If our list of blogs we like seems very short, it’s because of a sad trend in our little corner of the world. Many of our fellow bloggers have either stopped posting or have posted so infrequently that they have dropped off our list. A listing is removed once a post is more than a month old. It comes back if the blogger posts again. I’m not sure if this is due to a move to another way to publish or just lost interest.

It’s true that all of us are older. We’ve been publishing for almost ten years. As we age, our interests can change. Things that were new and exciting in 2014 are either routine or forgotten in 2023. I would have expected that people starting out in male chastity or domestic discipline would be inspired to write their own blogs. I’m not aware of that happening. Instead, oldtimers are dropping out with no replacements.

domestic discipline and spanking

This particular corner of the kink world seems to be suffering the most loss. Part of the problem may be due to the rather cliquish nature of online domestic discipline devotees. Blogs on the subject seem to be divided by boarding school fantasies and other fiction, and the occasional site that likes to talk about the naughty behavior that earn the writers spankings. There are also some nice sites that feature erotic spanking images and stories.

My big problem with this universe is the apparent wall between the sexual nature of adult spanking and the practice of domestic discipline. The men (and a few women) who write about their disciplinary spanking are offended when it is suggested that there is a sexual component. It’s as if punishment is invalidated if the recipient finds it arousing to think about. This is a fairly new attitude that a few blogs promote. Earlier sites embraced the idea that there is an erotic component to domestic discipline.

I can’t remember the URL of the site, but one guide to male spanking made a strong point that it is this erotic attraction that brings a big, strong man into position for punishment. The author, who said she was a woman, went on to say that the turn-on fast disappeared once the paddle started working. Her point was that it was good that the man found the idea of spanking to be arousing. She laughingly said that we men aren’t very smart since we know that the actual spanking is no fun at all.

She was right on target when it came to how I got into domestic discipline. The idea of being spanked is a turn-on to me. And yes, I’m not very bright; spanking is never fun or sexy. It hurts and keeps on hurting. It’s something I both want and hate. The writer hit the nail on the head. That erotic attraction is the bait that assures that I will keep coming back for more.

lion's spanked butt
My butt after a typical spanking.
(Click image to view larger)

What the this-isn’t-sex-it’s-punishment crowd can’t admit is that down deep, it was probably this erotic thinking about being spanked that brought them to their wives for discipline. I know that’s how I’m wired. I also know that Mrs. Lion doesn’t spank me to turn me on. She spanks me to help me learn. And I do learn. No matter how much sexy fun it is to read about male disciplinary spanking, my reality is absolutely no fun at all. If you’ve read our blog for a while, you’ve seen pictures of my bottom (sample on the right) after a disciplinary spanking. Getting spanked to that point hurt like hell. It was supposed to. More importantly, Mrs. Lion’s punishments work. Ask her, and she’ll tell you.

The bottom line is that my sexual interest in spanking has absolutely no effect on the disciplinary value of Mrs. Lion’s authority. She doesn’t care if I get turned on thinking about spanking. She knows that when she punishes me, it hurts like hell, and I do my best to avoid a repeat performance. My “Just Because” spankings are a way to remind both of us about our disciplinary relationship. And yes, when I think about being spanked, turns me on. When I am spanked, I hate every second of it. In short, domestic discipline works. Period.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve put naked pictures behind links instead of publishing them directly in our posts. There’s no particular need to do this. My ISP doesn’t censor content. I thought it might make our posts more prude friendly. I realize that some of our readers may not want to see genitals or butts. On the other hand, it makes viewing more inconvenient. I did this yesterday with the picture of my drug-enhanced boner (link here).

It sometimes bothers me when other male bloggers post large images of their boners. It doesn’t make me turn away in disgust, but it isn’t what I am all that interested in seeing. On the other hand, I love seeing female genitals and bottoms. Julie, of strictjuliespanks.blogspot.com has published very beautiful nudes of herself. I’m not sure that our female readers are particularly interested in seeing nudes of me. Feedback will be appreciated.

I expected that, at the very least, Mrs. Lion would discuss my post from Friday with me. I figured that she would either spank me or talk about getting back into our disciplinary activities. She just told me that it was a good post. That’s generally all she says after reading what I write. In the somewhat-distant past, she would respond to my thoughts and suggestions in her posts. She rarely actually discussed them with me.

If I’m particularly interested in getting her reactions, I’ll ask her directly. More often than not, she’ll say that she hasn’t anything to say on the subject. She’s not being negative. Mrs. Lion and I don’t think about the same things. I don’t know what her current thoughts are about spanking me. I’m very sure she will be resuming at some point. I’ve been careful not to break my rules.

Another topic that I brought up in posts is when it’s too late to spank me. If I break a rule and Mrs. Lion forgets to spank me, should there be a statute of limitations on punishing me? I would love her thoughts on that too. It might be good to review our “punishment day” concept. I remind her every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. It’s been years since she’s actually saved punishments to execute on those days. Maybe we are past needing them.

One of the biggest differences between us is that I like to talk about things and get a clear understanding of what is expected or going to happen. Mrs. Lion seems uncomfortable when I try to talk about our disciplinary relationship. I don’t know where she stands on pretty much everything except what happens if I don’t set up the coffee pot or leave the shower door open. Oh yes, there’s a new rule. I have to remember to bring my used coffee cup back into the kitchen. Beyond that, I don’t know what she’s thinking. Maybe she’ll let us all know.

