lion piggy bank
Bobble head lion bank to store tokens for swats. Easy way for Mrs. Lion to “remember” small offenses (1 swat per token)

Today is my scheduled orgasm day; at least it is so far. Over the last few days we have both been writing about changes that are happening now. This is the beginning of our third year in enforced chastity. Pretty much since we started, I asked Mrs. Lion to exercise control and enforce it with punishment (and rewards). On and off over the last decade, Mrs. Lion has spanked me as part of D/S play. I find spanking arousing; I always have. So, it isn’t a big stretch for it to become Mrs. Lion’s go-to punishment.

What I hadn’t considered was the actual living in a domestic discipline marriage. To be fair, up until now the domestic discipline has been sporadic and fairly gentle. Yes, there have been times when Mrs. Lion has made a big impression on my butt. Thursday night was one of them. She wrote about how she spaced the swats. That helped me control my movements, but the pain was just as intense as when she hit more quickly. It was an effective spanking. I got the feeling she stopped sooner than she wanted because of my reactions. [Mrs. Lion -I didn’t.] I’m grateful she did, but I hope she will continue regardless of my reaction. I need to be more in control of myself.

We’ve been joking about Lioness 2.0. The change is real if the name is a bit geeky. The kind of things that she said she wants to change are very difficult. It’s one thing to punish me because I want punishment as part of our lives. It’s quite another to punish me because she wants me to understand that I did something she didn’t like and that because I wanted domestic discipline has nothing to do with what is happening to me now. It began to feel that way on Thursday.

I think this wish she would own discipline is a source of pressure for her. She’s an easy going lioness by nature. Stirring the pot has always caused her problems. She’s learned it is better to go along than to make waves. Here I come asking her to make waves; a lot of them. If she’s spent a lifetime learning to overlook things and stuff her feelings, suddenly being asked to do the opposite is upsetting.

The hardest part is to just understand what I am asking. She’s done a very good job with that. She understands exactly what I want. The hard part is doing it. As she has said more than once, the biggest hurdle is to observe and note behavior she wishes to correct. Her nature conspires to prevent her from seeing these infractions. Once seen, the next problem is remembering/recording, and finally punishing.

I recently read a post where the disciplining wife has her husband add a dollar to a jar each time he misbehaves. Periodically, the money is counted and he gets a swat for each dollar. Neither of us carries much cash and I don’t often have one-dollar bills, but the idea is a good one. [Mrs. Lion – We have some heart-shaped glass pieces we used for something else in the past. Maybe we can use those instead of money. ]  It solves remembering small things. She need not remember, just count items and swat. Bigger infractions, of course, can be punished as she did Thursday night.

The idea is to find a way to help us both be more aware of my position as disciplined husband. Clearly, there are things that need correction. Consistent correction will result in me learning and remembering what I need to do to be the best lion I can be.

Last night I grabbed Chinese food on the way home. It’s become our unofficial Thursday night go-to dinner. Earlier in the day, Lion reminded me of punishment night and I informed him of the “should have” infraction. He knew he was in for some swats and dreading them. He’s still trying to figure out what inspired Mrs. Lion 2.0. Me too.

Lion asked me if I would consider cuddling him after punishment. On one hand, I was thinking I shouldn’t. He brought the punishment on himself. Tough toenails if it hurts his butt and his feelings. On the other hand, he needs to know I still love him even though I just blistered his butt. Earlier in the week he’d asked that I give him some time between swats to recover. How much time? How many swats before a break? That was undecided. So I decided. I made him tell me why I was whomping him, then I whacked him a few times and stopped. They were very hard swats with the mean bloodwood paddle.  [Lion – Bloodwood is the heaviest hardwood I have found for paddles. This one has a very small striking area (a 4″ circle) and a long handle. It hurts like hell!] Immediately his cheeks were red. I whacked him again and stopped. He yelled into the pillow but didn’t move. Good boy. I’m not sure how many swats I gave him, but he was hurting a lot by the end. I guess he shouldn’t drop food or “should” me. Well, mostly the “should” part. And it turns out I usually do cuddle with him after punishment anyway. I guess I don’t really think about it. Last night I was sure to tell him how good he was at staying still. I know how difficult it was even with the breaks. His buns were very red for a while afterwards.

A little while later I unlocked him and decided to give him at least a partial blow job. I wanted to drive him crazy. He said he’s been really horny and I wanted to make it worse. Unfortunately I went a little too far and gave him a ruined orgasm. Sometimes I don’t know my own strength. I got a little snack and he said it took some of the pressure off being horny. Oh well. He may still be very horny today. He says he gets hot thinking about Mrs. Lion 2.0. I wonder what she has in store for him tonight.

Mrs. Lion’s announcement of her new Lioness 2.0 release brought me some mixed feelings.The first is happiness. Lioness 2.0 promises to supply the control and discipline that I have been asking for since we began. In fairness, Lioness 1.0 had evolved through interim releases that brought considerable control and painful discipline into my life.

