We are trying to adapt to the latest change in our sex lives. Now that I’m using Quadmix at a dosage that produces a decent erection for over two hours, we need to figure out what to do next. At this point, both of us are a little skittish. Even though I’m hard, I’m not feeling very aroused. I think that this is due to the newness of my chemically-induced boner. It feels like a regular erection, but not exactly the same.

For one thing, the process of preparing the strings, then injecting the drug into my penis isn’t very sexy. It’s exacting and requires my full attention to get it right. Then, I spend the next three minutes putting pressure on the injection spot. That’s needed to prevent bruising. Then I have to clean up and make sure that I put the Quadmix back in the fridge. My erection arrives regardless of what I’m doing. That feels weird. My penis is reacting without my brain’s help.

From my perspective, this is the hardest part of the process to manage. As I start to get hard, it feels exactly the same as it did when I got erect from physical or mental stimulation. It’s nice but confusing. I’m not turned on! Then I go into the bedroom to show Mrs. Lion what I made. She likes it and begins paying attention to it. I get myself across the bed, and she uses her mouth.

At that point, my brain is starting to catch up with my penis. It feels very good. I’m still worrying that my erection will fade. The drug-induced woody hurts a little. It’s the sort of psin I would sometimes get if I got too hard. It isn’t a bad feeling, but it’s distracting. That ache persisted the entire time I was hard. I’ve read about painful erections, but this is the first time I got a hint of what it might feel like.

Mrs. Lion suggested that I back off on the dose. That’s a good idea. I’m going to try again tonight (Friday) with the full .30 ml amount. We both want to verify that I get the same result tonight that I got earlier this week. If I do, the next time, I’ll try .25 ml and see if I still get about as hard, maybe without the small pain. Don’t get me wring, if it hurts a bit, I will still be happy. It will just be one more thing to learn to accept.

We drove to the compounding pharmacy on Tuesday afternoon. My doctor had prescribed Quadmix as my new boner drug. She said to start with .30 ml. After my shower, I injected the dose. Within ten minutes, I had a real erection (click Here to see it). It wasn’t as hard as I’ve been when really aroused, but it was definitely hard enough for insertion. It felt different. It seemed thicker even though it wasn’t rock hard. It also hurt a little. It was a sort of ache. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but it was a little uncomfortable.

Best of all, it lasted a long time, a little over two full hours! It slowly softened until it was a little shorter and floppy. It remained thick and half-mast for over two more hours. That was fine. As long as the full erection fades before four hours, all is well. My doctor nailed the dose! We’re going to try it again to be sure that we get similar results. Mrs. Lion sucked me for a long time. It felt great, but I couldn’t get over the top. We’ll try again next time.

I’m so relieved that we finally got results. The Quadmix is more expensive. It is $75 more than Trimix for a 5 ml supply. If I stay at .30 ml, I will get sixteen boners for that money. That comes to $12.50 a boner. That’s not too bad. I can average a little over one dose a week for the 90-day life of the Quadmix. I wonder if we might want to back off to .25 ml and see if the boner is less painful but still hard and long-lasting. I’m very relieved that we have something that works.

a copyright violation?

The Male Chastity Journal is copyrighted. Any use of our posts (or parts of them) without permission is a violation of our copyright. We are always happy to let other bloggers quote us without asking our permission. However, something very new happened that seems a little fishy to me and some others. Google created the giant data store for ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot. They included the full contents of about million-and-a-half websites. Our blog was one of them. According to a tool supplied to show sources for the AI program, 39,000 tokens were taken from our site. These tokens are blocks of text used in the model.

Does Google have the right to use our website without permission? Does it have the right to go through millions of books, all copyrighted, as well? This is a brand new question. The G4 dataset, that’s the one we are in, is being used for creation of many different models. Google is making money from this dataset.

I suspect that Google’s reasoning is that it is taking in so much data that it isn’t really violating anyone’s copyright since no single source’s content is being directly reproduced. I’ve been thinking about this. Isn’t this case similar to when recording artists take samples from other people’s songs? I’m not sure that’s true. Google will argue that if they had to pay every copyright holder whose content they included, it would be too expensive to develop any AI chat models.

Obviously, no one as small as us can afford to challenge Google and get a legal ruling on the use of our content by AI dataset builders. Maybe we need something like ASCAP that represents songwriters. Content users pay a license fee, and the fees are fairly distributed to the songwriters. Or, perhaps we content creators are supposed to donate our work to advance profit-making AI. At the very least, shouldn’t we get a chance to opt-out if we want? I’m not upset that we are included. I just wish we were asked first.

Lion’s boner juice worked yesterday. He showed me Mr. Weenie and proudly said, “What do you think of this!” It was nice. He said he wasn’t quite hard enough. In my opinion, the injection just needs to get him most of the way there. When we play or I suck him, I get him the rest of the way. I don’t think that’s much different from “regular” sex. He needs to be turned on. Isn’t he the one who said just because the penis is hard doesn’t mean he’s excited?

I don’t know how many days it was since his last orgasm [Lion — 11]. I wasn’t sure he was going to have one yesterday. I was working away when the timer went off for the dog’s birthday cupcake. He wasn’t close then. He’d gotten a tiny bit soft, but boy, when I got back to sucking, he was at full attention. Clearly, he liked what I was doing. (Me too!) And just to prove it, he had an orgasm. I toyed with the idea of edging him, but I don’t want to get too creative until we really figure out the dosage.

The only problem with his orgasm was that I didn’t get any cream filling. Or so I thought. There was some in the back of my mouth. He must have shot it straight down my throat. No fair! At least I got some. I asked him if I needed to make him wait 30 days to have that wonderful mouthful of cream filling. Neither one of us wants that. I’ll take what I can get.

Today, I’m mowing the lawn. I’ve been out twice so far. I have one more patch to go. I’m not sure if I’ve done it in thirds or not. Anyway, it shouldn’t take more than another hour. All of this lawn mowing adds steps to my step counter for a challenge I’m doing for work. I know I need to walk more or be more active in some way. Joining the challenge was a way to make myself do it. Along the way, I may lose some more weight. I’m down 39 pounds so far. We still have lots more bland Nutrisystem food to go before I hit my target. We’re both getting there.

Lion has not been having much luck with the boner shots. He hasn’t had a good erection since his orgasm. The other day, I told him his penis looked red on the side. It wasn’t bruised. It just looked like his butt after a few good swats. Ordinarily, these are things he wants to know. This time, however, it seemed like I’d created a barrier to his getting hard by alerting him to a possible issue.

Yesterday, after I waxed him and he took a shower, he upped the dose. He was in his office quite a long time after the timer went off. (After the injection, he has to hold pressure on the injection site for a few minutes.) I assumed he was waiting to see if anything was happening. When he came into the bedroom, he asked me to look for the spot to make sure he’d hit the right area. I’ve never seen the actual needle mark, even when the skin was red. This time there was a small red dot. Maybe there had been some bleeding in the immediate area. It was nothing I would consider a bruise.

We’re going to try again today. He asked if I could give it a try. Maybe he’ll decide to do it again. I know he doesn’t like to give up on things. Apparently, difficulty with the dosage is why many men stop trying. I can understand that. First, you have to admit you have a problem. Then, you get your hopes up for the wonder cure. If it doesn’t work, maybe it will never work. It’s frustrating.

I have no idea how close we are to the bottom of the vial. Each injection is such a minute amount, we must not have used much yet. I am hoping we get the correct dosage in the right spot soon. I don’t want Lion to get more disappointed.

Come on, weenie! You can do it! (A little encouragement can’t hurt.)