I wish I could say it was a designed experiment, but it really was an accident. In my zest to edge Lion I gave him a ruined orgasm. On the plus side, it did not have any effect on his horniness level and I got a yummy treat out of the deal. Win-win. I told him it was just the pre-cum I’d been looking for the night before. It was actually on the level of a full ejaculation. Am I sorry it happened? Usually I’m pretty mad at myself for going too far. Not last night. I edged him by hand a few times and then went in for the kill, so to speak, with my mouth. I should have stopped. In fact, I did stop a few times and then I didn’t stop fast enough the last time. He reported that the Lion weather was still very horny afterwards. No harm, no foul.

I’m actually torn between playing with him every night and taking a day off. Part of me thinks a day off wouldn’t hurt. Does he really need attention every single night? Our agreement was for every other day and that has morphed into every day. On the other hand, he needs to be reminded that I understand his predicament and I’ll do all I can to help him out. Short of giving him an orgasm, that is. And I want to keep his horniness level high. Ignoring him, even for just one day, may make him forget about sex (ha!) and he won’t be as horny. I was also toying with the idea of playing with him without unlocking him, but that seems to have less of an effect on him. He needs a hands on, or mouth on, approach. Maybe he’s just plain spoiled. I do take good care of him. I know he appreciates it. I’m sure he would understand skipping a day. He wouldn’t like it, but he would go along with it. He really doesn’t have much choice in the matter anyway. He’s at my mercy. But I’m concerned with keeping him interested especially with the longer wait this time. Daily play is the only way I know to keep him interested. So on we march.

I’ve also set a precedent of edging him a lot more than I normally do. Usually it’s three or four times and then I stop. Recently I’ve been doing five or more. I lose track, actually. Poor Lion has no idea how many either. If I ask he tells me he’s too busy to count. There’s no blood flow to his brain. When I give him an orgasm I like to play with him until I figure he’ll spontaneously combust and then I finish him off. Lately that’s how I’ve been edging him. I get him just shy of the point that he’ll go out of his mind if he doesn’t come, and then I stop playing with him. And I watch him try to get his breathing under control while realizing he isn’t going to reach the promised land this time around.

Oh, well. Maybe tomorrow. Oops! Nope. Not till the 15th.

Lion is a very horny boy and I have been relentless taking him oh, so close to the edge. I start out slowly, of course, but by the time I hit the third edge, I give him less time between each try. Last night I thought he was going to be a puddle before I was done. Just a quivering puddle of horny Lion. Then I put on my halo and say, so sweetly, “I’m only doing what you asked for.” The poor boy. Maybe I do have a sadistic streak running through me. [Lion — One can only hope]

Last night I was on the hunt for pre-cum. He did produce a little bit. I wish I knew how to increase the amount. Maybe it’s age. Sometimes he just produces more than other times. That’s true of his orgasms too. Sometimes there’s a big, tasty snack and other times not so much. I don’t think it has anything to do with how excited he is. If it did he would have had more last night for sure.

I also gave him his maintenance swats. A bunch of not-so-hard swats that still seemed to hurt quite a bit. His sore spot is still there. I’m not sure why he suddenly has it so I teased him about having a girlfriend who comes over just to whomp his butt while I’m at work. He said he’s always locked up so why would someone want to play with him. I pointed out that there are people out there who love to whomp butts. He should know that. They don’t necessarily want to provide an orgasm. And being locked up wouldn’t prevent him from giving them one. Of course, I trust him not to do that. It’s just fun to tease him about it.

This morning, Lion gave the weather report as “very horny with no chance of orgasm in the next ten days.” He also added that it’s a good thing he shaved or there might be a high Lion brush fire warning out too. I said he should go take a cold shower to keep the risk low. I’ll increase the risk later. I think we’re both wondering if his interest will wane in the next ten days. I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen.

