Yesterday, we searched for a sport coat for Lion to wear to my son’s wedding. We found one at a clearance price, and the store does alterations. I was positive we’d be going from store to store, not finding anything Lion wanted and wind up spending a fortune on something he didn’t really like. As Lion said, he only has to wear it once. I would have felt horrible having to spend a lot on something that will only be used once. We completely lucked out at the first store. [Lion — I wasn’t looking for a bargain, just something the right weight that looked good. We selected a large men’s store. I assumed they would have the best selection and offer alterations. I expected to pay a few hundred dollars for the jacket. I always have spent that in the past. The salesmen showed me a sports jacket that fit and looked OK. Since I didn’t plan to wear it much, it seemed fine. The price on the tag was reasonable, about $180. When he told us that it was marked down to only $59, I was shocked. Mrs. Lion was happy. With alterations, we ended up spending a lot less than we thought we would. Pretty cool!]

My back is still sore. However, I am fairly certain I can give Lion some attention tonight. I have to be careful about how I move. That may sound bad, but as long as I don’t twist too much, I’m fine. I think the biggest problem is the bed and the way I lay in it. I have to either be flat or sitting up. I can’t be leaning back. Halfway is no good. Slouched definitely doesn’t work. I think that’s why I’m okay all day at work as long as I pivot my whole body rather than twisting. Getting in and out of the car and sometimes making turns, if I’m not careful, tweak it too.

We’ll have to try it to know for sure, but I think I can suck Lion tonight. I know he isn’t super horny, but I’d like to try. I’m not sure snuggling will work, but face down on the bed should. Facedown on a Lion is nice. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can do a “just because” spanking yet. That would be too much bending and twisting. I’m sure I can make an exception if he does something that warrants punishment. Otherwise, I’ll take it easy for a while.

Lion both wants and doesn’t want a “just because” spanking. He knows it will do both of us good. He’d rather not feel it during or after. I can sort of sympathize with his inability to find a comfortable sitting position. My back hurts because I did something stupid somewhere along the line. Lion’s butt also hurts when he does something stupid.  The difference is that I have no idea what I did to deserve my pain. That’s not the case with Lion.

I had an orgasm on Wednesday night. Mrs. Lion was determined to get me off. I had a very good time. She is wonderful at oral sex. It took me a lot longer than I expected. Mrs. Lion had to work very hard. I feel bad about that. She paused a couple of times to ask me if I was close. Sadly, I wasn’t but she soldiered on. What a trouper!

She wrote that my moving during sex causes her problems. I remember that she mentioned this once before. Even though I’ve been aware of it, I can’t remember moving. I don’t know if I can fix it. Maybe if she stops when I move and tells me to be still, I can learn. Way back in my past, a couple of former lovers used to play a game with me. They would tell me that I can’t move when they jerked me off. If I moved, they stopped. I don’t know if I actually didn’t move, but I tried very hard. Maybe Mrs. Lion can try this form of training.

I never suggested that game to my partners. I also know that I didn’t move much. I’ve wondered if many women like this sort of play. Maybe it’s why I’m a bottom now. At the time I thought it was odd that they wanted me still. I believed I didn’t move. Ironically, I was never challenged this way during oral sex. Go figure.

Do women like using sex for gentle, control play? It is using something I want a lot, particularly when aroused and in the middle of being sexually stimulated. I was both puzzled and enjoyed the play. I believed that I was quiet and still while being stimulated. I never tried a similar game on a female partner. I enjoyed the hips moving and cool noises too much to suppress them, even in fun. It seems that Mrs. Lion has a good reason to play this cruel little game with me. If it makes giving me oral sex easier, I’m all for it.

I have a freshly orgasmed Lion. Well, he’s a little stale. It’s been almost 24 hours. He waited eleven days, which doesn’t seem like a long time, but we had some challenges this time around. I hope that’s behind us now and things will settle down.

I do have one issue, however. I’ve mentioned before that Lion tends to move his hips as he gets closer to the edge. I guess it’s a glass half empty sort of thing. I get a little indication that he’s getting closer. But I also get a change in angle of his penis in my mouth. I thought I was far enough up last night. I even readjusted to make sure. Either I slid down or he moved even more than other times. It’s not a huge deal, but it does add some stress to my neck and whether my teeth stay behind my lips. I’d think the teeth thing would be of particular concern to him. Who wants to get bitten during oral sex? I know. There are probably people out there who do. I’m willing to bet Lion isn’t one of them.

Once I noticed him doing it a few weeks ago, I solved the problem by holding his balls. If I’m pulling down, he’s less likely to move up. I thought this was a brilliant fix. The problem is that I don’t always want to pull on his balls. Sometimes I like to tickle them. Sometimes I like to move my finger around like I’m heading for his asshole. Both might increase his squirming.

I have no idea why he’d suddenly start doing it. Or did he suddenly start doing it? Maybe he’s been doing it all along and I’ve just noticed it now. Did I change something that makes what he’s doing more pronounced? Clearly, more information is needed. I guess he’ll have to let me suck him more. Poor thing. I’m sure he hates being the subject of my experiments. (Did I roll my eyes out loud?)

Poor Lion. This time I mean it. I’m not making fun of him for being horny or for asking for punishment when I know he doesn’t really want punishment. Oh, he wants it, but he doesn’t want it at the time. Anyway, he’s poor Lion because I haven’t been able to edge him sufficiently lately.

I had every intention of giving him an orgasm last night. He was snoozing before dinner so I delayed my shower in order to play with him early-ish. I don’t think I ate all that much but I was still full and I knew I couldn’t suck him. I pulled out some clothespins (regular ones, no frills) and applied them in a stripe. I got him hard and kept playing with him while I pulled on the clothespins and eventually removed some of them one by one. He was hard but I knew he wasn’t going to get very far because of my position next to him. I was just too uncomfortable to move.

Eventually I had to stop. He wasn’t getting any further and I didn’t think he would unless I could figure out how to hit the good spots. I was tempted to suck him anyway, but I knew that would be a huge mistake. I told Lion I couldn’t continue. I need to make it up to him. There have been too many miscues lately. Most of them have been my fault. First I was trying to stop taking my anxiety drug, dealing with the withdrawal and now I haven’t been feeling well. For all I know, it’s my body reacting to stopping the medication and restarting. It must be confused. Wait a minute. We just got rid of this crap and here it comes again.

Tonight, I am determined to give him an orgasm before dinner. Rest up, Lion. We’re playing early. Snooze before I get home so you’re ready. Fair warning. Relief is in sight. I’m looking forward to a creamy appetizer.