This morning, I made an unusual commute to work. We had a meeting for the whole team. These meetings are rarely for the whole team. It usually highlights something this department did or what the other department is about to do. This time, however, it was, at least in part, about the new software we are about to use. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t as boring as the other meetings. Afterward, I had a training session during which I found out just how distasteful my job will become once we transition. At first, nothing much will change for me. Then I’ll be working out of both the old and the new system. Blech! I’m not looking forward to that.

I picked up lunch on the way home and we spent a little while together. We haven’t been apart for that long in ages. I normally run out to pick up prescriptions or do other shopping and I’m home in an hour or so. This was over five hours. I’m now back at my home office desk and I’m realizing how tired I am. I didn’t sleep well. I knew I had to be up a little earlier than usual and that throws me off. Lion said I was snoring loudly, so he didn’t get much sleep.

On the way home, I was trying to decide what I should do with Lion tonight. He may not be horny yet, but that doesn’t mean he won’t enjoy something. I mean, he won’t like IcyHot. He never likes that. But he does love to have his balls tied up. That’s something that he’d like whether or not he was in the mood for anything else. I’ll know pretty much right away if he’s enjoying himself. We can proceed from there.

Of course, it’s always possible we’ll be too tired to do much of anything. I know I will be unless I get my second wind.

Lion wondered what his new rule was that I outlined yesterday. When I thought about it some more, I realized it’s just part of the don’t-piss-me-off rule. If he thinks his work is more important than mine, it pisses me off.

Don’t do that, Lion.

I did think of a real new rule just a few minutes ago. Since Lion doesn’t usually wear a shirt, he doesn’t usually spill anything on himself anymore. I never said he couldn’t spill on his chest or face. On the other hand, it’s not okay to spill things on the bed either. Last week, I had just changed the bed, and we were eating dinner, and Lion spilled food on the comforter. I just changed it. Do you know how frustrating that is?

Changing the bed is one of my most hated, he-can’t-help-me-with-it chores. I do not want to do it twice in one day. I don’t even want to do it weekly. (I’m a slob.) I can’t tell you how long I’d wait to change the bed if it was up to me. You’d probably barf. You’re probably barfing now, knowing I don’t want to do it weekly. How often are you supposed to change a bed? Yeah. No. I wouldn’t. Lion is the only reason I change it as often as I do. So why would his spilling food onto the bed become a rule? It’s because he’ll be after me to change it again, possibly sooner than I want to, which we already established is not often.

If he can clean up his act (literally) by not spilling on his shirt, maybe he can do it with the bed. There’s his first new rule in a long time that really makes sense. Of course, I suppose even this could fall under the don’t-piss-me-off rule, but then most things could. What’s for dinner? Don’t piss me off. Can you get the mail? Don’t piss me off. I’m not that bad. Well, I’m not quite that bad.

You’ll be happy to know that the poor, hen-pecked Lion got an orgasm last night. It was the first time we felt well enough to do anything sexual. I edged him a few times first. I had to. I couldn’t just let him think he would have an orgasm on the first try. That’s no fun. Plus, it builds suspense. I’d like to say it builds semen, but he hasn’t produced much lately. I think he’s out of practice. No problem. I’ll make sure he gets more.

Today is a very busy day. I’m trying to help a coworker deal with an issue with another coworker. I’m doing training modules for our new computer system. And I’m still doing my regular work. Oh, and the dog thinks I should be playing with her non-stop. Ironically, Lion thinks I should be playing with him too, but he’ll wait till later.

I think we’re both feeling better. Lion’s back and shoulder hurt yesterday. We snuggled last night and I fondled my weenie. Neither of us expected it to go any further than fondling. Tonight, however, we’re hoping it will. I don’t know if I’ll spank him. That may wait another day or two. I just want to get back into some sort of routine. Not a boring routine. I want to get back to normal. Lion thinks we aren’t intimate unless I’m holding him to his rules. As he said, I suspended the rule about eating because he can’t see very well. He doesn’t wear clothes much so he doesn’t spill on himself. The only real rule left is the coffee pot and I catch him with that all the time. I haven’t been able to come up with any other rules. When he behaves himself I do “just because” spankings. I haven’t done one in a while because either one, the other, or both of us have been under the weather. Now we’re fine so the beatings can resume.

I have been thinking of a rule. I’ve been working from home for a few months. Lion has been writing and rewriting a book. When something needs to be done around here, he’ll say he’s busy writing. Uh huh. And I’m busy working. It’s true that my job is a series of starts and stops throughout the day, but it’s not like I can just chuck it and do what I want. (Of course, I’m chucking it right now so I can write this post.) My point is that his work isn’t any more or less important than mine. If it’s a chore or issue that he can deal with, he should be available to deal with it just like I am. Do I need to stop what I’m doing right this second to deal with the robot vacuum cleaner not working? I don’t necessarily think so, but Lion does. Can he make a phone call to ask a question that either of us can ask? I think so. I understand that getting yourself into the mindset of writing may be different from my work and you don’t want to stop the flow of creative juices, but I get interrupted by coworkers’ phone calls and emails all day. All I’m asking for is a little balance.

[Lion — What’s the new rule?]

I am happy to report that I am 99% better. I can still feel whatever it was lurking in the background and I’m sure if I do too much, I’ll feel it, but I need to do things today. Both of us spent a few hours napping on and off yesterday while watching TV. By dinner time, neither of us was hungry and Lion’s tummy was yucky, but we ate homemade chicken soup and that seemed good for both of us. Lion’s shoulder was hurting a lot last night, so even if I was able to give him attention, he wasn’t looking for any. The pain kept him awake a lot last night.

At some point, both of us will be well enough to enjoy each other’s company again. I mean, of course, close company. We always enjoy being together, even if we aren’t touching. Luckily, Lion’s right shoulder is the one that hurts, so holding hands is still on the table. I think he needs a combination of heating pad and a different pillow to support his shoulder. He’s spent more time in bed since he wasn’t feeling well and that has exacerbated his shoulder issues.

What I’ve been writing isn’t particularly interesting lately. Those are the perils of being the play-by-play guy. If there’s no game, there’s nothing to report on. I will say that Lion made sure the coffee pot was set up for this morning. He thought he’d done it for yesterday morning. He wanted to make sure not to tempt fate. He knew sooner or later I’d feel well enough to uphold his rules. He doesn’t want that spanking bench to come out any time soon. Of course, I won’t spank him if he doesn’t feel well. He needs time to recover as well.

Today, after I’ve run errands and done some chores, I’ll look for the weighted heating pad for Lion’s shoulder. I’ve got to get him back into fighting form.

[Lion — I took a pain pill and feel fine. My shoulder doesn’t hurt when I am on the spanking bench, so no excuse for me there. I was worried about Mrs. Lion. I’m relieved she is feeling better.]