The big difference now, as I see it, is that in the past Mrs. Lion made changes because she knew it would make me happy. I realize that the entire reason we are pursuing enforced chastity, FLR, and domestic discipline is at my request. But now, while I am credited for starting all this, Mrs. Lion has apparently decided that the way things happen going forward won’t be a response to my wishes, but instead will be her own interpretation of what we are doing.

In other words, Lioness 2.0’s most significant feature is the understanding that I don’t feel controlled if I am the source of what she does to me. I may give her ideas, but what she does with them has no input from me. More significantly in terms of change, my reactions to her decisions and ministrations are not going to have any effect on what she is doing. Now that is real control.

If I have things right in terms of her new approach, I will be aroused when I think about my loss of control and will be sorry when she goes into action. That has certainly been the case with spanking. It’s hot to think about, but miserable when she gets going. I am a much more careful lion than I used to be. Those spankings really hurt a lot. If she adopts the newer concept of administering a group of swats then waiting before the next, she will be able to go on much longer. The longer she swats, the more likely I will feel the results the next day.

She sent me an email yesterday that in the shower she was thinking about extending my orgasm date. Her shower idea was that if I don’t do a proper job giving her an orgasm, then I will have to wait longer. When she sent the email, she wrote that she wasn’t sure she was ready yet for her next orgasm. I have a feeling that little detail won’t stop her from making me wait longer if she wants.

She only delayed my orgasm once before. It was a one day delay as a punishment. I really hated it. Unanticipated change upsets me, waiting longer to come is a little like being made to wait for Christmas presents until some time after the big day.  While I like to pretend that waiting is no big deal, right now I am nearly insane with the desire to come. Even if she does post-orgasm torture to the head of my penis, I will be happy to get the orgasm. In a way, I’m looking forward to that too.

I don’t know if other guys have similar feelings. Things I absolutely hate when they are happening, turn me on when I think of them with a little distance after the actual pain. I think that it is less that I am a masochist than I am turned on by Mrs. Lion’s raw power over me. I think she realizes that I really hate those things she does, but I like the control over me that it shows. I have a slightly different sense of punishment. I like that she wants to modify my behavior to make me a better lion; or if not that, her lion.

While it is a lot of work for her, I benefit emotionally and behaviorally when she is strict and demanding. As a former dominant, finding the right balance for both of us is a difficult task and requires a lot of trial and error. I think that Lioness 2.0 understands my underlying emotional reality.

Based only on my own experience, taking the control and exercising it brings her closer to me. You don’t have to love authority and power to build intimacy by asserting that control. As my vulnerability and blind acceptance of her control grow, I expect she will find increased intimacy and closeness to me.

I edged Lion last night and made his horniness much worse. I put clothes pins on his boobies and balls. I made him squirm. It’s good for him to squirm once in a while. Then, as we were getting ready for bed, he said sometimes he doesn’t want to be in the cage anymore. The conversation when something like this:

Lion: “What would happen if I said I didn’t want to be in the cage anymore?”
Mrs. Lion: “We would discuss it.”
L: “Why?”
Mrs. L: “Because there may be a valid reason for not wanting to be in the cage anymore.”
L: “Mrs. Lion 2.0 should say, ‘Suck it up, Buttercup.’ “
Mrs. L: “You don’t see anyway there would be a valid reason for not being caged?”
L: “It shouldn’t be because I don’t want to be in the cage anymore.”

When Lion asks this question I usually realize way too late that he wants the “suck it up, Buttercup” answer. My mind immediately goes to wondering what a valid reason would be for unlocking him for good. Hint: it’s not because Lion wants a wild weenie so he can take care of business on his own. On the way to work this morning I was thinking of valid reasons. What if he got a job that had him going through security/metal detectors? What if poor circulation reduced blood flow to his favorite organ? What if he decides he doesn’t want to be my Lion anymore? I’m sure there are other valid reasons, but my commute is only 30-40 minutes long and that’s all I came up with. My point is that there may come a time when the cage has to go. It’s not a decision that will be taken lightly by either of us.

In the spirit of Mrs. Lion 2.0, however, I’ve decided that the statement, “Mrs. Lion 2.0 should say, ‘Suck it up, Buttercup.'” will be met with a punishment. Telling me what I should or shouldn’t do is not acceptable. A more appropriate statement might have been, “I was expecting you to say…” Mrs. Lion 2.0 should say what Mrs. Lion 2.0 says and not what Lion thinks Mrs. Lion 2.0 should say. Lion can offer suggestions and ideas, but what should happen is not up to him. Lion can tell me what he hopes will happen. In limited circumstances he can tell me how he would have done it when he was in charge. He can even say what he should have done or should do. But there will be no more “shoulds” directed at me.

For those of you keeping score, Lion now has two things on his punishment list. He dropped food on himself last night and he “should-ed” me. I wouldn’t want to be his buns around 8 pm. Poor Lion.