I worked an hour later than normal yesterday. I’m attempting to make up some of the time I missed on Monday and to dig myself out from under the mountain of work on my desk. By the time I got home and we ate, it was fairly late. My shower was late and when I showed up with paddle in hand, Lion was not in the mood.

I told him I wanted to swat a pantied butt. I have no idea why. Would it really make a difference if he had panties on or not? Since I hadn’t noticed that he was wearing them – something he pointed out – I decided to make a bigger deal out of the panties than I normally would have. Plus, who knows, maybe it would be different.

Lion said he didn’t think I was actually going to spank him. I guess he thought it was late. Maybe he thought I forgot. I was actually going to beg off because I was achy from head to toe, but then I thought that would just be an excuse. I can make it through 300 swats even if I do just want to crawl under the covers.

It turns out Lion was achy too. His back and legs were sore. He didn’t know why. I suggested maybe it was because of our weekend shopping spree through the local grocery store and Costco. Then he cooked on Monday night. Lots of standing and walking for two people who haven’t done much of either in a while.

So I gave Lion 150 swats. Pantied swats sound different from naked swats. It was more thuddy. I started off too hard, but I adjusted. It wasn’t until after the spanking that Lion told me he was achy. But I figured we hadn’t done our experiment in over a week and the Super Bowl was a bust in terms of swats, so I took it easy on the old buns.

When we snuggled and my weenie responded, I had the last few ruined orgasms on my mind. I couldn’t give him another one. I’d just edge him. But not too close. And, although he was horny, it was late so it took some time for him to get to the edge. I’m sure his achy legs and back played a part in it. I decided to give him a full orgasm long before he got to that point.

First, it would erase the possibility of a ruined orgasm. Second, it would reset the clock. He can look back on the last ejaculation with fondness since it wasn’t ruined. And he may have to look back a while. Who knows when he’ll have another orgasm?

I completely forgot about having Lion wear frilly panties yesterday. He was on a work call when I finished my post and it wasn’t until he was making dinner that I remembered. Worse yet, I was going to take out a pair for him to wear around the house today and forgot that too. I just had to email him to tell him to put some on when he gets home from his afternoon appointment. Better late than never, I guess.

This morning I was just trying to figure out if Lion had reminded me about punishment day yesterday when he emailed saying he thought he forgot. We’re quite the pair! We remember things eventually. I think he’s probably due for a spanking experiment anyway. I’ll take care of that when I get home…assuming I remember.

I think we’re both still in some form of shock about Lion’s surgery. On the one hand, it’s an answer to what’s been going on with him. On the other, did it have to be that answer? Surgery is scary enough without it being spinal surgery. I also think having it scheduled a month away is good and bad. It’s good because Lion can get a project done for work. It’s bad because that gives both of us a month to think (and overthink) about it.

Maybe tonight’s experiment spanking will get us a little more back to normal. I don’t know if he’ll be horny again after his ruined orgasm from a few days ago, but between the panties and the spanking his cravings for sexual attention might be jump started.

Not only did the Rams lose in what had to be the most boring Super Bowl ever, but we also got snow yesterday into today. Western Washington does not do snow well. I heard on the news that there were a hundred trucks out plowing Seattle. Granted, we don’t see much snow west of the Cascades, but they always seem surprised when it happens, even if they’ve known about the storm for a week. Anyway, I’m losing yet another day of work because the roads are fairly treacherous. Actually, I could probably make it. I have four-wheel drive. Lion doesn’t want me to chance somebody else not being able to drive in snow crashing into me. Better safe than sorry.

It looked like Lion’s prediction of a 3-0 football game was going to come true. I was fine with that as long as the Rams had the three points. They didn’t. Well, they got them, but it wasn’t enough. By the time the Patriots scored the last field goal, I was so annoyed I forgot that Lion was supposed to get four swats for each point. I only gave him two swats per point. Oh well. There’s always next year.

I’m not sure if the swats he got were enough to make him horny or if he was already horny, but Lion wanted some action. I edged him quite a few times before I went too far.


The past few times we’ve played I’ve been trying to edge him over and over to break him. I want to get to the point where he just can’t be edged anymore. I suppose giving him a ruined orgasm meets that criteria but it’s not the way I want to do it. I don’t want him to have a ruined orgasm. That’s not the plan.

Lion was grumbling while he brushed his teeth that he’s tired of ruined orgasms. Me too! But hey, too bad, buddy. If I want to give you ruined orgasms ten times in a row, then that’s what will happen. I don’t. I’d already said it wasn’t my intention to give him one last night. Why grumble about it? That’s the same as grumbling about having a real orgasm because he wanted to wait longer. Tough toenails. Pull up your frilly panties and move on.

Hmmm…frilly panties. Maybe he should be wearing some today.

If you’re unfamiliar with one of our more ridiculous traditions, allow me to fill you in. Some poor groundhog in Pennsylvania is yanked out of his slumber to predict when spring will come. If the groundhog sees his shadow, we’re in for six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, then spring will arrive early. For people who can count, it’s always six weeks until spring officially arrives anyway, but I understand the appeal of hoping for an early unofficial start to spring.

In another context, there’s a Bill Murray movie in which every day is a repeat of groundhog day. This is the connotation I’d like to address. On Facebook, there have been a lot of posts saying that January was quite a year. Yes. Yes, it was. Between going to the doctor, falling several times, getting a a scary diagnosis and scheduling surgery, January was a difficult year for Lion. I’m looking forward to February being a lot calmer. As a matter of fact, if we have to continue today for a few weeks, I’m game.

The dog woke us up around eight this morning. I was in the middle of a dream so I was groggy. It was quite an effort to get out of bed to make breakfast. I don’t feel great but I don’t feel horrible. Lion has been seeing a little better lately. His ankle is still sore but a lot better than it has fe;t for a few days. Best of all, it’s Saturday. If we want to waste our day in bed watching TV, we can. I don’t want to tempt fate but so far so good.

Lion announced he was horny yesterday. He hadn’t slept much the night before and I was very tired too, so I didn’t think there was much chance of anything happening but we did snuggle a bit. He’s been studying his MRI and researching his condition and the surgery. Now we wait. In the meantime, we can play our Super Bowl game tomorrow and play in general until the surgery in about six weeks. I suspect Lion will want to be waxed prior to then since there won’t be any waxing going on while he recovers. We’ll prepare the house and Lion, and life will go on.

In some ways, it’s a relief to have a plan. In others, well, we wish it wasn’t this plan. But here’s to Groundhog Day. May it be as uneventful as it’s started out.

[Lion — I’ve been thinking about my lack of body hair. Part of my surgery involves needles being placed into pretty much every muscle group on my body. Happily, this is done after I’m unconscious. The point is to monitor my spinal cord performance. This means that the surgical team will be closely involved with every inch of me. I’ve been wondering if it wouldn’t be better to let my peach fuzz grow out. On the other hand, if I’m not waxed it’s still going to be obvious that I remove body hair. I’m trying to decide if I give a damn about it. The more I think about it, the less I care. Wax away, Mrs. Lion!]