Over a week has gone by since my last spanking. I’ve managed to remember to set up the coffeepot and remind Mrs. Lion of punishment days. I’ve also avoided pissing her off. If this holds until Monday, I might get a maintenance spanking.

The concept of maintenance spankings seems odd to most people. After all, why is my “reward” for continued good behavior a painful, punishment-level spanking? It’s a good question. Shouldn’t it earn a reward instead?

I think that this gets to the heart of a disciplinary marriage. My male interest in being spanked prompted me to ask for this. At the least, it means at some level I want to be spanked. That was my original motive. It isn’t the reason why I believe in painful maintenance.

Mrs. Lion and I are creatures of habit. If we let too much time pass between activities, we tend to forget to do them. In the past, when for one reason or another we suspended our disciplinary activities, it was difficult to restart them. Scheduled maintenance spankings serve to remind both of us that just because I avoided getting into trouble, I am not subject to being punished.

In a very real sense, it refreshes our focus on domestic discipline. For her part, Mrs. Lion is reminded of her role and the consequences she delivers as my disciplinary wife. It reminds me of what happens if I break a rule. It’s all too easy for me to forget just how unhappy a spanking makes me. I might be tempted to get lazy.

a postcard from the dentist

Of course, if I didn’t get that maintenance spanking and Mrs. Lion remains diligent, the first time I slip I would be painfully reminded of the errors of my ways. The maintenance spanking is like a postcard from your dentist. It keeps you aware you need to do something, even if it is unpleasant.

Ironically, the maintenance spanking isn’t terribly useful in keeping me focused on specific rules. Based on our experience, I tend to “forget” a rule several weeks after being spanked for the last time I forgot it. It’s odd since I am aware this happens, I still can’t seem to avoid forgetting.

Perhaps the maintenance spankings will extend the time between infractions. I don’t think so. Their purpose is to keep us both focused. It seems to be necessary for us.

new spanking experiments

Mrs. Lion mentioned that she may restart her spanking “experiments”. Since she found more paddles, she mentioned that she might want to see if she can work out how to reliably make me feel the results of a spanking for at least two days after I get it.

There is only one way to do this: experiment. If she decides to resume, maintenance spankings won’t be necessary. Last time she experimented it lasted for a few weeks. She did manage to make one or two of her experiments hurt for more than two days. Unfortunately, she didn’t make note of what she did to produce that result.

Since I seem to be staying out of trouble, scheduled experiments are the only way she can refine her technique and discover the tools that produce the results she wants.

Poor me!

Mrs. Lion was in our pantry unpacking one of the boxes left over from our move. I heard her declare happily, “I just found some more paddles.” Oh, joy! She didn’t elaborate further. Just what we need, more devices to make me yelp.

I did buy almost all of the paddles, so I can’t complain about Mrs. Lion discovering them. It’s just that I am less of a connoisseur than I was when spanking was a fun, BDSM activity. Nowadays, spanking is for punishment.

I still like spanking; at least I like thinking about being spanked. It turns me on. I also like finding new implements like the spanking “carpet beater” that is due to arrive tomorrow. It’s fun to think about it being used on me. It is absolutely no fun when it eventually finds its way to my bottom.

For some reason, I have a problem connecting my appreciation of spanking in the abstract with what really happens to me when I break a rule or annoy Mrs. Lion. This is especially odd since I have been getting punishment spankings since 2015. Even odder is the fact that even when we exclusively did play spankings, I couldn’t feel the difference between many of the paddles.

I bought most of these implements when I was a top. It was entertaining to discover which paddle produced the loudest screams from my partner. Truth be told, most of them were equally effective. As a top, I enjoyed thinking about using each new paddle.

I suppose this interest in spanking hardware is more of a fetish than a need for a complete tool kit. Mrs. Lion does switch between paddles now and then. It’s rare that she will use more than just one during a single punishment session. I think that will probably change. She has mentioned using different implements for varied results. She is working on finding one that will reliably bruise me. The bruises tend to hurt me for a couple of days after I am spanked. We both agree that spanking is much more educational if it hurts to sit for at least two or three days.

Mrs. Lion is still perfecting her technique. We’ve both tracked her progress in posts over the years. She is perfectly able to make me very unhappy to be lying over the edge of the bed being paddled. The one remaining challenge is producing that lasting reminder of my offense.

So far, even very powerful swats with her paddle doesn’t seem to do the trick. This is probably a function of my particular anatomy. I know that I can be bruised on demand. At least one spanker at an event announced after a thorough paddling that she would now give me some souvenirs. She then gave me three hard swats with a different tool. Sure enough, three painful bruises appeared.

