christmas snow
We have a white Christmas!

The forecast called for flurries with an accumulation of 1-3 inches in higher elevations. Technically we’re not in a higher elevation but who’s arguing? It’s been a long time since we’ve had a white Christmas and we’re not going anywhere so we’ll just enjoy it from inside.

Yesterday while we watched our football team lose yet again, we had a fire. We don’t often have fires because we spend most of our time in the bedroom. It just seemed like a cozy thing to do and the flurries started while the fire was blazing. It was definitely a Christmas eve thing to do.

We never did make it downstairs to the sling yesterday. Maybe today. But I did unlock Lion and we had a nice edging session. I was considering going until I broke him but I got him so close so many times he was panting. I didn’t want to risk a ruined orgasm. Whether it’s in the sling or not, Lion will have a Christmas orgasm today. I don’t know if it matters to him or not but I like to do holiday orgasms. It makes things more festive. Orgasm fireworks for the 4th of July. Jingle balls for Christmas. It just seems right.

After dinner last night I gave Lion a Christmas gift. I can never wait to give him things. I’m surprised I lasted that long. It was a 12-pack of lacy panties. All different colors. Lion hated them. He thought I forgot all about panties. Unfortunately they don’t fit. I’ll have to return them and order the correct size. Lion says it’s perfectly fine with him if I don’t reorder. I agree. Thongs seem to fit him better anyway.

When I was done edging him I gave him one last Christmas present. I left him wild for the night. He said the cage has become part of him again but I know he enjoys being wild. He doesn’t have to sit to pee. He can try to get hard. It’s only a 24-hour reprieve. Mr. Weenie will be back in solitary confinement by midnight.

Merry Christmas!

It may be easier to get Lion hard initially, but it isn’t necessarily easier to get him to the edge the first time. That’s okay though. I like Lion when he’s hard. He feels good. Hard and soft at the same time. His skin is soft but he’s hard inside, if that makes any sense. When he does get to the edge, he’s easier to edge the second, third, fourth, etc. times. And he stays hard. That’s useful if I decide I’m not really done with him after all. Sometimes I just like to hold him until he’s soft.

Today Lion is working from home. And he’s in diapers. Today’s rule is that he has to pee twice before he can change into a dry diaper. I guess it’s the best of both worlds. He’s wet for a while but he’s allowed to be dry for a while too. In the past I’ve made it so he was always wet. Sometimes I give him a break.

Yesterday I was going to make him wear panties. He was busy doing something and I went into his drawer where I thought the panties were but I couldn’t find them. I’m not one to rifle through his drawers. I figured I could ask him when he started getting dressed but I forgot. Last night when I told him about the panties he said I can go through his drawers whenever I want to. He has nothing to hide. I know that but I don’t like going through other people’s things.

Depending on how things go tonight, (there’s a repairman coming this afternoon) I was thinking about using the sling. Lion asked why I needed to make a specific day to use the sling. Well, it’s because I don’t think about using it. I need a way to bring it to the forefront of my mind. Assigning a day to it will make me more aware. It’s similar to punishment day. I needed a way to remember to punish Lion. Now I can punish him whenever I want to. I’m hoping sling day will have the same effect. Only time will tell.

I have a dilemma. It seems every time I think about making Lion wear panties or diapers he mentions something about it either in a post or in a conversation. Then I feel I can’t make him wear them because he’ll think I’m only doing it because he suggested it. He already thinks I see him as a chore. While it’s true that sometimes I think of the day after an orgasm as a day off, it isn’t always the case. I do ask if he’s at all horny. I’m not going to force him to play if he’s not horny.

And let’s assume he’s not horny for an extended period of time because he’s not feeling well from allergies or whatever. Am I supposed to insist we play? Depending on the circumstances I still hold him to his rules. But if he’s scratching the skin off his legs, telling him to wear panties would go over like a lead balloon. I know you’re miserable, Lion. Here’s one more reason to be miserable. Nope. I won’t do it.

What I do in these cases is stand by. I let him know I’m available for snuggling if he can handle my being close to him. Otherwise we can hold hands. Unless I’m not feeling well myself he can have any part of my attention he wants.

Right now I’m thinking he’ll be wearing panties to work tomorrow. Today is physical therapy and off limits for pantie wearing. Tomorrow is fair game. I think something in a nice purple thong. Of course if he’s not feeling well all bets are off. So much of what we do is contingent on life intervening.

When I was in the shower last night I was thinking about making Lion wear diapers when he gets home from work tonight. I decided he’d have to wear them after he peed until just before he needed to pee again. And he’d have to wear them until morning when he could wash off to go to work. It flashed through my mind that he should have to wear them to work too but I dismissed that idea. Then I remembered the panties. He hasn’t worn them for a while. Why not make him wear them to work?

This morning he pulled a pair out of his drawer just as I was leaving for work. He’d remembered. What a good boy! He may not remember he has them on until he needs to pee but then he’ll see them and feel pretty. Yeah. Right. He’ll feel silly. But he’ll know that he’s wearing them because I want him to be pretty. And it’s one way I can be with him throughout the day.

I wonder if he thinks about it that way. I imagine he really does forget he’s wearing panties. But when he remembers, does he think of me? Does he feel like I’m with him? Even just a little bit? Does he feel loved? Does he feel controlled? [Lion – I sure do!] I know I think he looks sexy in them. Anything that draws attention to his butt works for me. And I feel good knowing he loves me enough to wear the silly things even though they were his idea in the first place. It’s a complex world we live in.

Lion will likely get home after I do. I’ll see those panties when he gets undressed. I’ve given up the idea of the diapers for tonight. Perhaps tomorrow or another night this week I’ll have a pair waiting for him when he gets home. Maybe it will be a weekend thing. For now he’s got his cute little butt in some cute panties.