blind lion
blind lion rescued by ADI. I’m rescued by Mrs. Lion.

This certainly counts as one of those times when the going is rough. I’m scheduled for two surgeries to try to save my vision. We are in the process of moving to a different house. The good news is that in the new house I can be picked up door-to-door by a special disabled bus. This will save Mrs. Lion leaving work to chauffeur me to various appointments. I haven’t been able to get any physical therapy because it would require her to miss even more time at the office. My employer is being terrific about this and allows me to work around the medical issues.

For the time being, the spilling food rule has been suspended. I’m grateful for that. I can’t see well enough to know where I’m putting food right now. Every meal is an adventure. In one way I’m a little sorry the rule isn’t in force. I wouldn’t be able to eat anymore neatly if it were, but might be more of an adventure if my bottom got spanked after inevitable misses. Disabilities or no disabilities, I like adventure.

I’m also lucky because our current landlord isn’t going to rigorously push us out the door at the end of the lease. Of course, we are doing our best to meet the schedule, but they know with my issues we could easily be late. We’ve been here 13 years and that builds up a lot of capital.

A few years ago we decided we would then out our toy collection. Seattle has something called The Center for Sex Positive Culture. It’s an organization that sponsors parties and workshops in all sorts of BDSM and other naughty activity. Mrs. Lion and I figured they could auction off the toys, they were very expensive custom toys, and use the proceeds to help them in their cause. When we brought them to their headquarters they did say thank you. That was the last we heard from. We expected some sort of communication about the value of our donation. Like many BDSM associations, good manners don’t seem to be something that is valued. We have surplus toys now. We aren’t going to give them away. We’ll either sell them or send them to landfill. Frankly, landfill is more grateful than The Center.

All these health problems bring home the fact that we are done with organized BDSM. Our activities will be private. Most will be punishment directed in forcing our FLRD. I’m sure that Mrs. Lion will find opportunities to just play. I’m good either way.

No one has ever been kinder to me than my lioness. She is sacrificing her time and energy and her paycheck to be sure that I am cared for. It’s not easy taking me from doctors appointments to other doctors appointments. She waits with me for hours until we get seem. She’ll be in the waiting room on Thursday while I get my glaucoma operation. She’ll be with me every second that I’m blind. She warned me that I better follow her instructions or I will be hurt. I get it. She’ll have to tell me where it’s safe to put my paws.

When I got home from the hospital after that terrible spinal surgery, I was virtually helpless. I needed help sitting up’s, standing, and doing absolutely everything else. Mrs. Lion took care of me. I hate putting her in a similar position again. This time I can do things for myself if I can find the things. I know will work it out. Nobody wants a clumsy, blind line bumping into everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be with Mrs. Lion. I’m hers and she’s mine. On a less romantic note, I wonder how she’ll feel about spanking the blind old lion. Just fine, I imagine. Without a doubt, I’ll find out.

I’ve also disproven that old wives tale that your goal blind if you masturbate. I’m going blind and I don’t masturbate. So there!

hsit brush
This us similar to the brush Mrs. Lion found when packing toys.

Mrs. Lion has been packing away our toy collection. It’s large. Under a pile of insertables, she found a hairbrush. It’s heavier than the one I gave her for our anniversary. It’s also narrower and has deep grooves in the back. I vaguely remember finding it years ago. I’ve been looking for hairbrushes on and off as long as Mrs. Lion and I have been together. I don’t have a hairbrush spanking fetish. I wasn’t spanked the child. I admit that I’m curious and I know Mrs. Lion likes to try different things.

For many years I collected various impact toys. I would find them at various large “conventions” I attended. There were always vendor tables. A few were populated by well-known whip makers and quite a few people who had a woodworking hobby. I rarely left an event without ordering a custom flogger and buying a paddle or two. In case you wondered, floggers are a lot like tennis rackets; the grip is manufactured to match my hand; the size and the weight and balance are right for me.