The swats that produced them didn’t feel any worse than the non-bruising spanking that came before. I think she switched to a toy with a small striking surface and a lot of heft.

Mrs. Lion now has a combination of new toys and newly-discovered old toys to try next time she spanks me. She hasn’t asked me for advice so I will refrain from suggesting what is most likely to do the job.

In the past, when she was doing her spanking experiments, just using one of her paddles, she managed to bruise me and make sitting hurt for three days after the spanking. Those experiments were always at least 300 swats long. Mrs. Lion was trying different approaches. I was learning to stay in place.

She learned to adjust her intensity just to the edge of me trying to escape. Over time, she was able to hit harder as I learned to better stay put.

These experiments took place over several days a week. Perhaps the frequency “tenderized” me at the same time I learned to accept more. That could be part of it as well.

I agree with her and with the DWC that an effective spanking hurts for days. Maybe Mrs. Lion needs to resume her experiments.

I received one of my first know-it-all spankings Monday night. Until Mrs. Lion added a comment to my post yesterday I had no idea I was in trouble:

[Mrs. Lion — Lion is due for a spanking based on a conversation we had earlier. I made a statement, Lion said it was dumb (I’m simplifying) and took over the conversation. I tried to explain my statement but he was already fired up. I told him he was being difficult. Voices raised. And we were both frustrated with each other. Mr. Knowitall will get some paddle attention.]

Neither of us was entirely certain about the specifics. We had agreed that wasn’t necessary for punishment. The key is that she remembered that something I said upset her. It was important that she let me know in a way that assured her I understood how unhappy this made her.

I realize that she agreed to punish me because it was something that I want. On her own, she probably wouldn’t spank me for this. Before we began our domestic disciplinary relationship, she would have simply shut down. That was how she handled anger at me.

This is very destructive. I fear rejection and when Mrs. Lion withdraws from me, it is very upsetting in a bad way. Angry withdrawal is not healthy for a relationship.

That’s the main reason I want her to punish me when I make her feel that way. It is much better for both of us. Sometime after I was spanked Mrs. Lion recalled my offense. She was talking about masks with a flap that can be opened for eating and drinking. I interrupted her saying it wasn’t a good idea because exposing the mouth allowed germ spread. In a lot of words I said I thought it was a dumb idea.

Mrs. Lion didn’t necessarily disagree with me. She felt slighted that I just rolled over her thoughts to express mine. She hates it when I do that.

I got a surprise spanking

rubber sp;anking paddle with holes

Nothing was said about it when I upset her. She did withdraw a bit and make a small comment about me interrupting her. It was overlooked at the moment. It completely dropped out of my memory. The first time it came up again was in Mrs. Lion’s comment on my post for yesterday morning, “Being Fair And Strict At The Same Time “. It caught me by surprise.

After dinner on Monday night, Mrs. Lion got a paddle I don’t recall her using on me before. It is a piece of very heavy conveyor belt with large holes drilled in it. When she got it, I couldn’t see it. I was face-down on the bed with my legs dangling over the side. This is our spanking position.

She started off with fairly light swats. Then, after a few of them, she dialed up the intensity. She had me screaming into the comforter in no time.

As usual, I was unaware of whether or not I was being marked. All I knew was that I desperately wanted Mrs. Lion to stop. Eventually, she did. She took a picture to show me her handiwork.

lion butt spanked with rubber paddle
Here’s how I looked right after Mrs. Lion finished spanking me. As usual, the camera doesn’t pick up how red my bottom was. You You can see the damage done by this paddle. I think Mrs. Lion may be using this a lot in the future. Boy, does it hurt!

I think Mrs. Lion took it a bit easy on me. The spanking didn’t seem to last as long as usual. I think she made her point.

Lesson learned (i hope!)

From my perspective, I can say that I will be much more careful about how I communicate with her. I’m sure that at some point, I will earn another meeting with her paddle. At least for now, I’m going to be much more careful.

I hope Mrs. Lion got something out of it as well. I hope that she begins to feel about interrupting and being a know-it-all the same way she feels about always eating first. You may recall that when she went East to visit her family, some of them ate before her. She felt a real pang when they did. She expected to go first. I hope that Mrs. Lion will feel the same sense of entitlement about the way I speak to her.

Research suggests that a hormone, Kisspeptin is one of the key hormones responsible for male sex drive – horniness. I admit it. My hormones can get the better of me. Even when I think that I’m not all that interested in sex, my actions reveal the truth. Take my desire to provide Mrs. Lion with a way to bruise me. Originally it was my idea that punishments should be felt a day or more after I’ve been spanked. This concept is all over the Disciplinary Wives Club writings, not to mention pretty much every other domestic discipline site.