The other day I was debating whether to change things up and tell Lion when his scheduled orgasms are. For a long time I did, and then we went to scheduled dates but he was not privy to the information. I wondered if not knowing made him always think “tonight’s the night.” On the other hand, knowing the date might allow him to get into the mindset of waiting. In his post this morning he said he thinks he wants to know again. Why not? There’s no reason I can’t tell him. And, of course, no reason I can’t change my mind at a future date. So yesterday I changed his orgasm calendar date to August 18 and then immediately realized that August 15 (our anniversary) made much more sense.

What was Lion’s first response? “That’s so far away!” I knew he didn’t want to know. Yes, it is one of his longer waits. Yes, it would have been a few days longer had I kept the August 18 date. Yes, it will be difficult to make it. Yes, I know he can do it. And then within a few minutes he was telling me that he can do it. He also told me that I would probably give him a bonus orgasm before then. A few minutes later he said that if I hadn’t told him the scheduled date, he’s pretty sure I would have given him an orgasm last night or tonight. Well, he’s right that he’ll probably get a bonus orgasm before his scheduled date. But, since he said the other day that he would rather wait a while, I wasn’t planning on giving him an orgasm at least until next weekend. Depending on how he handles his knowledge of the scheduled date, I may wait the full amount. It’s up to him. And not in the he’s-calling-the-shots way, but in the how-much-does-he-whine way. I already told him if he’s on his best behavior and earns a reward, he might get an orgasm early. Of course, then he said there was no way for him to earn a reward. True. I’ll have to think of something.

In the meantime, he had a double dose of teasing yesterday. And he’s likely to be teased tonight, after his punishment swats. And every night for the foreseeable future. What more could a Lion want? (I know what more a Lion could want.)

Ordinarily I think of myself as an optimistic pessimist. Recently, however, I was told I’m actually a realist. Since I tend to lean toward the glass being half empty, I stand by my optimistic pessimism. The glass is half empty but the waitress may be coming to fill it up at some point. In other words, I may always feel down, but I try not to let it get me down. The past few days I have. We are still in the same dire straits we were in yesterday, but Lion has another interview on Wednesday so things may be looking up again. Life is a roller coaster. I don’t like roller coasters. I’m more of a Tilt-a-Whirl or Scrambler person.

I think we’ve both been pretty exhausted. We seem to sleep at night, but we’re not getting good sleep. Stress will do that to you. I was debating whether or not to play with Lion last night. About 9 I asked for the Lion weather report. He said he thought he was horny. Still, I debated. According to our relationship agreement (if you watch The Big Bang Theory you get the reference) I could have taken last night off since I played with him Thursday night. By 10 he looked so hopeful that I gave in. After I unlocked him and started sucking him he said, “uh oh.” I stopped. Uh oh? He said he forgot to remind me it was maintenance spanking day. Uh oh, indeed! I almost stopped to administer the swats then, but I was otherwise engaged. I told him he had something for his list on Monday and continued.

In less than two weeks, we will publish our 1,000th post. To celebrate this millennium, we have asked another couple practicing enforced chastity and FLM to write with us. We would like your questions. What would you like to know about enforced chastity and FLM? Ask your question in a comment to this post. Just indicate it is a question for the 1,000th post.

Lion loves to be sucked. I think most men do. Many women find it distasteful. I’m not one of them. I love sucking him almost as much as he loves being sucked. When I was done he told me it was perfect, except that I forgot to go all the way. Did I? No, I don’t think I did. I think I went all the way to the edge quite a few times. He laughed. I reminded him that Thursday night, when I offered to let him come if he wanted to eat it, he told me sometimes it’s nice to wait. Well, my pet, you don’t get to choose how long that wait is. One more day? Two more days? A week? You roll the dice and take your chances.

Part of me still wonders if it’s better for him to know the exact date of his next orgasm. Even if I said it was next Tuesday, I still have the power to give it to him Monday or Thursday. He could never be sure. Part of me thinks it’s better that he always think tonight’s the night. This time she’ll keep going. This is definitely it. Damn! I do know that I’m more likely to cheat and give him an unscheduled orgasm. I knew I would. But I did that when he knew the date anyway. Keep him guessing. Maybe tonight really is the night. We’ll see.