I mentioned a while ago that I may give Lion ruined orgasms every time I play with him just to see how it goes. I decided that this wait was it. He had a ruined orgasm a few nights ago and one last night. I’ve been edging him first, of course. I was thinking about just going for the ruined orgasm right off the bat, but I decided it’s more fun to tease him and not have him know if this is the time I stop. Also last night, I tried rubbing only the bottom of his penis and only on the down stroke. I knew he was sensitive there but I had no idea I could edge him just by rubbing like that. I didn’t quite take it that far but it’s nice to know I can. A ruined orgasm is also good for feeding him his semen. I know he disagrees. He hates the taste. I figure if I’m in the sharing mood then he should appreciate the snack.

I think Lion is still trying to work out how he feels about ruined orgasms. Do they take the edge off? Do they intensify things? Is there no effect? It seems, from what he’s said, that the effect is different at different times. Perhaps he’s less horny right afterwards and then it morphs into horniness and then on to intense horniness. Maybe by the end of this sixteen day wait he’ll have an answer.

As you know, we had a bit of a disconnect the other night when I forgot it was punishment night. Not only did I put reminders in my calendar, but I also made a rule that Lion must remind me by 8:30 pm that it is punishment night. If he fails to do so he gets extra swats. Of course, no extra swats will be added if I remember on my own before 8:30. Last night was a special edition make up punishment night. I sat on him to hold him still and then gave him four hard swats. Afterwards he said he thought he had earned more. I asked if he wanted more and he said no. One of the reasons for so few swats (he should have had many more for making me feel bad that I forgot to punish him) was that it was the first time I sat on him to hold him still and it was an awkward position. I’ll have to find a better way to do it. I’m normally on his right side and this time I was on the left. But there will be many more opportunities to punish him so I can work out the logistics.

Lion tends to jump into things with all four paws. It’s how he runs tasks at work and how he runs tasks at home. I don’t know why it surprises me when he does it, but it always does. When he buys a car he reads the manual so he knows every little detail about it. Then inundates me with those details. Did you know the blah blah is yada yada? Why no! I did not. He’s surprised that I don’t know things about my truck. I know where the fuel goes. I know when I stomp on the little pedal on the right it goes and when I need to stomp on the little pedal on the left it stops. When a light is on on the dashboard it may or may not be a bad thing. And that’s what I need to know. He did the same thing with chastity and he’s doing the it with domestic discipline.

Our dog is still young and she tends to barrel through the house. We call her the bulldozer because if anything is in the way she runs right through it. Lion is like that, except I liken him to a steamroller. When I’m trying to get my feet under me as we try new things, he comes past and just steamrolls me into something else. I’d like to be on solid ground before trying something new. However, since I’m never really comfortable in my ability to do things, I rarely feel like I’m on solid ground.

I know Lion is excited about domestic discipline. I am not. It will take a very long time before I don’t feel ridiculous for nitpicking every mistake he makes. It’s just not a big deal to me if he forgets to take his medicine. I know he needs to take it. I know there may be dire consequences if he misses enough doses. I’m not wishing him ill health. I’m more concerned with why he’s forgetting and how often he forgets. Is it a sign that something is wrong? Is his memory failing or is he just preoccupied? That’s why I pay attention when he forgets. I don’t care about punishing him for it. Similarly, if I give him a list of four things I want him to do and he does three of them I won’t be upset unless that last thing was the most important. How many times have you gone to the store for milk and walked out with everything but milk? It was the one thing you went for. I do that all the time so I’m not in the mindset to punish him for it. So when he tells me he forgot to do something and should he add it to the list, it’s too new for me to care if he adds it to the list or not. For that reason I’ve told him to add everything to the list and I will decide what punishment to give him on punishment day. And then he should probably remind me what days I set as punishment days because I’ve forgotten already.

As you know, I do have sparks of genius when it comes to punishments so I guess it’s just a matter of time until I get in the swing of things. I just need to get my bearings.

Speaking of genius, Lion is on one of his longest waits ever and I have decided to give him his every-other-day ruined orgasm. I edged him a few times last night and then took him just past the edge. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him writhing from a pseudo-orgasm. He said he hates ruined orgasms. Awww. Too bad. Then he told me ruined orgasms take the edge off. Maybe he won’t be so horny at the end of sixteen days. We’ll see, my pet.

Even before I decided to do the ruined orgasm experiment, I told him he can earn a no strings attached bonus orgasm when he gets a job. Last night (before the ruined orgasm) he said he sort of wants to wait the full sixteen days to see how it feels. I told him I could give him a reward coupon for the orgasm so he could have it whenever he wanted. He quickly backpedaled and said he would take the orgasm whenever it was offered. I don’t think he has to worry about seeing how long waits feel. There are a few more out there.

Last night Lion was horny. No surprise there. I edged him more than five times. I lost track. Toward the end I started back in on him before he was fully calmed down. That worked twice. The third time he had a ruined orgasm. Perfect! I wasn’t sure if I’d get the ruined orgasm or break him first, but either way would have been perfect. I got the benefit of having a Lion snack and he got the benefit of, well, I don’t know what his benefit was. I guess he got the benefit of not having to eat his semen. He’s still just as horny as ever. And he’s caged again. His sore spot looked better so I locked him away. It’s for the best when he’s this horny.