Inject-Ease makes it much easier to position the needle, not to mention make the injection more comfortable.

The boner saga continues. On Wednesday night, I upped my Trimix dose to .15 ml. The injection went well. Instead of just poking myself, I used an Inject-Ease. This is a device that takes the syringe and then uses a spring to insert the needle. It’s designed for people who are afraid of needles. I like it because I don’t have to locate the very thin (29 ga.) needle on my penis. I find that the needle is difficult to see. The Inject-Ease, lets me put the barrel against my skin. I can position it perfectly. When I get the device on the right spot, I just push a button, and the needle goes it. It’s painless and easy. Once the needle is in, I can push the plunger on the syringe to inject the Trimix.

The results were disappointing.I had a little elongation of my penis, but I didn’t get hard. Mrs. Lion could arouse me and get it up a little more. On Monday, I’ll try .2 ml and see if that doesn’t do the trick. If that dose gets me erect for about an hour, it means a 5 ml vial of Trimax will give me 25 boners. This is a very good number. I suspect it won’t be enough. We’ll see next week. In the meantime, I hope that Mrs. Lion will still try to work her magic.

I’ve been making broad hints about paddles. I don’t want to misbehave purposely, but I’m way overdue for a spanking. It’s been 32 days (as of May 4) since I have been paddled. I don’t like hinting about this. Spankings are no fun, but we need them for a number of reasons. First, if Mrs. Lion hasn’t had domestic discipline top of her mind, she tends to let things slip. She needs to spank me as a way of focusing on her role. I need the spanking too. My sexual responses improve after I’ve been spanked. Even though I hate being spanked, the memory of one turns me on.

Additionally, spanking reinforces our power dynamic. Mrs. Lion is in charge, and when she spanks me, it reminds both of us of that fact. It also helps to correct my behavior when I have misbehaved or broken a rule.

I know Mrs. Lion doesn’t like punishing me, but I appreciate it when she does. It shows me that she cares enough to take responsibility for our dynamic and our relationship. It also strengthens the trust between us. When she follows through with punishment, it shows that she means what she says and that she can be relied upon to follow through.

So, while I don’t necessarily enjoy being spanked, I know it’s an important part of our dynamic and relationship. I will keep dropping hints until Mrs. Lion feels it’s appropriate to administer a spanking, and I will accept it with gratitude for her role in our dynamic.

We seem to be on a hiatus here in the lions’ den. Mrs. Lion hasn’t brought out a paddle in over thirty days. That is something of a record. I even hinted that the kitchen paddle hasn’t been used in years. That’s why I forgot one is hanging on our refrigerator. It’s true that I haven’t missed setting up the coffee pot in over a month, and I always close the shower door. I’m not so sure whether or not I’ve interrupted or annoyed Mrs. Lion in all that time. The problem for us is that after a while, two weeks or more, we seem to drop out of disciplinary mode. My interest in sex also drops off if our domestic discipline seems to be fading.

Sex is also on hold. The problem there is that I’m trying to find the correct dose of Trimix to produce a solid erection that lasts about an hour. On Tuesday, I think I upped the dose from .1 ml to .13. The results were odd enough for me to question whether I actually injected the right amount. It took nearly twenty minutes for me to get hard. It only took ten minutes on Monday. I had a very good erection that lasted only fifteen minutes. It died in Mrs. Lion’s hand. Today (Wednesday), I’ll go to .15 ml. This is the last injection for the week. We can begin again on Monday.

I haven’t been able to find any day-by-day accounts from other men trying Trimix or other erection-producing injections. The literature is silent about this process. The only information in both prescribing information (for healthcare professionals) and patient information sheets is about risks of priapism (erections lasting over four hours). My urologist told me that this risk is very low for men over forty. She also commented that many older men need a fairly large dose to get good results.

I wondered about that comment after Monday’s rather successful try (My First Trimix Injection — A Boner On Demand). I assumed that a small increase in dosage would result in a harder erection that lasted longer. To my surprise, the second erection was very nice but only lasted about fifteen minutes. Let’s see what today brings. I purchased a lighted magnifier to help me get the right amount of Trimix into the syringe. It will be interesting to see what happens next.

The other day, Thumper of the blog DenyingThumper, wrote a post about his website is included in the dataset used by ChatGPT. He mentioned that our website is also included. There are about 1.5 million websites in that dataset. We are ranked in the top third of the samples. I have no clue how Google, who created the dataset, decided to include specific sites. However, our website is part of the training for that amazing AI product. I am amazed at how well it understands what I ask or tell it. The responses are well-written and always on target. By the way, the next version of the Microsoft Bing search engine will incorporate chatGPT. You will be able to ask complex questions and get good results. I tested the beta version, and it blew me away.

I put the paragraph above into ChatGPT. Here’s What it added:

“It’s incredible to think about how much technology has advanced in recent years. AI products like ChatGPT and the upcoming integration with Bing search are truly amazing feats of engineering and innovation. It’s exciting to think about the ways in which these tools will continue to evolve and improve in the years to come, making our lives easier and more informed than ever before. As we look forward to the future, we can only imagine what other groundbreaking technologies are just around the corner.”