Rationally, I should be afraid of such a severe spanking, I’m not rational when I’m horny. So, I joined the chorus advocating memorable spankings. Mrs. Lion agreed that it sounded like a good idea. She made it clear that it wouldn’t be her purpose, but nonetheless she has been trying to accommodate my concept of adequate punishment.

That’s not all. Those same hormones send me shopping for ways to make things worse for myself. Mrs. Lion didn’t buy our large paddle collection. I did. As far as I know, she would be satisfied with a single paddle that she could use to effectively spank me. Truth be told, I can’t tell which paddle she is using at any given time. I have some idea if it is particularly painful, but that’s as much as I know. She can make any of her paddles hurt me.

About a week ago after a post in which she mentioned that she couldn’t seem to make a spanking hurt more than an hour or two after delivering it, my hormones decided I should help her. I am so thoughtful! Paddles are notoriously bad at providing the sort of swat that will last a long time. That is one reason they are so popular for punishment. No real skill is needed to avoid seriously hurting the spankee. You can hit as hard as you want so long as you swat the lower half of the butt without causing real injury.

Canes and other more sophisticated implements require skill and practice to avoid doing real damage. Also, they aren’t traditionally used for domestic discipline. Aside from paddles, straps of various kinds are also used. That doesn’t mean that some people won’t use canes and whips as well, but for the most part, domestic discipline is relatively simple.

Bottoms, particularly male bottoms, vary widely in how well they “take” a spanking. Some will turn red immediately and display visible bruises with just a hand spanking. Others, like mine, are hard to redden and are very difficult to bruise. That’s not to say it’s impossible because Mrs. Lion has given me a number of spankings that I felt for two or three days after she disciplined me.

Before I go any further, let me say that my hormones are flowing freely. They have to be for me to write about this. Anyway, using just her paddles, Mrs. Lion has to give me a long, painful spanking before it’s likely I’ll feel it the next day. I certainly hate that when she does it. I don’t understand why most of the time she doesn’t quite get to that point. I’m not sure she knows. I am pretty sure that she will continue working on this.

About a week ago when I was feeling particularly horny, I decided I should “help” her find ways to make spankings last. I went searching on a couple of my favorite BDSM stores (Extreme Restraints and the Stockroom) to see what they had to offer in the way of devices more likely to provide the sort of bruising needed to make a spanking last.

Extreme Restraints had a particularly nasty looking device. They call it the Command Impact Cane. This is a nasty synthetic cane that is more than 1/2 inch thick. It’s very heavy and not particularly flexible. There’s no question that this device should be fairly easy to use when a bruise is desired. Since it’s thick and inflexible, there is no danger of it wrapping. When it arrived, and I got a good look at it, I realized that my hormones had done it again. This mother is really going to hurt!

Years ago, a very experienced spanker played with me. Most of the spanking was done using a paddle that did a very good job stinging and making my bottom red. She then picked up another toy and gave me three very hard blows. She spaced them out to give me time to recover. It was the coup de grace. Then she put her toys away and I rolled over. I asked her what she did in the end? She answered that I would be left with a few bruises I would feel for days. I was impressed.

She was true to her word. It hurt to sit for three days after that spanking. I think it’s likely that once Mrs. Lion zeroes in on how to use the new toy, she will also be able to give me those lasting memories. I also think that she may be working on her general spanking technique as well. She’s been using different devices and seems to have the objective of making sure I understand that my spankings are no fun at all.

They aren’t. Even now, I am ready for her to stop long before she is. She has said that she decides when to stop after my bottom turns a certain shade of red. This may be my hormones talking, but I think she may need to go for a darker shade; perhaps one with some white spots. Then, when she goes to use her new bruise device, I will be properly prepared to receive it.

There is a good reason why the spanking starts with a warm-up. It isn’t an act of kindness. It’s a simple fact that in order for a memorable spanking to be administered, a certain amount of natural anesthesia needs to be started. The longer a spanking goes on, the more easily it’s tolerated. This is overcome by increasing the force as the spanking progresses. That way, Mrs. Lion stays ahead of my natural ability to tolerate the spanking so that I continue to feel her displeasure. We learned that the spanking for me is most effective when Mrs. Lion keeps me right on the edge of trying to run away. The longer she goes on, the harder she can hit without me trying to escape.

I think my enthusiastic support of her beating my ass is a side effect of her orgasm control. She assures that my male hormones get plenty of time to build up. As they do, I get more invested in helping her “help” me.