This was all during time I was a top. Oddly, I bought CBT toys. Since I didn’t play with male bottoms, they were obviously intended for eventual use on me. It’s true that every now and then I would bottom. Those toys didn’t get any real use until Mrs. Lion. She seems to really like cock and ball torture. But I digress.

When it comes to impact, Mrs. Lion is a paddle person. From the very beginning when she spanked me foreplay, she preferred a paddle. She also did some hand spanking as well. She has a surprisingly powerful hand. When it comes to punishment, it’s a paddle all the way. She’s had lots of opportunities to perfect her technique. She’s taken full advantage of those opportunities and has become a very effective spanker.

I’m a little surprised that she hasn’t settled on one or two “favorite” paddles. Each one requires a different technique to deliver maximum pain. When I asked her why she kept changing paddles, she told me that she didn’t want me to get bored. She needn’t worry. From my end of the paddle, the spoon shaped heavy paddle is her most effective weapon. Next, is the smaller, lighter tenderizer. The large tenderizer is heavy and thuddy. It might do more damage, but I like the thud. I hate the stinging blows from the smaller tenderizer.

So far, Mrs. Lion hasn’t been able to do much bruising. If you wonder why she might want to, consider that bruises tend to stay tender for a day or two. Otherwise, I stop feeling my spanking after an hour or two. It may be a matter of finding the right tool to use when she wants to inflict a bruise. I know several tops who have a paddle specifically for that purpose. I don’t know which of ours would be good for that, but then that’s not my job.

Mrs. Lion has suspended the spilling rule for the time being. It’s really not fair to penalize me for spilling. My vision is poor and I can’t really tell where the food is going. I am due for surgery on Thursday. I’m very concerned about this. They’re operating on my one functioning eye. Even if the operation is a complete success, my good eye will be bandaged overnight and I will be completely blind. If there are any complications even small ones, I could be without vision for some time. Needless to say this is not something I want to do. I plan to talk to the doctors later today to look for alternatives. Part of the reason they are anxious to do this quickly is that the only way to keep the pressure down in the good eye is by giving me pills with lots of side effects. One of them is that I am sleepy all the time. I’ll keep you posted.

my spanking hairbrush
This is the hairbrush I got for Mrs. Lion. It is light weight but packs a powerful sting. Click image to go to buying page.

It was great being with Mrs. Lion on our anniversary. Sex didn’t work out. I got her a small gift: a square paddle hairbrush, the traditional size and shape used for old-fashioned spankings. The wood is light weight. I wondered if it would be a useful tool for her. To my surprise, when she gave it a test drive, it really hurt. I felt its lingering effect for hours afterward. It could have been that I was pre-tenderized by my much heavier spanking the night before. That is certainly a possibility. The only way to rule that out is to use the hairbrush again this weekend.

It could be that the heft of the implement is less important than I thought. I do know that lighter weight paddles produce more unpleasant sting. Heavier implements generate a deeper thud. For example, when Mrs. Lion uses the smaller, lighter tenderizer paddle it stings and is thoroughly unpleasant. The larger, heavier tenderizer hurts in a different way and for me, at least, is easier to take. The heavier paddle produces more marks.

I didn’t intend my hairbrush gift to open up a line of research. I just figured I would offer Mrs. Lion a way to deal with any problems I might cause when away from home. I was also curious about this very traditional form of punishment. After all, grandma didn’t want to brush her hair with a four or 5 pound hairbrush just so that she had something effective for spankings.

For less than $20, Mrs. Lion can detangle her hair and keep me well behaved. There is a hairbrush spanking subculture. These are people, both spankers and spankees who have a hairbrush fetish. We don’t. We do have a hairbrush -shaped paddle designed for over the knee or other close work. It’s much heavier and has no bothersome bristles. For a while, Mrs. Lion kept it in her purse. It’s heavy and impossible to explain should somebody see it. Her new brush looks right at home in her purse.

