Last night Lion forgot it was punishment night. Again. And the silly part is that he had nothing on his list so he would have been home free. Well, he would have gotten the maintenance swats, generally 4-6 hard ones, that I’ve been giving him nightly. But he wouldn’t have had any for things he had done wrong. And he moved while I was giving him the swats. In fairness, I know I should at least sit on him when I go above six swats. I think I gave him ten swats and then one or two extra for moving. Still not a bad punishment for a tough Lion butt.

Yesterday, in one of his emails to me during the day, he said he was massively horny. I said it was a good thing he was locked up. He said it was too bad he was locked up. So then I told him he has the emergency key. If he wanted to take a chance that I would consider being massively horny an emergency then he should go for it. He declined. However, I did promise to play with him to “help” the situation. An unsolicited extra play day. No coupon required. A freebie. What a nice Mrs. Lion I am.

The only problem with that extra play session is that I flew too close to the sun. After edging him a few times and then snuggling for a few minutes, I went back for more. With my mouth. Always dangerous. I was listening for him to indicate that he was close and either he didn’t indicate or I missed it because the next thing I knew he had a ruined orgasm. Damn! Not what I wanted to do at all. I assume today he won’t be as horny. Of course, it’s still a play day so I bet I can make him horny. I’m just annoyed that I went too far. He asked if he would get punished for not telling me he was close. He said it happened really quickly. I won’t punish him for it. It was my fault. I should have left well enough alone.

We also discussed wait times and whether he should know the date. I think maybe after this scheduled date I won’t tell him the next one and see how it goes. I told him he wouldn’t know if I cheated. He said that would be fine with him. He’s usually always ready for an orgasm. I don’t know how his not knowing will affect me. I like being able to tell him how long he has to wait. On the other hand, it might be fun to see how he reacts when he doesn’t know if this time it’s just another edging or if it’s the real thing. I guess we’ll find out.

Yesterday was punishment day. I forgot. My phone reminded me at 8 pm. Up to that point Lion hadn’t said anything about it so I didn’t either. Our agreement is that he remind me on punishment day before 8:30 pm. It’s just a random time. Late enough that we should be done with dinner and settled in. Early enough that it won’t interfere with play time which we usually do around 10 pm.

At 8:36 I asked Lion if he had any punishments on his list. He said he didn’t. I asked if he was sure. I thought asking him about the list would help him realize his mistake. He then asked what time it was. Oops! When I told him he now had one punishment on the list he started to protest. He had forgotten, was his excuse. Yeah. Sure. When I forgot just last week he accused me of not making it a priority. Of not making him a priority. Now he had forgotten. Is he guilty of not making himself a priority? If he hadn’t made such a big deal about my forgetting he might have gotten off easier. I may forget a lot of things, but I don’t forget when someone makes me feel bad. He got six very hard swats with the rough side of the bloodwood paddle. He told me afterwards that I’ve gotten very good at punishing him. Keep that in mind for next time, my pet.

Last night was also play night. I edged Lion a few times and then gave him another ruined orgasm. When he was securely locked up again he said he hates ruined orgasms. He said he knows it doesn’t matter if he likes them or not because I’ll do what I want to do anyway. He just wanted me to know. Well, yes. My mission is to give him a ruined orgasm every other day until his next orgasm. He has two ruined orgasms left to endure. I do care if he likes them or not. It’s duly noted. Will I ever give him another ruined orgasm when we’re done with the experiment? Probably at some point I will. I won’t rule it out. I wasn’t doing them because I thought he liked them. I wasn’t doing them because I thought he hated them. I needed to prove to myself that I can do one when I want to do one. Practice makes perfect. After two more I know I won’t be perfect but I know I’ve proved to myself that I can do them when I want to and not just by accident.

Lion had a night out with friends last night. He hasn’t done that in a long time. I was home alone with the dog. The other day I said I needed some time to myself. I also said I’d probably be bored. Well, I wasn’t bored, but I did miss Lion. It’s funny how you can take something for granted. Lion is always home. I am always home. If we aren’t home, we are either at work or out together somewhere. When one of us isn’t home, we miss each other. Lion did have fun, but he missed me too. I know. You’re thinking that’s so sweet you’ll just lapse into a sugar coma. Well it is sweet. Lion is sweet.

He reminded me early in the day it was punishment day so he’s off the hook for that. And he changed the bed and washed the sheets. That little trick earned him a Good Lion coupon for an extra play session of his choice. There was nothing on his punishment list so his buns weren’t toasted last night. I told him I could give him a swat because he hadn’t earned any. He said I could if I wanted to. Of course I could. But I was just teasing him. If anything, it’s my fault he didn’t have anything on the list. I must not have been paying attention.

Lion said last night that he thinks the ruined orgasms are helping him endure his sixteen day wait. If that’s true then he won’t mind the few waits coming up that are longer. All I have to do is give him the occasional ruined orgasm and he can breeze right through a month. Or more. I think Lion’s heart just skipped a beat. Well, I won’t make him wait a month. I don’t remember what the longest wait is but it’s not a month. Relax, my pet. Actually, I miss having him tell me how horny he is. Eight more days until the ruined orgasm experiment is over. We can make it, Lion.

I had two thoughts last night: I hope I can report, without jinxing myself, that my ruined orgasm experiment is going well. As of today it’s been a month since I had an orgasm.

Lion thinks ruined orgasms take the edge off. He says he is not as horny as he would have been without that little pressure relief. Perhaps. But I’m not only studying the effects of them on Lion’s libido. I’m also getting some good practice in the art of the ruined orgasm. Last night I was considering just playing with Lion. No edging. No ruined orgasm. Just take Mr. Weenie out for a spin and lock him away again. Instead I decided to go right for the ruined orgasm. I didn’t edge him at all. Needless to say, there was not a lot of ejaculate. I wasn’t even really sure I had gotten him until he confirmed it. I’m sure it wasn’t much fun for my poor pet, but that’s too bad. I am on a mission to perfect my own technique.

If we were practicing female chastity, I’m afraid it would be very boring for Lion. There would be no pleading for release on my part. Although, as I write this, I can see how not being able to have an orgasm might make me want one more than I do now. You know, you always want what you can’t have. Unfortunately, for Lion at least, I have not missed having an orgasm. I can, and have, gone months without one. I never kept track of the time between because it was of no interest to me. Completely the opposite of Lion. And it was nothing I was striving for anyway. Unlike Lion, who wants to have a long wait, I don’t see it as a badge of honor. I don’t see it as anything. I don’t even think about it until I look at my orgasm calendar which is still set to February 2.

Oddly enough, I think I view the scheduled orgasm the same way I view Lion holding doors open for me. Unnecessary and a little annoying. Scheduled orgasms seemed forced to me. I know they helped Lion. It was a time when he was guaranteed not to be shot down. But it was a lot of pressure on me. Having an orgasm when you don’t care about having an orgasm is not the most fun. I thought maybe it would jump start something, but it’s obvious something else is going on. I’m just not sure if it’s physical or mental. Organic or chemical. And I can open my own doors, darn it. (Not a true analogy since I don’t care about giving myself orgasms either.) I guess I’m just a lower middle class girl with an upper middle class Lion who has boarding school manners and sometimes that pinkie-in-the-air tea drinking makes me uncomfortable. (He doesn’t really drink tea with his pinkie in the air.)

So what have I learned in the past few days? I am getting pretty good at ruined orgasms. And I still don’t care about orgasms for myself. I don’t think Lion is very happy with either of these.