Afterwards, he rolled over and asked if I would mind making breakfast today. He wanted pancakes. I probably should have made him use another of his coupons, but sometimes I just want to be a wife and take care of him. He’s been craving pancakes almost as long as an orgasm. For whatever reason Lion loves both salad and pancakes (not together, of course), but he hates making them. I don’t really like salad or pancakes, so naturally I am the one who makes them most of the time. Makes perfect sense in a Lion sort of way.

So this morning Lion had fluffy pancakes made for him by his wife, not his top. I know he wants me to be in control, but sometimes I just want to be his wife. Not that I’m not always his wife. And this is where it gets complicated. Am I “just” his wife when he asks me to make pancakes and I make them? Am I still in control because I decide if I will do it without requiring him to use a coupon? Am I thinking too much? Probably. I tend to do that.

Yesterday we were talking about domestic discipline and Lion said some religions practice a form of it. The husband can punish the wife for her transgressions. In the same way, I suppose, you would punish a child for doing something wrong. Then later on in the day, he said something about a book he read a long time ago about a woman who punished her husband when he got drunk. It was at that moment that my stomach flipped and I got one of those what-the-hell-have-I-gotten-myself-into feelings. This was quickly followed by the realization that we are not black and white. We do not tend to go to the extreme with power and punishment.

I am in charge and if I want to do Lion a favor without requiring a coupon, I can do that. I’m always his wife. And this wife always has her husband’s best interests at heart.

Once upon a time, a long time ago when I was innocent and thought it was kinky to have oral sex, I came across a book that changed my life: The Joy Of Sex by Alex Comfort. Tucked near the end in a section called “Sauces and Pickles” was the description of Slow Masturbation For Him:

“To make this work you need to know how to tie your partner and to have a partner who likes struggling against resistance, but it works for a great many people. Traditionally, the woman does this to the man, but it plays in either direction. You need good access and a completely helpless partner, though you can try it without if bondage turns you off, but the result is quite different and you can’t get so far. The knack lies in playing on your partner like an instrument, alternately pushing him forard and frustrating them.

“The woman starts by tying the man to her satisfaction, either staked out, or wrists behind and ankles crossed, knees open, naked, and on his back. …She has two focal points to attend to, his mouth and his penis, and the knack during the warm-up period, consists in keeping both occupied continuously and without triggering ejaculation. The possibilities are obvious — hand to each, hand to one mouth or pussy to the other; varied by a touch of her breasts, her armpit, or even her hair. Between the two poles she will work over his most sensitive areas with her fingertips, her tongue, and her pussy — this last with one hand on his penis and other palm over is mouth, never letting the rhythm slacken. If his erection begins to go down, she stops, tightens him up, then re-stiffens him. She can now begin slow masturbation proper.

“This is about the most mind-blowing (and, while it lasts, frustrating) sexual sensation of which most males are capable. (If you want to know why we say start by tying your lover, try it for a few moments with an unbound partner.) She sits well up on his chest, with her buttocks to his chin, and puts each of her ankles  inside the crook of one of his knees, or sits with her knees bent and her calves tucked under his arms. She should hold the root of his penis with one hand and with the other pull the skin back as far as it will go with finger and thumb, thumb towards her. Then she starts quick, nervous strokes — each one quick, that is, but timed at one per second, no faster. After about twenty of these, about  ten very quick strokes. Then she resumes the slow rhythm. And so on. [Note: Comfort clearly never tried this himself. The hand that does the stroking must be well lubed or the experience will just be painful.]

“If she thinks he is about to ejaculate (you can sense this with practice), she should drop the speed and keep this up as long as she thinks he can stand it.”

That short (there is more in the book, but this is the part that got to me) section changed me sexually. Before reading this, I had never considered being tied up. In fact, I had no idea that people did things like that. Reading Comfort’s description, I could feel myself spread-eagle and a woman’s hands on my penis. I dreamed about this regularly for years. When I finally talked a partner into trying this with me, it was amazing, if unsuccessful. She didn’t hold me on the edge. She couldn’t read my signs.

Now, decades later, almost every other day, Mrs. Lion edges me. She brings me to the frustrating edge of orgasm as many times as she wants. I’m not tied down and generally, she stays a dozen or so strokes short of ruined orgasm. Also, she doesn’t practice the technique Comfort described in his book. It really doesn’t matter.

That short bit of text in a groundbreaking book about sex changed me forever. This was no  small change. It awakened a beast that has never since slept. Everything else: spanking, chastity, anal play, pain, and lots  more. My ex-wife’s horror at tying me up or spanking me is one of the contributing causes of our divorce. Sex is a powerful force.

I remain amazed that this single quote was (and is, actually) so powerful to me. How many of us can trace the absolute source of our kinks to a single event? So much of us evolves over many years. But this single short section of a book transformed me sexually. It’s turned out to be a happy transformation.

As Mrs. Lion mentioned in her post yesterday, we saw the movie “Sex Tape” last night. The main premise is a couple making a sex tape by acting out all of the stuff in The Joy of Sex. That’s what got me thinking about slow masturbation. Have you tried this?