The other day I was debating whether to change things up and tell Lion when his scheduled orgasms are. For a long time I did, and then we went to scheduled dates but he was not privy to the information. I wondered if not knowing made him always think “tonight’s the night.” On the other hand, knowing the date might allow him to get into the mindset of waiting. In his post this morning he said he thinks he wants to know again. Why not? There’s no reason I can’t tell him. And, of course, no reason I can’t change my mind at a future date. So yesterday I changed his orgasm calendar date to August 18 and then immediately realized that August 15 (our anniversary) made much more sense.

What was Lion’s first response? “That’s so far away!” I knew he didn’t want to know. Yes, it is one of his longer waits. Yes, it would have been a few days longer had I kept the August 18 date. Yes, it will be difficult to make it. Yes, I know he can do it. And then within a few minutes he was telling me that he can do it. He also told me that I would probably give him a bonus orgasm before then. A few minutes later he said that if I hadn’t told him the scheduled date, he’s pretty sure I would have given him an orgasm last night or tonight. Well, he’s right that he’ll probably get a bonus orgasm before his scheduled date. But, since he said the other day that he would rather wait a while, I wasn’t planning on giving him an orgasm at least until next weekend. Depending on how he handles his knowledge of the scheduled date, I may wait the full amount. It’s up to him. And not in the he’s-calling-the-shots way, but in the how-much-does-he-whine way. I already told him if he’s on his best behavior and earns a reward, he might get an orgasm early. Of course, then he said there was no way for him to earn a reward. True. I’ll have to think of something.

In the meantime, he had a double dose of teasing yesterday. And he’s likely to be teased tonight, after his punishment swats. And every night for the foreseeable future. What more could a Lion want? (I know what more a Lion could want.)