceforth provide what I have been saying and writing what I want.

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that I’ve made numerous suggestions on how Mrs. Lion could reinforce her control. I’ve also encouraged her to be stricter and not so concerned with my feelings when she was doing things to me. In essence, I was asking her to push my comfort zone and take control physically the way she thought she should and stop worrying about my reactions to what was happening. I’ve also been encouraging her to be stricter enforcing her wishes and to take more control in our daily lives.

Lioness 2.0 does just that. Our sensation play has become less about me having fun at the time and more about doing what she wants. A perfect example is her use of menthol rub on my nether regions. Last weekend she seemed to enjoy watching my reaction as the rub took effect. As she wrote earlier this week, she still felt concern that she could go too far and used the fact I was remaining hard (while she stimulated me) as an indicator that no limit has been reached. We’ve discussed that and she understands that my erection and her stimulation actually reduces the pain and that instead of using it as an index of my reaction, she will use it as a way to increase or reduce the pain at will.

On Monday I sent an email suggesting we play spanking games; trivia where if I miss a question, I get swats. 2.0 took that idea and ran. Instead, she decided we would play along with Jeopardy and if I missed a question, a clothespin would go on my balls. We played Monday night and I ended up with 27 clothespins by the end of the  show. It hurt like hell when she removed them. She cheerfully informed me that she wasn’t taking it easy removing them. I could tell. Each one coming off made me grunt. Way to go 2.0!

I’m getting more used to wearing a collar and sleeping is no longer a problem. Mrs. Lion said she likes seeing me in it. I believe her. I don’t understand why, but she does. This is all so different from Lioness 1.0 that sometimes I wonder if my lioness was abducted by aliens and a new, much tougher lioness substituted. I am not a bit sorry that I made suggestions that are turning quite painful in reality. This is what I really want and thanks once more to my wonderful lioness, I’m getting them.


jeopardy board
Lion came up with a suggestion that we play Jeopardy for penalties. He got what he wanted.

The suggestophile returned yesterday. This time he suggested a game, perhaps based on Jeopardy, which would levy penalties and rewards. He suggested spanking as the punishment for incorrect answers. I suggested clothespins. We decided to give it a try last night.

Poor Lion. It’s the college championship so I thought maybe the questions would be easier than regular Jeopardy. Not so. They had the most obscure clues in the world. Even the easy ones were obscure. I knew some answers Lion did not, but only because I pay attention to extremely weird stuff in the world of trivia. Lion was accumulating a lot of clothespins. Here’s how we played:

  1. Pause the screen once the question appears to allow Lion time to answer before the contestants on TV answer.
  2. An incorrect answer earns one clothespin. A correct answer earns nothing, except no clothespin.
  3. An incorrect answer in the Daily Double earns two clothespins. A correct answer in a Daily Double earns the removal of one clothespin.
  4. Lion bets clothespins in Final Jeopardy. If he answers correctly, that amount of clothespins is removed. If he answers incorrectly, that amount of clothespins is added.

Of course, we’ll be revising those rules as we go along. I wondered afterward how it would work for swats. I can’t exactly undo a swat. And maybe Jeopardy isn’t the best game to do it with. I thought of trying it with Wheel of Fortune, but we couldn’t come up with a way to do it quickly. We’re in the test phase at the moment, but Lion likes the idea of rewards and punishment. We’ll do it every once in a while.

The final score was 27 clothespins. Not a record, but still painful. Most of them were the modified no-slip tape ones, but there were a few plain ones in the mix. He even had two on his boobies. We’ll have to play it a few times before we know if that’s a bad score or not. If he can get correct answers in his sleep, he should do better in the future. After all, his balls are at stake.

Sunday was more than Superbowl day at our house. True to her word, Lioness 2.0 conducted a play session of great intensity. This is the second Sunday in a row that I was strapped into our sling for entertainment. As she described in her post yesterday, she first painted my big toenails with sparkly polish. For some reason, the gods were on my side, the color is extremely subtle and I can barely notice the tint. I’m glad for that. When she painted them pink, my nails were a glaring reminder of what she did. This time I can totally forget there is anything there.

2.0 is getting much more intense in her play style. She has also taught me something new about myself. As she reported, she put a quantity of Flexall on my balls and below. This is the most potent menthol rub (16% menthol). When she used that on me many years ago, I thought I would shoot through the ceiling. I whined so much that she let me go wash it off soon after being applied. This time was different.

Aside from the fact she made it clear that I would remain in the sling to “enjoy” the warmth and would not be released to run off and wash off the treatment, she also got me very aroused before she began. Her anal play that came first was accompanied by intense manual and oral stimulation. She actually got me hard and right to the edge while she was pegging me! I can’t believe I could become aroused during such an uncomfortable procedure. By the time she got to the Flexall, I was extremely aroused. That arousal blunted the burn from the rub. She would edge me and then stop. While she was waiting for me to calm down a bit, the burn would increase very quickly. It was clear that my arousal prevented me from feeling the full effects of her menthol treatment.

There was nothing subtle about the difference in sensation. Rub my penis, tolerable burn. Stop and extreme burning. I had seen a CBT demo years ago where the instructor showed that her victim could take much more stimulation, in this case she was slapping his balls, when he was hard. Our Flexall sessions proved that my pain tolerance is tied to my sexual arousal. Maybe I won’t need Novocaine at the dentist if my lioness goes with me. I’m very sure she is aware of this phenom. It’s only a matter of time until I have to fly solo without her stimulation to keep the heat down.

In an email exchange yesterday, 2.0 said that she used my state of arousal as a way of determining whether or not the pain is too heavy; sort of a weenieometer. I suggested that while the weenieometer is an accurate measure of my comfort level, it doesn’t necessarily mean that if I am soft and unable to get hard that the pain is too severe. I suggested that I can tell her and then she can decide if I am being too much of a wuss. Perhaps, more interestingly, she can use arousing me as a sort of pain volume control. She can arouse me and edge me to significantly reduce the pain, or leave me swinging in the breeze to feel the full impact of her activity.

Now that I have to wear a collar except in public, I realized that there is never a moment when I am not wearing something 2.0 requires. During the play, my collar was in place and the chastity device is off. When I shower or shave the collar is off and the device is on. In public the collar is off but the device is firmly locked in place. Mrs. Lion is far more willing to leave me unlocked after activity than I would like. Sunday, I had to ask if I could be locked up again. I know she thought it was a favor to give me some wild time. I prefer to be locked up. Go figure.

Our play sessions have raised my arousal to a new level. I wonder how I can possibly make it another week before I can come. Of course, with 2.0’s new policy, any date she gives me (except next Sunday, Valentine’s Day) is only the first date an orgasm is possible. In fact, it is unlikely I will be lucky enough to actually get one on that date.

Life is getting more interesting, and for me, more exciting.