Lion has been waiting for me to make new rules for a long time. Of course, he doesn’t like when I actually make them. Lately, he’s been doing something that drives me crazy. When he sees people on TV shows, usually regular people on games shows, he makes remarks about them being stupid or looking silly. When he gets an answer right that everyone got wrong, he says, “Everybody knows that.” Sometimes I don’t. Am I stupid too? This last example falls under the know-it-all rule, but the others don’t. The person isn’t stupid just because of the way they talk or what they say in an interview. They don’t look silly just because they have tattoos or green hair. If he’s not allowed to be rude to people in person, he shouldn’t be rude to people on TV.

Technically, I guess this is just an extension of the previous rule of not being rude. He wasn’t too happy when I brought it up yesterday. I don’t really expect him to be happy about any rule that could end with a paddle meeting his rear end. He shouldn’t jump for joy if I tell him he’ll be punished if he leaves the kitchen light on. Again. However, he does want me to make rules. I’m sure a tiny part of him is happy I’m expanding my authority. His posterior may be small, but it’s not the part that will be happy. Anyway, that’s the new rule or extension of an old rule, whichever way you want to think about it.

He announced he was horny last night. Thank you, my pet. That’s always good to know. My plan for having an early play time faded away, though. We went out to buy a lottery ticket, then picked up food for dinner. We figured we could heat it up when we were ready. Unfortunately, we didn’t eat lunch, and the food smelled so good on the way home we were hungry earlier. However, since we ate earlier, we did have sexy time earlier than a normal after dinner sexy time.

Lion wasn’t making his usual noises. When I suck him, I can’t see his face, and it can be difficult to figure out where he is on the edging indicator. I thought he was close a few times, but I just interrupted things. In the end, I decided to give him an orgasm. It was easier than trying to figure out if I was getting him at the actual edge or too soon. Plus, I wanted to see if I could get some yummy cream filling. I think he had a nice orgasm, and I got a nice reward. Win-win.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think Lion was doing things on purpose. Saturday night he left the shower door open. Sunday night he forgot the coffee pot. Is he trying to make me spank him so things will get back to normal around here?

I did feel a little better yesterday as far as the dizziness goes. I managed to work on the garden, change the bed, put the garbage out, and even provide Lion with a little sucking pleasure. Today, however, I feel dizzy again. I don’t think I overdid it yesterday. I just think it will come and go for a while. I was going to go to the store today, but I think that can wait for another day.

I’ll have to see how I feel later to know if Lion will get his spanking today or not. I know he’s hoping he won’t. Not that he wants me to feel bad. He just doesn’t want his butt to feel bad. Two offenses in two days? Hmmm…that will require more than ten minutes. I could do multiple days if I can’t manage the whole ten minutes at once. Assuming I’ll feel better tomorrow, I’d probably be hitting harder and/or longer. I bet that would be especially painful on an already sore tush. That sounds like a good idea.

Of course, there’s no rush to spank him. It’s not like I’ll be busy with work. I’m just fixing my resume and searching for jobs. I can interrupt that anytime for punishment. For that matter, Lion’s request for earlier play is possible now too. Maybe we can test that evil new IcyHot he got the other day. I could be a full-time Lion dominant until I find a new job. I don’t think he’d like that any more than I would.

Lion says his buns are still sore from his spanking the other night. As you can see in the image above, after two days, he’s still marked. I guess I did a good job. I don’t think it was the meanest spanking I’ve ever given him, but it was certainly more ferocious than anything in his recent past. I think I was trying so hard to avoid making him bleed that I backed off too far. No more. Blood be damned. [Lion — This spanking was a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. See this link for the image.]

Having said that, there’s still the problem of not having many rules. The only two that he consistently breaks are the coffee pot and the shower door. Well, those are the only two I spank him for. He should get spanked more often for being a know-it-all and for interrupting me. He just did that a little while ago. Why can’t he just shut up until I’m done talking? Nine times out of ten, I would have answered his question or made the same point he interrupted me to make if I could have finished my thought. I definitely let him get away with that too much. On the other hand, if I spanked him every time he did it, neither one of us would get anything else done. [Lion — If I actually got spanked when I do it, I doubt it would take long for me to learn.]

Maybe the problem isn’t not having enough rules. Maybe the problem is that I don’t enforce the ones we have. I’ll need to shorten my fuse on Mr. Know-It-All and Mr. Interrupter. I think it will be tougher to break him of those habits. He can set a reminder for the coffee pot and punishment day. He’ll have no way to remind himself not to interrupt. I guess that’s what the paddle is for. I’ll have to start lifting weights to strengthen my arms for all the impending swats.

Of course, I say this knowing I talk a good game. I’ll either swat him for the next week and forget again, or I won’t swat him at all. It’s my modus operandi.

Lion does not need to be waxed. He’s a little scruffy. but not bad yet. He could easily wait a few weeks, but I can do it next Sunday if necessary. My whirlwind trip to my daughter’s graduation is Thursday to Saturday. The oddity of flying to the east coast is that I leave very early in the morning and arrive in the evening. Between the time change and the six-hour flight, I lose a whole day. Conversely, on the way home, I leave in the evening and get home only three hours later. Ironically, these very short trips don’t seem to create jet lag. By the time my body realizes I’ve changed time zones, I’m already home. Anyway, Lion will be without me for less than three days.

I was very nice last night. Probably too nice. I allowed him to set up the coffee pot even though it was well after the five o’clock cutoff. I probably should have swatted him. Apparently, his spanking from the night before was too lenient. I only made his buns rosy. I didn’t attempt to make him feel it long afterward. Maybe I learned a lesson too. No more Mrs. Nice Lion. I need to spank until both my arm and his butt are falling off for it to be effective. It seems ridiculous that I have to suffer, but if it’s the only way he’ll learn then so be it.

It’s been a long time since I’ve applied IcyHot to Lion. Maybe it’s a reaction to being too nice, but I think I need to step up my game again. I threaten to do IcyHot and Lion whines and I let it go. I need to follow through. From time to time he reminds me that I’m in charge and I should do what I want. I know he regrets that as soon as I bring out a paddle, the IcyHot or those nasty little clothespins. However, he asked for it. Whose fault is it if I give him what he asked for?