Last night marked the fifth night in a row that I’ve edged Lion. I think he’s hornier than ever. I know he wants to come, but does he really want to come? It’s become a game now. I think if I give him an orgasm he might get upset. How will he know how long he can endure the nightly teasing if I never take him to his breaking point? It’s actually an endurance test for both of us. How long can I keep myself from giving him an orgasm? How long can he keep from begging for one? How long can I keep up the nightly edging?

So far my interest in keeping Lion horny is high. I know it will wane over time. In the back of my mind I know there is a scheduled date out there that will end his horniness, if only for a day. Do I go past that date if he doesn’t want an orgasm at that point? Do I give him the scheduled orgasm and resume nightly teasing? Do I reserve nightly teasing for a reward? I’m not sure. I know it’s not something that’s sustainable for very long. It, like the nightly orgasms of a year ago, will become too much.

The other question on my mind is about maintenance spanking. When we first started domestic discipline I gave Lion swats every night. It was just to get us accustomed to things. It worked out well. Lion learned how to take hard swats. I learned how to give hard swats. And off we went. Lion has had a few weeks of no punishable offenses. I think that’s a good thing. Apparently not. He wants maintenance swats. Is that so he doesn’t forget how to take the hard swats? I know he wants to feel my power. I know I don’t find enough things wrong to fill up his dance card. I just don’t know if random swats are the answer. I do know that we’ll probably start them in a few days. After all, it doesn’t have to makes sense to me.

[Lion — No, having an orgasm will not upset me. I also won’t argue if I don’t. You have made good points. I am not sure I want maintenance spankings. I just remember how somewhat artificial routines were able to train us.]

The Lion weather report yesterday was horny with a chance of playing. I’m glad he’s horny. He went through a patch when he wasn’t so horny. I prefer a horny Lion.

I started off our third play night in a row by removing Lion’s girly toenail polish. I was very difficult to remove. I think the sparkles in it change something in the nature of how it goes on and comes off. But I persevered and his toes are now mostly non-purple. There’s a tiny bit around the edges that was too stubborn. He thinks they look much better natural. I think they need a splash of color again sometime soon.

As promised I gave Lion some pink buns last night. He lost the color on his toes so I had to add color somewhere. Lucky for him, he loves pink buns. He asked if he was as red as when I punish him. It’s hard to answer. Sometimes I think his cheeks are so shocked at being punished that the blood doesn’t head there right away. As a matter of fact, sometimes they look almost white, like I’ve scared the blood away. “Head for the hills! She’s got the damn paddle again!” Other times they can get very red very quickly. Last night they were just rosy pink. And cute, of course.

Once I was done I had him roll over for some edging. He was moaning the second I touched him. Poor horny Lion. I don’t know if he starts out positive he will get to come or positive he won’t. I wasn’t positive at all last night. Either way. I wanted to give him an orgasm because he was so horny. But then I didn’t want to for the same reason. It was only four days since his last one. If he’s this horny last night then he’ll be even more horny tomorrow night. And the night after. And so on. I wasn’t even sure when his next scheduled orgasm was to know if I was giving in way too early. But who cares? He doesn’t know when that scheduled date is. I can give him one any time I want to. Of course, that’s true any time. That’s just what was going on in my mind while I was playing with him.

Will tonight be Lion’s lucky night? He might get a fourth play night in a row. That would be lucky. Will he have an orgasm? That would be even luckier. We’ll see.

Last night, after I had unlocked Lion to do some manscaping and then edged him a few times in search of pre-cum, we were watching tv. I was on my iPad and Lion asked a question. Before I could respond he both asked if I was paying attention and then declared I wasn’t paying attention. The truth is, I was trying to form a coherent thought. We’d been watching something about the Northern Lights and it was mesmerizing even if I was also on my iPad. It annoyed me that he was so quick to jump to the conclusion that I wasn’t paying attention.

First of all, I’ve been trying to be better at responding to him even when I am in the middle of something, especially when it’s “just” a game. Secondly, sometimes I am reading something interesting and he really is interrupting me, but he wants me to drop everything to answer him (or lock him back in the cage, or help him look for a snack, or whatever). Thirdly, sometimes Lion gets involved on his iPad (or a book or magazine, etc.) and doesn’t answer me, but I realize he’s in the middle of something so I wait until he’s through before I engage him.

So what did I do when he declared I wasn’t paying attention? Did I tell him he was a bad boy and that little outburst required punishment? Did I grab a paddle and take care of it that very instant? Nope. I turned off my iPad, plugged it in and didn’t do anything. Fail! It didn’t even occur to me till later that I should have punished him. True, I can still add it to the list. But I need to get into the mindset of punishing him right away. Or at least telling him to add it to the list right away. It just highlights that I am not very good at punishing him. Yes, I am effective with the swats, but I am not effective at calling out behaviors that need correction.

Mrs. Lion has a lot of work to do to conquer the punishment beast. Luckily, Lion makes his share of mistakes to give me more practice.

Lion’s been talking a lot lately about how we do things versus how other people do things. And how people reportedly do things in the blogs they write. It all boils down to labels. I don’t much like labels. They seem to promote an us and them mentality. Republicans and Democrats. “Normal” and kinky. They also pigeon-hole people. If I’m kinky then I must think this and this, right? I have a Republican “friend” who thinks all Democrats are lazy and on welfare. Well, up until a few weeks ago I was working two jobs and I’m still not on welfare so that argument is out the window. People are rarely all or nothing. No one adheres to the rules 100% of the time. If there are rules people will try to twist them to their liking. If there aren’t rules then people will assume the way they do something is correct and everyone else is doing it wrong.

There’s no one-size-fits-all marriage. Each couple has to decide how things work best for them. Some decide the woman should stay home to raise the kids. Some decide the man should stay home. Remember all the fuss when men first started staying home with the kids. That’s not normal! Who cares? It worked for those people. And if it didn’t they tried something else.

All the times we tried playing over the years didn’t really work for us. Then Lion asked to be caged. Whether it was the cage or the blog or the combination of the two, it’s working for us. Now we’re trying FLM. It’s a little early to decide if it’s working for us, but we’re giving it our best shot. For us to declare it a success we need to figure out how to do it our way. For all I know, the neighbors are doing it too, but they are trying something else. Who’s right? Both? Neither? Yes.

We’ve already tried some things that don’t work. Over the course of the year I’m sure we’ll try a lot of things. Some will work, some won’t. None will be wrong. They’ll just be wrong for us. All we can do is report what we’ve tried and why it did or did not work. For us. Here’s the pitfall that we encountered. Will you? I don’t know. But it’s nice to be able to watch out for it. Just like the speed trap on the highway. Will the cop be there when you pass? I don’t know. But aren’t you glad I warned you he might be?