The other day in her post, she put me on notice that if my behavior went outside her behavioral “good lion box” I was in for it. One “it” was growling at me, which she did on the lawn when I complained about being abandoned. She made it clear that my bottom would be involved other times. Since moving is something that stresses me more than anything else, I’m pretty sure I will be outside her box fairly often. Believe it or not, I bought that brush long before she mentioned her box concept. I just thought it was something she should have. After all, every lioness needs a sturdy hairbrush in her purse.

spahing spoon on lion's butt
The Winner!! This is the chechin spanking spoon shown on our size indicator (my butt). It’s made from very dense Chechen wood. This is the meanest paddle we own.
(Click image to view larger)

Last weekend I spilled some food on my shirt. I was sentenced to three days of spankings. That’s the normal sentence for spilling. The spankings didn’t occur on consecutive days. Mrs. Lion was tired on a couple of days so it took about five days to deliver the three spankings. That in itself isn’t unusual. What was unusual was the intensity of her punishments. They were all far more intense than prior spankings. She couldn’t explain it. It was abundantly clear to me, however.

Each spanking went on substantially longer than her previous punishments. Additionally, she paid strong attention to areas I don’t remember feeling her paddle hit in the past. Particularly, she made a point of thoroughly chastising my upper thighs paying very close attention from the midpoint all the way around to the outer sides of both thighs. This is a very sensitive area and each swat was memorable. She also made a point of stretching open my crack and applying many blows as far inside as she could get. First she did it to one side and then the other this was a brand-new sort of pain and very effective in getting my attention.

She paid particular attention and energy on the lower third of my bottom across the center. In the past, she hit more to each side than in the center, while getting some center attention, was largely neglected. Now she’s making a point of providing substantial coverage in this previously-underdeveloped area.

She’s also been experimenting with different paddles. From my perspective on the receiving end, the spoon shaped, long-handled heavy paddle is the most effective in delivering strong sensation. It’s particularly effective reaching those neglected areas when she spreads open my crack. It’s also very good at catching the lower crack spots. I think it’s the most effective tool she has. She’s also used her conveyor belt strap. This is another very effective spanking tool. I always thought it was the most vicious. The combination of its flexible material and its heavyweight seemed to make it extremely good at delivering a lot of force to a small area.

However, in Mrs. Lion’s hands the heavy, hardwood spanking spoon hurts considerably more than the conveyor belt strap. This could be due to the fact that she holds back the strap or it could be the spoon shaped paddle offers her better overall leverage. In any case, from my position on the bottom, the spanking spoon wins.

Mrs. Lion has been talking about the need to keep me inside the box during these especially stressful times. This requires her to have at least some way to physically punish me when her normal tools are not immediately available. Traditionally, an innocuous-appearing hairbrush that resides in the purse is used not for grooming, but for on-the-spot corrections. It’s surprisingly difficult to find an appropriate brush for this purpose.

I did a lot of searching and finally found one that is the right shape and size. It’s quite lightweight. I imagine it will sting but not do much deeper damage. A heavier brush would be more appropriate for me. However, the lighter brush will be easier to carry around and should do the job for impromptu reminders. I’ll continue to look for better versions, but in the meantime this should do the job nicely.

If you’re wondering why I chose to talk about being spanked the day after our 14th anniversary, it’s because it’s one of the most difficult and profound changes in our relationship that we’ve made over the last 14 years. We’ve wholeheartedly adopted a Female Led Relationship with Discipline (FLRD) and I am regularly spanked as required to correct my behavior. I don’t think either of us expected our marriage to go this way when it began 14 years ago. I also don’t think either of us expected FLRD to last and flourish until it became an indispensable part of the way we live.

It has. There is no discussion about stopping it or lightning up. There is only encouragement to increase its intensity and Mrs. Lion’s span of authority. We would be more likely to give up sex than spanking.