new paddle
This is my new paddle. It is a “sandwich” of different woods. Click image to visit selling site.

Lion got me a new paddle. I know. What do we need with another paddle? This one, aside from being very pretty, is more “me” sized. Most of our other paddles were bought by Lion, for Lion. They fit him. I’m not saying I don’t fit any of them. This one was just purchased with me in mind. Lion’s butt, of course. My hand.

Naturally I had to try out the new paddle last night. It took quite a while for his buns to pink up. It’s been such a long time since he’s gotten any sort of spanking. Finally he was rosy and wriggling. He said his butt hurt for a while afterwards.

And then we moved on to edging. I’ve been getting him closer and closer to the edge lately. Last night I thought I went too far. i think Lion did too. We both held our breath for a few seconds. I’m pretty sure Lion will not lose interest as long as I’m edging him. That’s okay. The experiment can go on for a while longer. Once we get past the 22nd day it’s all cake.

Yesterday Lion said he figured he was waiting until the 28th. I countered by saying I hope he meant the 28th day and not the 28th of November. Oh, no. No, no. He meant the 28th day. But then I was thinking…Lion just had a mini panic attack…November 28 is “only” ten days after the 28th wait day. I bet Lion could make it that long.

I’m so evil for suggesting that. Of course Lion could make it. I do not want him to have to. Waiting 28 days is long enough. I’m not even sure I’ll make him wait that long. As I said, my goal is to make it past 22. I may not be as anxious as Lion is to come but I love giving him orgasms.

[Lion — If Mrs. Lion wants to wait until the 28th of November, she might as well wait until December 1st. That would not only make this my longest wait, but also the first orgasm-free month in my life.]

It’s a good thing I’m not really a jealous person. Lion asked me to use the Magic Wand last night. I’m sure it wasn’t because I couldn’t get him hard. I would have eventually. Uncharacteristically, he asked me to stop trying “for now” and then a little while later he asked me to use the Magic Wand.

And use it I did. He was very close to being a puddle when I stopped for the night. Oh so close and yet, not close enough. I guess, rather than being jealous, I should be glad I have the Magic Wand to torture him with.

We are both still under the weather to some extent so play is still limited. We’re snuggling, holding hands, just being close. I’m hoping my achiness/flu/cold/whatever this is and Lion’s cold/allergies/whatever that is will not last much longer. It just gets in the way. Until it’s gone we’ll continue to snuggle under the blankets where it’s warm. And, hey, you never know what will come out of snuggling.

I think Lion might be in for some swats when both of us feel up to it. Last night I was trying to tell him about some fairly big developments at work and he kept interrupting me. He wanted the story to progress a certain way but it was my story and I was telling it in chronological order. I know my work frustrates him but not more than it frustrates me so, and I say this lovingly, shut up and listen to me when I’m venting, Lion. [Lion – Yes Ma’am.]

Last night Lion pointed out that Monday is punishment night. It’s also his birthday. Hmmm. That hardly seems fair. The only swats he should get are birthday swats. So, on the fly, I instituted a new rule: if punishment night falls on a federal holiday or birthday, any swats accrued will be meted out on the following night. Phew! Crisis averted. That was a close one!

I can joke about it because I’m not a strict person. Whether punishment is given out on Monday or Tuesday makes little difference to me. There are many reasons why the day may have to change. Mondays are also one of Lion’s PT days. If he comes home dragging his arm behind him because he did a lot of painful exercises, I won’t add to his misery. If we eat too much on a Thursday night and both of us feel bloated and gross, I wouldn’t want to punish him. It would be uncomfortable for both of us. It’s a no-brainer to postpone things till Friday. Of course there’s nothing that says I have to limit punishment to either of those days. If Lion annoys me I can take care of things right then and there or as soon as we get home.

I’m not at all sure how many punishment days are affected by this new rule. Federal holidays are often on Mondays and Fridays as a way to extend weekends. If it becomes an issue, I can always change it back. It’s one of the perks of being in charge. Or I can make a loophole. Lawmakers are fond of loopholes. The rule is what I say it is, except when I say it’s different. There. A loophole.

Lion was all for the rule change. No punishment on his birthday. I don’t think either one of us thought about birthday swats at the time. I didn’t until I wrote it here. They’re different from punishment swats, of course. “Little” love taps. And don’t forget the pinch to grow an inch.

I just decided I have created a monster. Frankenstein’s monster. Lion needs electrical stimulation to have fun now. He responded almost immediately to the Magic Wand. He says he might be getting tired of my hand. Humph!

I get it. He’s not a vanilla sex kind of guy. He needs clothespins or rope or paddles. If I’m “just” using my hand maybe I need to blindfold him. What if it’s “just” my mouth? Should I tie his left index finger to his right ear? I’m kidding. I know he doesn’t need that. But he does need a few chocolate chips thrown into his vanilla ice cream.

Since he had PT yesterday and his shoulder was sore, I gave him a reprieve last night and moved his punishment to tonight. Does that count as chocolate chips? No. Punishment is punishment. Chocolate chips are play.

In the past he’s thought that maybe we shouldn’t play on a night that he receives punishment. I’m not sure that should be the case. There does need to be a span of time between them. For example, I could punish him as soon as we’re both home. He’d sit on his sore buns through dinner and by the time I’m done with my shower he should be ready for play. Or if we’re both home early, we could play early and his punishment could be later.

He doesn’t get punishment every night. Technically we could postpone play one night for punishment. Or vice versa. Like last night. I didn’t want to make him roll over onto his tummy if his shoulder hurt. But that didn’t stop me from firing up the Magic Wand to play with him.

Tonight he’ll get his butt whomped and maybe no play. I doubt it. If he’s horny we’ll play too. I just want to make sure he can separate the two in his mind. Obviously I’d never do a play spanking and punishment spanking on the same night.